

"An undead… we've been calling them walkers for a while, they don't look like Jiangshi. Since they look…natural, in their extraordinariness."

"Indeed, Jiangshis are usually made by hand, but these look untampered with, and Jiangshis don't infect others, as you mentioned before. Zombies do…" the last part I kept to myself.

"Why the walls?" I asked.

"They can't climb them, the walls are too smooth and too tough for their claws to pierce through. They'll just slide down if they were to try and climb them. And they can't use Qi to fly no matter their cultivation level. They're all grounded. So we decided to erect these walls to stop them form entering the city," the general added.

"Interesting," I replied. "And they just do this? Roam about until the 'morning?'"

"Yes, once it's closer to morning hours, they burrow back deep into the sand and then just disappear," he said.

"Disappear? How can they just disappear?"