
Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes (full version anglaise)

"I have traveled to the Xingyue and gained the approval of the root. As long as I can die abnormally, I can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the Lord of the Throne of Heroes, a stronger and freer existence than the Seventh Crown." "For this reason, I began to I scolded Jin Shining face to face, challenged Zeus the Almighty in Greece, kidnapped Skadi in Northern Europe, declared Solomon to be a devil rather than a son of God in Israel, and stood in Morgan's place to death in Britain . Side..." "But why, am I still alive?" 1994, Fuyuki. A famous existence in history, the third friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the person favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in northern Europe, the incarnation of the god who awakened Solomon's humanity in Israel, Ka. Prince Merlo assists... Rowe, who is young but full of vicissitudes, sat on the top of the Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "You say, what went wrong here?" "Or, you will kill me. , let me go to the Throne of Heroes? Please!" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and glanced at Artoria who held up the holy spear beside him, the treasure of the king unfolded by Gilgamesh, and the detective of the kingdom of shadows. The red tip of the spear that came out... The hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly. Original livre https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html

Supe3rman1234 · 漫画同人
320 Chs

Chapitre 299

Chapter 299

Author: Luozhou White Horse

"But I really don't know." Da Vinci took a sip of coffee and thought deeply: "I have no impression of the origin universe, or what you said about Chaldea."

"If I really have those memories, it's impossible for me to forget-"

Da Vinci pointed to her head. As an outstanding artist and polymath in human history, she has always been very confident in her memory.

"Ah, that's what I'm going to say." Saber raised her red lips and her pretty and delicate face looked quite energetic: "The Origin Universe occupies the core area of ​​the Inner Sea of ​​the Stars, and is the source of the earth of almost all worlds—almost All heroic spirits came out of the 'Chaldeas' in the origin universe."

"But, be careful, it's 'almost', not all of it?"

"The origin universe also has areas that cannot be covered, and the origin universe also has places that cannot be affected."


"A time and space destined to be destroyed, a world destined to be destroyed!"

The girl's words echoed crisply in the steel-encircled building, and what followed was a brief moment and the three people looked at each other.

"What do you mean..." Da Vinci chewed on the girl's words: "Our world will eventually be destroyed?"

"Is it burned because of human principles?" The first thing the red-haired girl thought of was the crisis that the world they were in was encountering at the moment.

Because of the huge deviation of events at key time points in human history, human nature has deviated and collapsed, and it has spread to a world-level disaster.

The world's 'Chaldias', built on the top of the snow-capped mountains that stretch for thousands of meters in the north pole of the earth, is a human rescue organization jointly built by the magic world and the governments of the world, and it is precisely to deal with this level of built for disaster.

The red-haired girl was deeply impressed by this, not only because she was a member of Chaldeas herself, but also because she had 'spirit transfer adaptability' and was able to travel to various eras of human history through the internal facilities of Chaldeas. One of the masters who 'repaired', but also because she was at the center of the storm.

The current world, except for Chaldeas, is almost empty. Before the restoration of human nature, the outside world is in a state of 'destroyed'.

And such a restoration task is undoubtedly on her—the last master of Chaldeas, 'Fujimaru Tachika'.

Of course, Fujimaru Rika was actually a little helpless about this. Originally, she was only the last seat of the forty-eight masters of Chaldeas, and she was a candidate among the alternates. .

However, on the eve of the discovery of the crisis, there was an explosion in Chaldeas. The original deputy director of Chaldeas betrayed and killed other imperial officials who were preparing to go to various eras to restore human nature through spiritual transfer. Lords.

Fujimaru Rika, who was late because she slept in and escaped, naturally became the only hope.

She also performed a spiritual transfer inexplicably because of this, and repaired an original singularity together with one of the original masters, 'Mash Kyrielet', who was relied on by the heroic spirit.

Yes, it worked.

But every time I think about it, Lixiang is not happy.

"Senior, are you thinking about the director again?"

"Um... um."

Rika didn't deny it even though Mash saw what she was thinking: "Sorry - as expected, it's still a little hard to let go?"

"I was thinking, if I worked harder, would I have a chance to save the director?" Li Xiang showed an embarrassed smile.

The deputy director of Chaldeas betrayed, and the former director was also active in the singularity with Rikka and Mash, and was pushed into the burned lava by the deputy director and died.

This is a hurdle that Lixiang can't overcome no matter what...

"Don't think too much, you've worked hard enough!" Da Vinci patted Polaris on the shoulder. Although she is a heroic spirit, she was not summoned after the crisis of the Burning of Humanity. The 'Heroic Spirit No. 3' who was summoned during the early construction of Ledias was, to a certain extent, the director-the one named 'Olga Marie Yasmiret Animusfi' Asia's girl, she also grew up watching.

But it is precisely because of this that they cannot be discouraged.

It's more of an effort to restore humanity.

Don't let the world collapse, so that everyone's sacrifices will not be in vain.

As for the future of human body burning, whether the world will be destroyed...

"Maybe, maybe not." Saber's response was vague: "I don't really know."

"But the future of this world is 'dead', I can be sure of that." The blond girl raised her face: "Otherwise I wouldn't take the initiative to answer the call!"

Heroic spirits from the origin universe can reach various worlds through the 'Chaldeas' system of that universe, but generally, they will go to the world that is doomed to death.

If the responsibility of the Chaldeas of this world is to save humanity and save this world.

Then the responsibility of Chaldeas, who originated the universe, is to save all the dead universes.

And that's what she came for—the first time Fujimaru Tika and Mash returned from the singularity, she took the initiative to respond to the call.

Chaldeas has a system for summoning Heroic Spirits, but before that, because the timing was not ripe, only three experimental summons were performed.

Da Vinci is the third-

That's why it's the 'Heroic Spirit No. 3'.

However, the appearance of the heroic spirit of the girl in front of her was the automatic activation of the system.

Even 'Da Vinci', the 'all-rounder' who took over the management of the core technology when the management of Chaldea was almost wiped out, was not aware of it.

That's why they are so prepared, except for the situation where the acting director 'Romani Akiman' needs to monitor the singularity at any time, almost all the people left in Chaldeas are here.

Ask the 'suspicious person'.

"Then the question is, why should we believe you?" Da Vinci asked, "We don't even know your identity—"

"Hmm?" The blonde girl tilted her head: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, anyway, I'm just a precursor... or should I say, just an anchor?"


Da Vinci, Lixiang, and Matthew were all stunned at the same time.

"That's right, the anchor point, or rather, the positioning?"

Saber doesn't mind: "There are countless heroic spirits in the origin universe, each of which is a strong person who integrates countless time and space, and countless world lines, but there is only one who can bring the dead world line back to life, only one——"

"Did you mean 'Rowe'?"

"That's right!"

Da Vinci wanted to say something else, wanted to ask something else, but the next second, her ears moved, and the words from the second-level wearing on it made her complexion suddenly change.

"Rika, Matthew, there's a situation on the Romani side."

"A new singularity has appeared!"

Rika and Mash stood up almost at the same time. No matter what, they were the only ones who could restore human nature and save the world.

"Unknown Miss Sabere, please have a good rest here, we will be back soon!"

Leaving this sentence, Da Vinci left the room first.

Mash and Rika followed closely behind... but Rika was suddenly stopped just before she walked away.

"Miss Saber, is something wrong?"

"Well, actually, there are not many things, I just want to give you something."

The blond girl handed something to Lixiang, who subconsciously raised her hand to take it: "This is... a piece of cloth?"

"It's holy relic, holy relic!"

The blonde girl grinned: "After you enter the singularity, use this to summon heroic spirits—but you can summon a very powerful helper, right?"

"Well... OK." After hesitating for a moment, Li Xiang finally nodded. Of course, the first thing she thought of was the person who really saved the world just said, and she was actually quite curious about him: "Thank you Miss Saber."

"No need, that's my purpose too!" Saber waved his hand and watched Tachika's back disappear outside the door.

So...will it work?

"Mr. Rowe, next, I'll leave it to you, okay?"

Saber... In other words, one of the sides of the King of Knights of the Kingdom of Camelot from the origin universe, the holy swordsman of the stars who appeared in the universe as a child, Arturia Pendragon smiled.

She was sitting on the bed in the room, shaking her legs, smiling inexplicably.

Of course, what she said to Da Vinci, Rika, and Matthew was undoubtedly true, and there was no falsehood at all.

But there is no falsehood, which does not mean that there is no concealment.

In fact, a lot of things happened after Rowe completed the Origin Universe.

Their opponents have long since risen from the planetary level to the cosmic level.

Cosmic level...Old Ones.

"The mastermind behind the people's burning down in this world... There must be those guys." This is what Luo Wei said to her before arriving in this world: "Don't act rashly when you arrive, seize every opportunity and build The way I arrived."


I'm done oh?

Mr Rowe!

The girl Arturia leaned back on the ground, stared at the floor, and blinked her azure eyes.

Next, it's up to you!

"The singularity this time is 1431 AD...coordinates in Europe, France, during the Hundred Years' War between England and France."

"Pay attention to keep the communication open, the spiritual transfer is about to start."

"Safe travels--"

In Chaldeas's spiritual transfer room, the light was bright, and the young man with a soft face was staring at the 'globe' whose corner was burned by the flames.

That is also the true form of 'Chaldias' - a ritual to simulate the earth's environment and observe the world's crisis.

Observation and positioning.

Then transfer.

A stream of spiritual light flickered, and Li Xiang and Mash disappeared at the same time.

"I hope it goes well!" Romani Archiman exhaled, but his face was a little helpless.

Obviously he is just a salted fish in the logistics department... It is quite helpless to become the acting director for no reason.

"Isn't it good? Talented people should have a stage to display their talents." Da Vinci came up with coffee in hand: "And the news I brought you should be very interested."

"what news?"

"The name 'Love', you know?"

Romani Akiman was stunned.

do you know...

Of course, it is impossible not to know!



1431 AD.

Europe, France.

As the light from the transfer of the spirits flickered, it was dismantled into spirits and reorganized here, and Rika and Mash, who achieved the effect of time travel, opened their eyes at the same time.

"Is this... France during the Hundred Years' War?"

The sun is blazing down overhead, the sun is at noon, shining on the vast wilderness in front of you, the grass is blowing, and there is no doubt that the wild scenery is what you see.

The girl stood on the ground with her feet on the grass, her red high ponytail and short hair swaying in the wind. She was wearing the work clothes of Chaldeas staff. The white coat surrounded the outline of a beautiful and youthful female body. The short skirt wraps the buttocks, the extended legs are tightly bound in black silk, and is tucked into the white boots.

Beside her, Matthew Kyrielet, who was relied on by a heroic spirit and possessed a power similar to a heroic spirit, also put on a battle costume. The black body armor protruded from the chest. The full, bare shoulders and arms unexpectedly highlighted the armpits. The bottom is full, the buttocks are firm, and the thighs are bare and fair. Compared with Qi Lixiang, it highlights the charm of a girl's beautiful figure.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I feel... horny, eh?"


"Well, I'm sorry, I said it subconsciously!" He said that he was sorry, but there was no apology on Li Xiang's face.

Mash's cheeks bulged involuntarily, but just like before, she wasn't angry at all.

Rika's character is like this, with a worldly fun that people from an orthodox magic family don't have, and...there is no strangeness in the eyes she looks at herself.

He doesn't have the slightest contempt for himself, an abnormal artificial human made by a combination of technology and mystery.

"Let's find the source of the singularity first!" Lixiang straightened her face. She was originally a candidate for the master's candidate, but she actually lacked teaching, but after all, she had already experienced it once.

Once born and cooked twice, at least in this respect, Lixiang is still talented.

Otherwise, he would not have been chosen as the 'Master'.

"That's right, Lixiang." On the other end of the communication connected by the headset, Romani Archiman of Chaldeas also agreed: "Intelligence is the top priority—"

"Senior, wait, your Command Spell..."
