

The situation wasn't looking good.

How the hell are creatures this strong held up in a place like this? The facility clearly doesn't seem fully capable of containing them. If things like this were to be released outside, a calamity will ensue.

However, I had to immediately eat my words, as I saw what they all had on their wrists. They all had the same shackles as we did.

Meaning, that they were also prisoners of this place, and if they were to leave, they'll lose their ability. No wonder they remained here. For at least here they could defend themselves, while outside they're completely useless.

Our goal was ahead of us, in sight, but we couldn't get to it easily.

To walk between all these things, undetected would be close to a miracle.

"How are we going to go there?" Liang Yu asked me.

I frowned trying to think up a way to cross the room, then I almost facepalmed myself and only stopped because the sound would have woken them up.