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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · 其他
46 Chs

Chapter 31 Crystal Lake

"So, has Prince Ashton been treating you well?" Penny suddenly asked in the middle of their lunch.

"Well from the few times we've talked, he hasn't done anything for me to say that he doesn't treat me well I guess." Lei said but seeing the confused look on Penny's face she explained further.

"We haven't really hung out... I mean seen each other much since we got married, but I understand that he's busy."

"Lei, him being busy is not an excuse for him not to make out time for you. Try talking to him later about it okay?"

"I'll try." Lei nodded.








When Ashton went into his bedroom in the night, he saw Lei sitting by the window gazing mindlessly at the full moon.

He approached her and held her hand to make her stand.

"Have you had dinner yet?" He asked to which she shook her head in response.

"Then let's go eat something." He said as they walked out of the room.

After having their dinner, Ashton led Lei to the stable and brought out a black majestic looking stallion.

"I promised to take you somewhere, didn't I?" Lei nodded.

He mounted on the horse and pulled Lei to make her sit infront of him.

"Ain't I blocking your view?" She asked even though she knew that Ashton might not understand what she said but to her surprise he did.

"No you're not."

"Does your horse have a name?" Lei questioned as the horse started moving.

"Midnight. I named it Midnight."

The name did suit the horse. It was as dark as midnight.

After a long ride the horse finally came to a stop at the entrance of a forest. They alighted it and tied it to a big tree.

After walking a while, they stopped after reaching a magnificent part of the forest.

"Wow..." Lei gasped in awe.

There were fireflies around, exotic looking flowers and a lake in the middle of the forest. It was simply breathtaking.

"Those flowers only grow in this part of the forest." Ashton said as he put an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.

"And that lake is called the Crystal Lake." He pointed at the lake as they walked towards it.

"Why is it called that?" Lei asked curiously.

"Because of how it sparkles when the light of the moon hits it." He explained. "Only few people know about this place, and that's me, you, Clinton, Penelope and my father."