
Face off

The enraged man seemed to not notice a surge of ice icicles rising up from underneath him as they went through his body like knives through butter. 

He didn't even seem phased by the pain or the damage, and all he did was grin, looked toward the source of the ice attack, and spat a drop of concentrated black poison in that direction.

"TAKE COVER!" I shouted to Yuyu who did as told hiding behind a massive-sized tree.

Only for the drop of poison to immediately set the tree ablaze in purple and black flames upon contact.

Yuyu dove forward before the poisonous fumes or fire would touch her, but she was not as fast as she expected.

Some of the poisonous matter touched upon the rims of her dress and began flaring up.

She immediately tore it and threw it away while backing from the poison that was setting the ground aflame.