
Cat and Mice

Currently, we were at one end of a tunnel, and the middle ground was a massive semi-sphere that held inside it numerous buildings, but since the glass making the sphere had broken, the whole area was run down with water, and after ages long, it became a playground for the fish and sea beasts. This was just the sea reclaiming its territory. But the problem was, that we needed to cross this spherical area. It was wide and large enough for the One-Eyed Kraken to fit inside it with more room than needed to move around.

With a watchful gaze on us, he waited until we went into the water-flooded area of the Sect of the Deeps. Patiently.

"How fast can you all swim to the other side?" I asked as I pointed forward.

"Without that One-Eyed Kraken here, it should take us a bit less than an incense stick worth of time," Huang replied.

Looking at our group, only Y would have trouble following my plan, so I called him into the book.