
please reset the booktitle Fulmineboltex 20231218092329 72

Ready to swallow the light? In September 2019, the world was thrown into chaos as a monster invasion began to overthrow everything we know – morals, politics, science and society. In the midst of this upheaval, a young man named Deimos finds himself at the center of it all. Despite his cynical nature, he must navigate this new reality and figure out how to adjust to this new environment. Disclamer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Fulmineboltex · 奇幻
32 Chs

4 - The Strong(2)

[Moscow, Russia]

Inside a luxurious suite the famous model and figure skating world champion Sofia Vasiliev was once again lashing at her assistant.

"You bitch! I saw you flirting with Sergei!" She screamed with an high-pitched tone.

"N-no… Miss I… We just bumped into each other while I was coming here with your afternoon schedule." Irina replied in a terrified tone.


Sofia slapped Irina's cheek. The girl collapsed on the ground tearing up.

"You think I'm playing games here HUH?!? Just bumping into each other? My ass you filthy slut."

The model was quite famous for her bad temper. Due getting closer to her 23rd birthday as well as the slow decay of her skating skills, she had been directing her frustrations and rage towards the poor girl. Irina Roslyakova was a 17 years old figure skating prodigy, she chose to be Sofia's assistant under the promise of becoming her apprentice.

Before the abused girl could say a word Vasilev started stomping on her.

"Pls, stop hitting me! I can't handle this anymore." Irina begged while crying in pain.

However Sofia didn't stop, instead she started hitting her with even more fury. The assistant was now bleeding as bruises covered her body.

"You really thought that you could replace me? Get real, I will never teach you! HAHAHAH none is going to remember you after I fire you anyway. At this point you should just disappear on your own."

That was the last strand, something broke inside Irina. 'All of what I endured was for nothing? All that suffering just to be casted away? No..No.. You should be the one to disappear! '


The model felt extremely hot in her lower abdomen. She looked down and an expression of dread and confusion appeared on her face. A sharp shard of ice was striking out of her stomach with blood slowly pouring out. Irina unaware of the fact felt relieved since the beating stopped.


The young girl instinctively looked in the direction of the sound. The body of her childhood idol was laying on the ground. She stood-up to take a closer look, but as she got on her feet a shocking sight was displayed.

The entire room was coated by a layer of ice and it was getting thicker by the second, even more odd she wasn't feeling cold at all.

Once again she looked where she last saw Sofia. Instead of her idol she saw a frozen corpse with a hole in her stomach. Irina simply stood in place, completely broken in her spirit she passed out.

The teenager was later found by one of the hotel's staff members.

[Mt. Everest, China]

A man in his sixties was sitting in the lotus position inside of a cave while not a single sound could be heard.

<Tap Tap Tap> The sound of footsteps was getting closer by the second.

A youngster made his entrance, interrupting the meditation of the elder. Han Qian was panting heavily, it was clear that he ran for a long time to reach this secluded cave.

"Master! The prophecy is true, the sacred energy has reached earth."

The old man opened his sealed eyes. Utter calm could be perceived from his gaze.

"Why do you think we kept this sect alive for thousands of years? Gather all the members." Zhang Xiaong stated with a stern deep voice.

"As you command, master"

[Las Vegas, USA]

Noah Smith was playing in a casino as usual. Every piece of his outfit was from luxury brands. The man in 25 years of living never had to worry about a thing. He was the third son of the billionaire Warren Smith. Noah had no interest in taking over his father's financial empire, instead he spent his days gambling, drinking and womanizing.

"Royal flush!" The dealer exclaimed in pure stupor.

For the second time in a single night Noah hit the jackpot

"What is happening? How can someone be so lucky? He must be cheating!" One of the player complained.

"Shut up loser, tour poor ass shouldn't be allowed in this place." Noah replied.

"What did you say little bastard?" The player stood up, his face completely red from anger.

"You wanna have a go?"

Before the security could stop things from escalating, the player threw a right hook aiming at Noah's ribs, however something awkward unfolded. The man tripped on his own, smashing his face on the gaming table. Smith took a good laugh and left the casino without even cashing out his chips.

[Rio de janeiro, Brazil]

10 years old Josè Alvares was running through the alleys as usual. He was an orphan that grew up in the slums. Even though he was living a hard life, he still tried to work towards his dream. A year prior he found a few books in one of the many illegal dumps around the city. In just a few days he fell in love with chemistry.

'I'm going to save up the money for college even if I have to do some dirty work.'

Josè slowed down as he got closer to the richer quarters of the metropolis. He scanned his surroundings, looking for any potential prey.

'Hoho! There are quite a few loaded tourists today, that German family looks particularly appealing.'

The kid swiftly moved from alley to alley getting slightly ahead of his target's path. He laid his back on a wall lurking right behind a corner. The family, unaware of the fact, kept walking and…Josè came around the corner bumping into the adults.

"Poor boy are you alright?" The mother asked.

Without answering he walked away like nothing happened.

"HAH! My wallet! Where is my wallet?! My watch as well! Damn that rascal!" As the adult realized that he got robbed he turned around looking for Josè, however he already disappeared in the crowd.

"HEHEHE" a grin of joy appeared on the boy's face.'Quite the big catch! There is at least 1500$ in cash, and this watch? I can tell it's expensive just by looking at it.'

Josè, excited by his heist, didn't hear the loud honking of a car until it was too late. As he turned his head only one thought reached his mind. 'Well, Shit.'


Instead of crashing every part of the car that came in contact with the kid became liquid leaving him completely unharmed.

Hope you like this quick glimpse to future's prodigies.

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