
please reset the booktitle BukunmiOloyede 20231218092329 62

Mylar Rodriguez a waitress at Gentleman's club, a famous night club in Brooklyn, New York city finds herself in a huge mess when her boss reveals his intention of keeping her with him for as long as he pleased with the excuse of making her pay the loan of $80000 she took from him to save her mother life some years back. While looking for ways out of this mess, she finds herself in a much bigger mess that involved young billionaire Camilo Wylder, son of Julian Wylder, best business man in the whole of New york. She got pregnant for him after a one night stand she did out of compulsion. She didn't want to go and tell him knowing how he is or perhaps how people portrayed him. But months after taking care of the pregnancy on her own, she realised that it was difficult. So when her only friend Vida from Gentleman's club advised her to tell Camilo, she agreed and the went together. Luckily for her, at the time she came Mr Julian was pressuring his son to get married and have his own child, so when she came into the picture he happily accepted her but they were to have a contact marriage that would last for three years. Camilo hated her so much for coming into his life and ruining all his fun. So severally he tried to frustrate her out of the house but in all his attempts, he made himself suffer instead. Mylar becomes famous with the help of Camilo's younger brother. Elio, Camilo's younger brother and Mrs Camila, Camilo's mom liked Mylar very much and treated her like family but some others hated her especially Miss Emelda, Camilo's nanny and confidant. Elio falls in love with Vida and a new love story is formed. Mylar's curiosity reveals all the family's dirty secrets. Mr Julian's love affair and his plan to make Mrs Camila totally crazy by giving her the wrong drugs just to keep her properties for himself. Mylar saves Camilo from being killed by Mr Julian after he found out that he isn't his dad. Mystery finds it way into romance and romance finds it way into Mystery.

BukunmiOloyede · 奇幻言情
4 Chs


As they sat down in the living room patiently waiting for Mrs Isabella's arrival, they heard a horn outside and the intercom also buzzed.

As soon as she heard, Miss Emelda quickly went outside and after some minutes the door to the first sitting room opened, an elegant and well sophisticated woman catwalked in. She looked absolutely fabulous, with her sunglasses and small scarf tied around her neck.

Everything she was wearing on her body was very expressive just by looking at it and was definitely from well known brands. She wore a slouchy tailored emerald green gown, a non-fussy brown blazer, a delicate green color strapping sandals, a Mouawad brown purse (worth quite a lot), diamond earrings and other accessories, also having diamonds in them.

"Hello, buenos dias." She greeted with Mexican accent and with a smile on her pretty face, the face that looked quite young and smooth despite her age.

"Hello Mrs Isa..." Elio almost said but stopped himself from completing the sentence when remembered, he smiled and greeted her in the right way.

"Buenos dias abuelita."

She looked quite disappointed and instead of replying Elio's greeting, she said indirectly to Mr Julian.

"Elio, I thought someone here would have at least managed to teach you some manners but guess that someone can't do anything right?"

"Anyways como's estas, Elio?" She asked as she gave him a hug.

"I am fine, abuela." Elio replied with a smile. She had every ounce of sophistication in whatever she was did, her way of talking was refined and well polished, as she talks she always have a permanent smile.

She walked gracefully towards the rest of them and they all greeted her one after the other with a hug. Mrs Isabella wispered to Mr Julian as she gave him a hug.

"Ustedes estás useless." He got upset by this but smiled after she looked at him again with her false smile.

"So, this is the girl who opened her leg for my very stupid nieto to dumped his spooge into." She said and made a sad face at Mylar, then she turned towards Mr Julian and said.

"You are not even capable of handling your children? I thought you said you have been keeping Camilo under control so he wouldn't make sure stupid mistakes." Mr Julian explained himself.

"Mother, I have been doing all I can but it's not been easy on me."

"If you had handled him, he wouldn't have gotten a common waitress in a club pregnant and put our family to shame. Excuses is the only thing you are capable of giving, if you knew you couldn't carry such a weight on your shoulder then you could have just told me, i would have taken Camilo to Washington DC with me and handled him myself." Mrs Isabella said with a bit of rage.

"I only did that out of compulsion." Mylar wispered painfully but they all heard what she said. She was hurt by what Mrs Isabella said and couldn't stay quiet any longer and allow herself to be subjected to this kinds insults from people who had no right, whatsoever to say bad things about her. Mrs Isabella turned swiftly towards her and with a dangerous expression on her face, she asked.

"Compulsion you say, did he point a gun at your head to compel you into doing it?" Camilo smiled at the question, he was happy that Mylar was finally getting what she deserved and he also happy to have gotten another person who supports him apart from Miss Emelda.

"If you were in my situation ma'am, then you would know what I am talking about." Mylar said in reply to her question.

Mrs Isabella wanted to say something to her when Mrs Camila suddenly came downstairs. Mrs Isabella saw her daughter and her heart was immediately filled with joy that she forgot about her intention to insult Mylar.

Camila!!! She called out with so much happiness sounding in her voice. Mrs Camila turned to the person calling out her name but then looked away as if she didn't know the person.

She went to Mylar and stood by her side. Mrs Isabella moved closer to touch her but she ran behind Mylar and hid there.

Mrs Isabella looked shock and was immediately filled with dismay, she quietly wispered to Mr Julian and took him along with her leaving the others in the sitting room.

"She is not getting any better." Mrs Isabella said with a quell grief in her heart. Mr Julian looked sad too and said almost quietly.

"I have tried all i can, i took her to several hospitals and but there has still been no changes. She's still a shadow of herself, always frightened. But recently because of this Mylar, she started talking normally and it made me begin to hope and think that she is will get better but other times, that's not the case, she goes back.... back to being the way she was."

Mrs Isabella wiped off the tears on her face with her handkerchief. She straightened up again and went back to being tough and elegant, then she changed the topic by asking him.

"Have you dealt with the pending problem?"

"I will handle that soon." Mr Julian replied and Mrs Isabella shakes her head and said some really hurtful words that really broke Mr Julian's ego.

"You have always been so incompetent, that was why i refused to let you marry my daughter back then. I saw that you couldn't handle yourself, let alone.. my daughter but that girl insisted on it, i guess she just wanted to save the face of our family in public."

"A simple thing as finding the bastard who stole the company's money, you can't do it. If that problem disturbs the company that i and my husband built for years then i won't think twice before kicking you out. Not only from the business but from the world as well, you already know that i still don't like you nor trust you." Mrs Isabella said and looked at him in a threatening way. Mr Julian's hand shakes in fear as he stared back at Mrs Isabella.

"Mom, would you like some more chopped salad?" Mrs Camila asked and surprised everyone as they sat down to eat their breakfast.

"She ignored her mother when she saw her earlier and now she is talking to her in such a nice way. Is mom feeling okay?" Mylar thought to herself. Mrs Camila smiled when she heard Mrs Isabella's reply.

"Yes, my dear. I want lots of it." Mrs Camila served her the salad and sat down back on her seat.

After breakfast, Mrs Isabella called them all together to announce something important, a good news as she called it.

"Tomorrow, we are going to conduct a simple court wedding for Camilo and.... hmm Mylar." She said with her usual smile. Camilo's face turned pale, he could feel his heart beating faster than usual and his legs became weak, he knew this would happen but it still surprised him, Mylar just came out of nowhere and ruined his life.

Since she came, he hasn't been allowed to leave the house let alone do as he please. If it were before, by this time, he would be spending his morning with an endowed 'black ass lady or white ass lady' as he calls them, enjoying himself and having all the fun in the world.

"Why didn't she just get rid of the baby, instead of bothering me with it?" Camilo asked himself solemnly.

"Aren't you two excited?" Mrs Isabella asked looking from Camilo to Mylar, the looks on both their faces was priceless and she really wanted to laugh just by looking at them.

Elio felt so sorry for Mylar, a woman who decides to live with his brother has to endure a lot. But since he was here and he liked her so much, he made a promised to make things easy for her and save her from his 'idiot' of a brother.

"I don't care if you are ready or not. I already asked the lawyer to get the contract papers ready for tomorrow and you have to sign it. Whoever tries to breach the contract will pay dearly, so Camilo and Mylar be ready for your wedding, it's happening...Tomorrow." Mrs Isabella said delightfully and got up to leave, they all said their goodbyes to her with false smiles on their faces. She was going to lodge at any hotel close to the Wylder's Mansion to wait for tomorrow's event instead of her staying with them, she claimed that their house space was too small for her because it belonged to her son in-law with no taste.

"Why did mom ignore Mrs Isabella like that, is it that she also doesn't like her, they way you guys don't like her?" Mylar asked when she and Elio sat down on the patio in front of the guest house.

"Whatever my mom does, you shouldn't find fault in it because she's sick." Elio replied after a while of thinking whether to tell her or not to. Mylar looked confused than shocked.

"Sick? How is that?" Mylar asked just to clear her confusion and Elio explained.

"Mom has PTSD, it's a post traumatic stress disorder but I don't really think that's the only problem she has." Mylar went quiet as her eyes opened up in shock, she never thought Mrs Camila had any issues because Mrs Camila always looked fine to her.

"That's not good but how did she get it?" Mylar asked gathering herself up.

"It was due to what happened ten years ago because of Camilo." Elio replied, he liked it when he could tell someone that Camilo was at fault for it, he wished Camilo could just show a bit of remorse and apologise for what he did.

"Camilo. He's always causing problems." Mylar wispered, if everyone tells her that Camilo is at fault for something, she will definitely believe it.

"Ten years ago, Camilo begged our parents for permission to go to his friends party and our parents vehemently refused."

"Camilo wasn't the type to listen and so he sneaked out of the house in the middle of the night and went to that friend's party. Mom went into his room after a while, I don't really know why but she didn't see him in there and came out, to inform everyone. We all searched the entire house but couldn't find him, then mom and dad decided to go out and search for him but they had no idea which friend's house he went to because he had quite a lot of friends."

"After searching for so long, mom and dad found my brother Camilo's things in a car that was involved in an accident." Elio sniffed after speaking for so long, Mylar listened carefully and watched the sadness in his eyes. Elio continued with his story.

"Dad and mom were devastated after seeing this but later on mom couldn't stop insisting that her son wasn't dead, that was indeed true because Camilo was found after three days in the company of ladies and guys who were old enough to have finished college, partying and enjoying himself. Mom went looking for him on her own believing that he was alive and that was when, she was gang raped by three different men." Elio said hurriedly and cleanched his fist.

"She almost died, she was in pain but because of her determination to find her child, she dragged herself to the street and was found by some passerby. Mom spent a week in the hospital but was later discharged." He finished talking and then said again.

"Did you now see how this is all Camilo's fault?" Elio asked after he was done talking. Tear drops rolled down Mylar's face, all this while, she thought that Mrs Camila was fine because of the way she talks and smiles. She didn't know that Mrs Camila has been through so much.

"I don't know what to say, i just feel so sorry for mom. She didn't deserve any of that, she was just looking for her child." Mylar said and wiped away her tears. Elio smiled and tried to lighten her mood, he didn't want to see her sad in her condition. He called out to her.

Cry baby!!! Mylar turned towards him and looked directly into his eyes.

"Or perhaps is it the big guy that's in there bordering you and make you cry." Mylar laughed and Elio joined her.

"I think it's the both of us." Mylar said and continued laughing. Elio placed his hands on my Mylar's shoulder and kissed her cheek softly, Camilo walked in on them, his expression suddenly changed.

"Mylar, Hugo's been looking for you for a while now. I think you have managed to steal him from me as well." Camilo said to Mylar, then she moved away from Elio. She was a bit shocked by his words but got up ignoring his silly remark and went upstairs to check on Hugo.

I'll be right back!!! She said aloud as she went upstairs.

"You seem to like taking everything that belongs to me, are you maybe jealous of me." Camilo said to Elio as soon as Mylar was out of earshot, he went and sat down next to Elio.

Elio looked at him with a bit of confusion, what could he have taken from the world best Elio.

"What belongs to you?" Elio asked and then chuckled when he realized what Camilo was talking about.

"Now, she belongs to you. Just a while back, you were like, no dad I can't stay in the same room with her, she is like a plague, bla bla bla." Elio said mimicking Camilo.

Camilo looked away thinking, he was also wondering why he would say that.

"I can never accept her, so that means she isn't mine." He said to himself. After a while of being lost in thoughts.

"I know what's wrong with you, you are jealous of me." said Camilo to Elio.

Elio looked at him with a smile and asked questioning.

"Jealous, do you really think so?"

"You are jealous that i am loved by everyone and you are all alone. Despite having the same blood with me, i am still the world's favorite." Camilo said in an attempt to mock Elio.

"Are you sure we have the same blood because your blood is cold, evil and very selfish whereas mine is calm, loving and supportive. You are like your dad and i am my mom's son, so i don't think we have the same blood." Elio said to him with a smile on his face. Just when Camilo was getting angry and ready to fight, Mylar walked in and he stopped himself.

"I gave Hugo some treat, his busy playing by himself. I don't really think there's anything wrong with him, he didn't seem to miss me either." Mylar said as she came downstairs. Camilo didn't want to say anything to her, if he does speak to her, he might actually expose himself to her, about how he lied about Hugo so that he could separate Mylar and Elio. So he got up and went away from the guests house.

"What was he talking to you about?" Mylar asked as soon as he was out of earshot.

"It's not necessary for her to know that my brother feels jealous because we are spending time together." Elio thought to himself.

"He is my brother, don't bother yourself about what he told me." Elio replied and gave her a smile.

"Anyways, what would you like me to get you? Ice cream?" He asked and got up from the patio, he helped her get up as well and she said.

"Ice cream it is." And they both laughed and started walking away, holding hands.

"Have you handled him." Said a voice from behind the huge office chair in well designed and spacious office. Lots of awards were on the table, the person must be very talented to have so many awards for himself.

"Yes boss." replied a man in his early forties, he had full grown beards making him look very old and his little blue ocean eyes could barely be seen under his bushy eyebrows, he was also quite tall and a bit plumpy.

"Good. I trust your work." Said the voice behind the chair. Slowly the person sitting on the chair turned around to face the man standing in front of his table.

The man standing had a satisfied, mischievous smile on his lips, he was happy to see that the boss was finally seeing how good he was and also acknowledging it after twenty seven years of serving him, back when he was just a seventeen years old street kid.

"Mr Julian, it has always been an honor to work for you." The man said and made a small bow before Mr Julian.

"Don't be like this with me. You have served diligently and i should have seen that, so i apologise for not noticing you sooner." Mr Julian said, he got from his chair and went towards the mini bar in his office, he brought out an expensive bottle of whiskey and poured it into two glass cups, one for himself and the other for the man.

"Here." He said as he passed the glass to the man, with so much happiness a smile on his face, the man collected the glass from Mr Julian. They both sat down on his couch and Mr Julian sighs with a smile on his face.

"I am also celebrating something else today, my son's getting married to the lady he got pregnant." After saying this, Mr Julian chuckled and said.

"It is silly but still a good news."

"Elio? Congratulations." The man said happily to Mr Julian.

"Not Elio, you think Elio can do that? No no no, Elio is definitely not the type, it's Camilo." The man freezed on hearing the name and then composed himself with smile back on his face.

"I just hope he doesn't find out that i....." The man was saying before Mr Julian cut him shut.

"Shhh!!! Mr Julian said placing a finger on his lips.

"Juan Jose, if you don't say it then he will never find out." Mr Julian said and patted him on his shoulder with a smile.

"But." The man tried to oppose.

"No buts JJ, that secret should be buried for eternity, okay?" Mr Julian asked and he nodded quickly. Their glass clicked as they made a toast to Camilo's wedding and a happy married life.

Mylar!!! Vida called delightfully as she saw Elio and Mylar outside the door of her house.

"You two are like angels, you appeared unannounced." Vida said. Then Mylar and Vida both gave each other a hug for some time before letting go of each other.

"I also want this kind of hug." Elio said and looked away hiding his smile.

There was so much love between Mylar and Vida, that one would think they were siblings. They both laughed at Elio's statement and they both jumped on him and held him tightly in their arms. He felt so loved among the two of them that he wished he would never separate from them.

"You two didn't tell me you were coming, i would have made something really good, so that when you eat, you will bite your tongue. I only have tacos at home." Vida said when they came inside her room.

"Yum, delicioso." Mylar said and licked her lips. Vida and Elio looked at each other and then laughed at what she said.

"Conocedor gourmet." Vida said and smiled.

"Don't call me that." Mylar said, upset that Vida called her a foodie.

"Aww!!! She's so cute when she's upset." Vida said and grabbed Mylar cheek laughing, Mylar stopped frowning and smiled. Elio watched as they played together with a bit of sadness, he really wished his family were like this, then his life would have been so perfect.

"Then our lives would have been beautiful." Elio thought to himself.

They spent half of the day with Vida, they even went out to have fun but all bills on Elio.

"I don't mind spending everything i have on you two." Elio said when Mylar told him this.

The workers at home were busy preparing for the wedding. It wasn't going to be anything grand but it had to be beautiful. White lilies decked the entire house and it amazing fragrance was just wonderful, the lighting made it a magical place.

Camilo sat in his office turning around on his chair, he just couldn't figure out why he was so jealous and why he said that to his brother. "Could that Mylar have managed to bewitch me too?" He asked himself holding his chin, his eyes opened up.

"Yes, i knew it, that girl has some spirit in her. But thank God my eyes is open now, what should i do about it?" He asked.

"Yes, i should visit those native sorcerer, then they can give me charms to get rid of her." He said after he snapped his finger when an idea popped into his head. He got with excitement and left the office.

Mylar's cloths were ordered from London and every preparations were done, they were just waiting for the bride and groom to wake up. When Mylar woke up, she didn't find Camilo on the bed.

"I thought that we slept together last night?" She asked herself.

"Why do i even care." She said when she thought to herself again and frowned, she heard a knock on the door and she got up quickly to open it. It was Elisa at the door, she informed Mylar about the people who came to see her.

"Miss Mylar, a few people are here to see you to get you ready for the wedding."

"Let me just quickly change into something else, tell them that i am on my way." Mylar said to her.

"You look okay with what you are wearing. Anyways the wedding is starting in an hour and few minutes." Elisa said to her, so Mylar wore her flip-flop and followed her.

"Are you telling me that there are no sorcerers in this place?" Camilo asked angrily. The young man in front of him looked confused as he stared at Camilo.

"Sir, i really do not know what you are talking about. There are no sorcerers here." The young man said to Camilo. Camilo calmed down and came closer to the guy.

"Look here, i know you guys are trying to be secretive about it but man, all i need from you is a small charm, i think it called a voodoo." Camilo said to him calmly.

"Dude you came to the wrong place, this place is called sorcerer's den not because there are sorcerers here. We sell alcohol here." Said the owner of the place as he came inside. Earlier on, one of the staffs in the place called their boss on the phone when he saw how Camilo kept insisting and arguing with his other fellow staff.

Camilo looked like an idiot before them when he realized that he made a mistake in identifying that the place was an alcohol shop.

"I am sorry." He apologized and went out of the place. After he left, the owner couldn't stop thinking about where he knows Camilo from.

"That's the rich billionaire, Camilo Wylder." Said who informed his boss.

"What would Camilo Wylder want to do with a voodoo?" The man while stroking his jaw.

When she got into the room Elisa took her to, there were a quite a number of ladies there and according to what Elisa told her, they were all well known stylist in Newyork city. There were makeup artist, hair stylist, can't mention them all but they were all there to turn Mylar into the most beautiful bride of the day.

"Are you all here for me?" Mylar asked after greeting them. They all smiled at her question and one of them replied her.

"Yes ma'am. I am your makeup artist, that's your hair stylist and five other assistant stylist, that is your designer." The lady introduced and after the introduction, they got to work.

Mylar change twenty different times into different classy and beautiful wedding gowns but they rejected each one. Thirty five minutes, they managed to agree on a certain long full sequin gown with a lace design on it the top and bottom with a long sleeve arm, it was absolutely gorgeous, in short 'perfecto'.

Her hair was made into a wipsy bang fringe with a low ponytail, it's was effortless but yet elegant, it matched perfectly to her gown. One of the stylist put in her hair a sparkly hairpiece, a silver unicra flower hair comb which added to its perfection. Her white high heels complemented her entire look, by the time they were done, she wad looking absolutely gorgeous like a royalty, mind-blowing even her growing tummy could not stop this beauty.

"I can't believe i didn't sleep all night to be embarrassed like that." Camilo complained as he got into his car. He sighed disappointingly and wispered.

"This is so hopeless, i should just go back home and accept my reality. Nothing can save me now." He stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

A table decorated was set in the middle of the house and the court clerk was waiting patiently for the couple.

Camilo was taken to his room by Miss Emelda and few others. His stylist were waiting for him when they got inside, his dressing didn't take long at all. They picked his suit, inner wear, his tie and his hair stylist Paul made the perfect type of hair for Camilo. In less than ten minutes, they were done and the groom and bride were finally ready.

"I feel like i am going to hell." Camilo said to Miss Emelda after everyone went outside. Miss Emelda gave him a hug and then said to him.

"Just don't let her rule you."

Camilo and Mylar met at the staircase as they came out. At first Camilo was drooled by the way she was decked up but immediately composed himself and his emotions, he looked away as if he was irritated by her presence, she also took a quick glance at him and looked away in a hurry. She didn't want him to know that she found him attractive.

"Shall we?" Elio asked as he came in front of them, Mylar smiled and Elio held her hand as they went downstairs leaving Camilo behind. He scoffed, and stood there for a while, in anger causing both of them under his breath.

"Let them be, you will only have to endure her for two years and few months." Miss Emelda said to Camilo just to comfort him.

"You are saying it as if two years and all those months is just two days. Anyways let's get this over with." Camilo said and walked away.

Minimal amount of people were invited for the party, only a few nobodies that won't spill the beans about what is happening in their house. Mrs Isabella was also there to witness the wedding, a few photographers who were told to only take pictures that didn't show her stomach were also there. All eyes were on Mylar as she came to the table and sat down one of the chairs facing the clerk.

"Where is Vida?" Mylar asked Elio.

"I think she will be late." Elio replied.

Camilo also walked in and also went to sit on the other chair looking away from his bride.

"The bride and groom are here, let's start." Mrs Isabella said to the clerk, he nodded his approval and began after everyone sat down.

"Sorry i am late." Someone said from behind and they all turned to the direction of the voice. After seeing her, Mylar smiled, it was Mrs Camila, she was looking really beautiful in the cloth Mylar asked Elisa to make her wear. Mr Julian was also dazzled by his wife's beauty, he went to her and streached his hand before her, she giggled and placed her hand on his and he took her to the audience to sit down. Mrs Isabella was also happy.

After a while, they were already done with everything, they reluctantly exchanged their rings.

"You may kiss your bride." Said the clerk and everyone eyes turned to Camilo. He became nervous, if it were in another situation, he wouldn't mind kissing her but right now, he felt disgusted by her.

"I said, you may kiss your bride." The clerk said again thinking he didn't hear him the first time but Camilo just sat there lost in thoughts.

"Camilo." Elio said and thug at his suit.

Camilo!!! Mr Julian yell at him when he saw that he wasn't responding to anyone call, Camilo was startled and got up with fright, that was when he saw how everyone's attention was on him, some even started laughing at him secretly.

"What's wrong?" Camilo asked to himself and the clerk replied him when he heard what he said.

"I asked you to kiss your bride."

"Oh." Camilo murmured and sat down back, then he turned towards Mylar who sat quietly through the drama. He pushed his lips forward in a funny way, Mylar hated what was happening and hoped she could punch his face as he brought his lips closer to hers but she immediately got rid of the thought, she didn't want to jeopardize her child's future.

His lips landed on hers and Camilo found himself slowly relaxing his body and succumbing to the new overwhelming desire he was feeling inside, his hands walked it way to her back but she resisted without making anyone noticed. Elio watched his brother closely and saw the sudden change in the way he kissed Mylar.

Mylar moved away and that was when Camilo realised what he did and asked himself in his thoughts.

"What happened to me? Why was i suddenly aroused by her in that way?"

"You are now husband and wife." The clerk announced and they all satrted clapping for them.

The reception was also done in the house, toasts were made, no farewell speeches just merriment and happiness. People came out to sing, dance and the best singing bands were invited.

"Who would like to sing again, now is the time." The MC announced.

"Mylar can sing." Elio heard himself say out loud. Mylar and Vida looked at him and he looked away in a shy way. Vida thoughts to herself and smiled.

"Yes Mylar van sing. The bride will sing." Vida yelled out the top of her voice.

"What are you doing?" Mylar wispered to her.

"C'mon do it." Vida wispered back.

Mylar! Mylar! Mylar!!! Vida and Elio started cheering her and the others joined in, she reluctantly walked to the stage and stood before the mic in front everyone.

"Lo que no sirve que no estorbe" Mylar sang with a smile on her face. Camilo looked up from what he was doing when he heard an angelic only to realize that the angel was his worst enemy.

"ya no estoy pa' que de mi te enamores, baby." Mylar continued to sing with so much joy and happiness. Elio watched how beautiful she was as she went on singing and a memory came into his mind.

The memory of the time he first arrived at his new university, while walking through the covered patio of the school, he heard this most magical voice.

"I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling." The beautiful blonde sang in such wonderful way that melted Elio's heart and at first glance of watching her, he fell deeply in love with her. Camilo looked in the direction of his brother and saw how he was looking at her, he felt a sudden feeling of jealousy.

"Why can't i stop feeling this way whenever i see him looking at her." Camilo said and got up to leave the place but his dad stopped him.

"Camilo, you need to take pictures with your wife and family before you leave." He said to Camilo and they all went to a place where the background was very good.

They took several photos, where both the bride and groom looked as if they were forced to smile or stand with each other.

Elio gave Mylar a peck as he took a personal picture with her and Camilo clenched his fist with an overpowering jealousy. He got startled when a hand was placed on his shoulder and then breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Miss Emelda.

"What are you looking at with so much loathing?" Miss Emelda asked.

"What makes you say that?" Camilo asked trying to hid his emotions and she replied.

"Well your anger is quite noticeable."

Camilo smiled and gave her a one side hug, then he said to her.

"Nanny, you keep worrying about me." Miss Emelda smiled at this, she also felt important whenever Camilo treated her this way.

"Congrats Mylar, ohhh my friend is married now." Vida said happily as she gave her friend a hug. Very early that morning, Elio had gone to pick her up as per Mylar's instruction. Eagerly waiting for Elio, she got dressed in her best cloth, the one she bought after Mylar and Elio left, she was looking very beautiful that even Elio couldn't take his eyes off.

"Oh Goodness, i am so sorry i missed the wedding." A beautiful lady said from afar, she ran towards Elio whose face lit up with a beautiful smile and called out excitedly.

Trina!!! When she got close, he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a tight hug, they both laughed and slowly moved away from each other. Vida and Mylar both stood quietly watching them.

"It felt like it's been forever since i've seen you even though it's just been three days." Trina said smiling, then she stopped when she saw Mylar and Vida.

"You must be the bride of the day." She said and went towards Mylar, she gave her a gentle hug.

"Oh sorry, my bad." Elio apologized when he realized that he hasn't introduced them to each other and then introduced.

"This is Trina, my friend and company's legal advisor." Trina interrupted with bit of sadness.

"I was his first love, actually i am his ex. We broke up due to some circumstance." Elio looked at her and saw the look on her face, he didn't really feel sad anymore after so many years but he felt bad for her, she didn't deserve to be unhappy. The day they broke up was the saddest day of their lives, they didn't want to separate but had no choice because of Trina's parents strictness. They wanted their daughter to live with an older person so that she could learn more things, things they were unable to teach her due to their jobs and lack of time. Trina tried her best to convince them to let her stay but they vehemently refused.

Vida watched with mix feelings of jealousy and pity.

"It seems like she's still interested in him. She want him back." She said in her thoughts and felt a sharp pain in her heart as if it has been stab.

"That's so sad and yes i am the bride of the day." Mylar said with a smile.

"Oh, i am so sorry. Didn't mean to make it about me." Trina apologized.

"It's okay." Mylar said.

"How is the baby doing?" Trina asked as she gently place her hand on Mylar's stomach.

"Very well, thanks for enquiring." Mylar replied with an appreciative smile.

"And who is she? Your bride's maid?" Trina asked as she turned towards Vida who was still watching them closely.

"Her name is Vida and she's my friend. Infact, we are more like best friends, right Vida?" Elio replied Trina's question with a smile and nudged Vida a bit with his elbow and she immediately smiled.

"Nice to meet you Vida." Trina said and streached her hand for a handshake, she was feeling a little bit intimidated by Vida now after how Elio introduced Vida with the same smile he always had on whenever he introduced her back then. She indeed had to be intimidated, because even when it came to beauty, Vida was far more beautiful than her and Vida's blue gown blended perfectly with her shinny brown skin, she looked remarkably dashing tonight.

"Nice to meet you too." Vida replied with a smile after the handshake. They started talking about Elio's company and the tension between them elapsed.

"Sir, there's a call for you." A young staff of the Wylder Mansion came to inform Mr Julian as he stood talking to some of his guests.

"I will be right back." He informed the guests and went along with the staff, Mrs Isabella watched slyly as Mr Julian went away.

"I am sure that he wasn't able to do a proper job." Mrs Isabella thought to herself, then she smiled and sipped her wine with her leg crossed.

"Hello." Mr Julian said calmly into the landline.

"Julian, what did i do to you?" The hoarse voice on the other end said to him.

"What do you mean? Who the hell is this?" Mr Julian said a bit angry now. He didn't like it when random people call him and also when they don't go straight to the point.

"Why did you send some people to kill me? After all the things i did for your sake, you still dared to do that to me." The man said, his voice sounding a little sad.

Hahahaha!!! Mr Julian laughed hysterically, the man on the other end waited patiently for him to finish laughing before he said to him.

"Oh, you think i am a joke. Now watch what this joke does to you."

"You are threatening me, Garcia. If you had survived up till now, it's because i am not ready to end your useless life but if you dare as to even make a tiny move to expose me, your entire family will be moaned and then i will come and shot you myself." Mr Julian said replying his threat with his own threat and he dropped the phone. Then he stood watching himself in the glass on his study wall with a smile on his face.

People stayed until late in the night enjoying the wonderful view of the house and the constant entertainment provided. Mylar got so tired from the boring music and noiseless atmosphere, she wasn't used to such, she preferred the booming club, crazy dancing boys and girls not afraid to talk to themselves up close. Vida also felt the same way, she was feeling suffocated by the weird people, boring ball room dance and stupid toasts. Elio despite being born into a rich family was also feeling the way they did, he wished he could just escape and go somewhere else but his dad would give him a really ridiculous emotional speech.

When the wedding finally came to an end, the three heaved sighs of relief, they were finally free from total suffocation.

"Mylar, i will get going now." Vida informed Mylar and she picked up her coat as she got up.

"Already? I thought you would like to spend more time with me." Mylar said looking a bit sad.

Vida pushed her lips forward in a cute sad way at her friend's words and then said.

"I am sorry but i have to leave, you know i still have to go to the club tonight. Infact we are forced to come two hours earlier unlike before."

"Why do you think Ozzy asked you to that?" Mylar asked feeling a bit concerned. Vida thought of it and replied Mylar.

"I don't know but i have a feeling that he's hiding something. I saw a few guys come into the club three days ago and one of them pointed a gun at Ozzy while talking to him, i think his club's going bankrupt." Vida saw a bit of sadness on Mylar's face and said to her.

"You shouldn't feel pity for him, you know he actually deserves to suffer." Mylar smiled.

"I am not thinking about him but about you. What would possibly do without that job and you don't even have a degree." Vida felt happy to see that her friend was concerned about her, she really thought that after living a few days here, Mylar would change into a completely different person. She went close to Mylar and gave a hug.

"You don't have to worry too much, i will be fine by God's grace and in Jesus name." Vida said as she wispered into Mylar ears.

At that time, everyone had already left and she walked her friend to the car for Elio to take her home.

"I will come visit some other time." Vida said to Mylar and gave her another warm hug.

"You sure about that?" Mylar asked and Vida replied.

"100%, just make sure to take care of this little angel for me." Vida said to her.

Vida got into the car and Elio inserted the key into the ignition and turn it on, Vida waved at Mylar as they drove out of the compound.

Mylar was feeling super tired and the after dress Mrs Isabella got for her was really uncomfortable, she couldn't breathe properly in it, she left the staffs and Miss Emelda downstairs still busy cleaning up the house and went to the room to get some rest.

"Can't you just stick with one brother? Why go after the other?" Asked Camilo who has been restless all day due to watching Mylar and Elio being together. He got even more annoyed when he saw them dancing with Elio's hands wrapped around her waist, to him it was disgusting.

"How can someone be that way despite being pregnant with another's child?" He asked himself as he watched them.

"Huh?" Mylar asked confused by his words. Camilo scoffed at her and said.

"You expect me to repeat myself."

Mylar couldn't understand what he was trying to say and so she ignored him to avoid another fight. Seeing her ignore him pissed him off even more and he said in anger.

"It's definitely true, that's why she can't even answer my question." Then he rolled his eyes at her and went into the bathroom, Mylar sighed sharply and wispered to herself.

"Why can't he stop being a jerk? Just a day of being normal is not too much to ask for."

As they both laid on the bed covering themselves with the duvet, Camilo slowly dragged more part to cover his body leaving half her body exposed. She would have probably let him get his way but she was feeling a bit cold today and so she dragged back some part to cover her body that had nothing on it except for the nightie she wore.

Camilo breath out heavily and dragged back the duvet with force, the duvet scratched her skin roughly, they both kept dragging it while swearing at each other. Seeing that he had almost collected the duvet from her, Mylar streached her right leg and kicked him at the same time dragging the duvet from him, Camilo rolled off the bed and fell with a loud thump, he screamed in pain, he got up and held in his weight and then his back, groaning.

"How evil can you be? Do know what kind of pain am feeling now?" Mylar heard him saying, she felt sorry for him and got up to look at him.

"Are you hurt?" Mylar asked as she placed her hand on his back to check. Camilo looked at her angrily and yelled at her.

"Off course i am hurt, can't you see or are you blind?" Mylar went downstairs and got an ointment after several minutes of telling Miss Emelda not to worry herself and tolerating her over concerned talks. She came back and found Camilo seated with his shirt off, she gulpped down her saliva at the sight of Camilo and gently sat down next to him, she started applying the ointment to soothe his pain.

Ahh!!! He yelled whenever she touched a place that hurts.

"Will you stop it already, i haven't even done anything and you are already screaming like a child." Mylar said angrily and Camilo replied her.

"You think i am pretending, then fall down from the bed and let's see how you endure when i put such peppery ointment on your body." Mylar dropped the ointment on the floor.

"You know what, instead of being named Camilo, you should have been named princess instead. Because you act like a fragile little princess." Camilo chuckled because of what she said, Mylar watched in amusement and thought to herself.

"So Camilo Wylder can actually smile in a conversation."

"Mom used to call me that when i was still quite small, she said she wished to have a daughter but i can be a her daughter." Camilo said smiling, then his smile suddenly disappeared.

"Mom." He wispered and became serious again. Mylar watched him with great concern, what could make a son despise a mother who did everything for him.

"Ummm, thanks for applying the ointment." He said quietly as if he didn't want anyone to hear him and went back to sleep on the bed after arranging pillows in the middle, Mylar also went to bed and after just three seconds, Camilo noticed that she was already fast asleep.

The next morning, Mylar's ringing phone woke her up, Camilo wasn't on the bed when she got up.

"He must have gone for his morning exercise." She said and picked up the call as the phone rang again. It was Vida, she was calling to ask if she could come and visit Mylar today. She sounded quite upset and Mylar prayed and hoped that all would be well. She took her bath and went out, none of the family members were in the sitting room and so she decided to go outside and wait for Vida who told her that she would be there in a while because she was already on her way. Mylar stood outside waiting patiently for Vida, when she saw a young man approaching the gate. When he got there, he greeted her and went to the mail box.