
Chapter Seven

 A few months past and Luna, Jasper and Holly they had several hunting lessons and defensive moves tough to them, though they still where not the greatest at hunting or fighting. Connie wanted the best she could provide for them. She knew soon she would have to leave them or they leave her to go start a new life some where. While out practicing hunting moves Connie smelled a male bear. She lets out a warning almost to late the second the pups started moving, the male bear came dashing out of the woods growling. Connie ran towards the male bear and stood between him and her pups she wasn't about to let the bear touch them. She quickly started to attack the bear getting its attention on her and not her pups.

 The bear swang a massive paw at Connie but she was to quick and jumped out. She knew she was no match for the bear he was four times her size and looked like he gone mad from hunger. Connie try to be quick and run and hide under a bush but the bear was faster and smashed her into the side of a tree, sounds of bone breaking could be heard. She tried to get up but couldn't from the pain she was feeling so she laid their watching the bear walk towards her slowly. When a howl could be heard in the clearing her eyes looked past the bear to see Luna standing tall with her tail high. Luna sent another challenging howl at the bear. He turned towards Luna slowly approaching because he knew he had the upper hand. What the bear didn't know was Lunas siblings was not far on each side, when he got close Jasper and Holly leaped out of the bushes on each side biting and clawing at the bears face.

 He started to rear up from the pain the foxes was infecting on him. Luna lunge for his throat biting down hard and held on for dear life. She knew if she let go they would die. Jasper manged to pull out the bears hind leg with the help of Holly bring the bear falling to the ground. When he hit the ground it caused Luna to lose her hold the bear saw this and got up and fled for his life he was crazy but not crazy enough to die at the hands of a wolf and two foxes.

Luna, Jasper and Holly all walked over to their mother who was gasping for air. Connie smiled weakly at them "m-my babies where b-brave enough to take on a bear for m-me" she said softly while smiling. Connie looks at her three pups she then looks directly over at Luna and says "I found you on a dirt trail m-my love I knew you were a wolf probably f-from the wolfs on the other s-side of the mountains. You n-need to be with y-your own kind" she says while gasping for air "Please p-promise me you will f-find your own kind Luna" she pleads. "I promise you mother I'll find my kind and become the best wolf there is" Luna crys to her mother.

 Connie now hearing this takes her last breath and goes still all the while you can her crys for her. Luna, Jasper and Holly all take turns digging her grave and sit with her till the next morning. "Well Luna we wish you the best but we think it's time we left" Jasper says with Holly looking sad but nods her head in agreement. Luna walks over to Jasper and Holly and gently touches noses to each of the wishing them fare well. Luna sits down for a minute looking up at the mountains. "On the other side of these mountains huh" she whispers to her self.