
Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Imagine a Guy with barebone knowledge of Pokémon, gets transferred to a World where no one knows about Pokémon And the said World somehow gets connected to a World which is similar to Pokémon Games. Well, This Story is all about that Guy. Introducing Dipper, a normal teen who stumbled upon a game called PokeMMO while watching a short video. Dipper who is neither a Pokémon expert nor had he ever played a Pokémon game other than Pokémon Fire Red was intrigued by the game and chose to give it a try. While Dipper was immersed in the game, a powerful bolt of purple lightning struck his house's roof. Dipper didn't had time to react as he watched lightning tore through the roof of his house and struck him. Waking up after the strike, Dipper finds himself in a completely different world – a world almost identical to his original world. Almost, as nothing related to Pokémon exist in this World, be it Pokémon anime, Pokémon games, or even Pokémon cards. Thinking that this was just a normal world, Dipper went outside only to witness the most unimaginable thing in the sky he could have thought of. "Is that a bird...?" "No, it's a plane...?" "It's a giant Professor Oak." ------------------------------------------------------------ Warning - MC is a noob when it comes to Pokémon, So he will make some choices that you'll expect from someone who is new to Pokémon. ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer - Pokémon and Characters related to Pokémon belongs to there rightful owners. I only own the Characters that I created. ------------------------------------------------------------ I am a new Author, and writing is something new to me. I am writing this fan fiction to gain experience, so please don't expect anything grand from this fan fiction. I am also a student, so updates will not be regular. As I write, I will try to improve the quality of my work. PS - English is not my first language. So please go easy on me. ------------------------------------------------------------ #PokeMMO #PokemonGame #PokemonFanfic #PokeFiction #PokeNovel #PokemonAdventures #PokeStory #PokemonWorlds #PokeJourney #PokemonUniverse #PokeFanFiction #PokemonBlack #PokemonWhite #PokemonPlatinum #PokémonDiamond #PokémonPearl #PokemonSoulSilver #PokemonHeartGold #PokemonEmerald #PokemonRuby #PokemonSapphire #PokemonLeafGreen #PokemonFireRed

DevilHanu · 游戏衍生
64 Chs

Ch. 46 - Celadon City

And with that, I have defeated every NPC on 'Route 8'.

After defeating the last NPC on 'Route 8', I came across a Guard house and an Underground Path.

The Underground Path building had a sign that read:


<Celadon City - Lavender Town>

"Wait, Is it 'Saffron City' next, or is it 'Celadon City'?" I was confused because according to the map, the next city is 'Saffron City', but since there is an Underground Path here, that means I probably can't go to 'Saffron City' just yet.

To confirm whether I could go to 'Saffron City', I headed inside the Guard house.

"I'm on guard duty. Gee, I'm thirsty, though!"

"Oh, wait there, the road's closed."

Guess I was right. I can't go to 'Saffron City'. then, I'll need to take the Underground Path to the next city, which is 'Celadon City'.

Exiting the Guard house, I entered the Underground Path building.

Entering the building, I descended into the Underground Path using the stairs.

[You have entered the Underground Path]

While inside the Underground Path, I didn't forget to use the 'Item Finder'.

[You found one Fresh Water]

[You found one Antidote]

[You found one Ether]

[You found one Burn Heal]

[You found one Awakening]

[You found one Super Potion]

[You found one Potion]

Finding the last Hidden Item, I exited the Underground Path.

Exiting the Underground Path building, I emerged on 'Route 7'.

[You have entered Route 7]

{Image Of Route 7}

I checked the map and realized I had passed 'Saffron City' and was on 'Route 7', which would take me to 'Celadon City', located just beside 'Saffron City'.

Putting the map back, I headed towards the city. On my way, I found another Guard house, which would probably take me to 'Saffron City', but I didn't waste my time going inside, as I was sure the guard wouldn't let me pass through.

I also noticed a large section of Tall Grass, but because most of my Pokemon had fainted after continuous battles on 'Route 8', I decided not to enter the Tall Grass and come back after healing my Pokemon.

[You have entered Celadon City]

{Image Of Celadon City}

I quickly reached 'Celadon City'. As I entered, the first building I encountered was the Pokemon Center.

I entered the Pokemon Center and got my Pokemon healed.

After healing my Pokemon, I exited the Pokemon Center.

"This city is so huge. There are going to be so many things to do in this city. But where to start?"

"I guess, I'll leave it to future Dipper. I am done for the day."

Even though I had some daylight left, I chose to leave the Pokemon World early and rest for the day. It is important to rest too.

I exited the Pokemon World and was back in the real world.

I continued to lie down on my bed and started to wonder about the future.

'What is this Pokemon World? Even though everything looks and feels real, but the people and the Pokemon don't have any feelings or independent thoughts.'

'Everything is just like a game. Who is behind all this? What is their end game?'

My train of thought was interrupted as I received a call on my Phone.

I picked up the call, and a scary loud voice came from the other side.

[Unknown: DIPPER? Where have you been? Do you know how many times I tried to call you?]

Listening to the voice, I quickly checked my phone, and there were 63 missed call notifications.

[Me : Sorry Lily, I was inside the Pokemon World.]

[Lily : Oh, Don't lie to me. I have been calling you since morning, and only now have you picked up.]

[Me : Believe me, I was really inside the Pokemon World that's why I was unable to pick up your call, or else why would I miss the chance to talk to you.]

[Lily : Huh?]

[Me : Anyway, What's so urgent that you called me 63 times?]

[Lily : It was about the news I saw on the internet.]

[Me : Oh, Yeah, What about them?]

[Lily : Were you really the one who cut off the Small Tree and opened the new area on 'Route 2'?]

[Me : Yes, It was me.]

[Lily : I knew it. Now I can win the bet.]

[Me : Bet? What Bet?]

[Lily : Oh, Um, Yesterday after the news articles were published, I was at my college where I, along with many of my friends, saw those articles and began discussing about them.]

[Lily : In all that, I said that I am sure it was Dipper who cut down the Small Tree. And then everyone began asking me how am I so sure?]

[Lily : So, I told them that I know Dipper. They thought I was kidding or that the Dipper I know is not the same one as the Dipper who cut down the Small Tree in the Pokemon World.]

[Lily : I got angry and made a bet that the Dipper I know is the same one who cut down the Small Tree. And now that you have confirmed, I can win the bet.]

It took me some time to process everything she said, but when I finally did, the expression on my face shifted to rock-hard seriousness.

[Me : Lily, Do you trust me?]

[Lily : What? Don't tell me you lied to me?]

[Me : No, I didn't lie to you.]

[Me : But you need to listen to me very carefully.]

[Lily : Um, Okay, I am listening.]

[Me : You're going to tell your friends that you were wrong and I am not the same Dipper as the one who cut down the Small Tree.]

[Lily : Why? Do you want to keep your identity hidden?]

[Me : Yes, but it isn't just about my identity, it is about your safety as well.]

[Lily : My safety, I don't understand what you mean?]

[Me : You know that I am far ahead of every other player, right?]

[Lily : Yes]

[Me : I know many things and for all that, the only conclusion I came up with is that Pokemon World has many mysterious things.]

[Lily : Yes, but what does that have to do with everything?]

[Me : Now imagine, You can monopoly everything that the Pokemon World has to offer Pokemon, Items, everything.]

[Lily : ...]

[Me : As people start to realize the value of Pokemon World, everyone will be on each other's necks to get even a little advantage.]

[Me : Now, if the most powerful player in Pokemon World reveals their identity, then everyone will do everything in their power to control that person.]

[Me : And if their identity is not known, then others will try to find people who might have ties to that person.]

[Lily : ...]

[Me : Do you understand what I mean?]

[Lily : A little, I think?]

[Me : *Sigh* I am saying that if you reveal that you know the Dipper then in the future powerful people or even the government might try to use you so that they can control me. They might even harm you in the process.]

[Me : That's why I am saying not to reveal that you know me. Okay?]

[Lily : Okey]

From the voice, I could tell that Lily was sad.

[Me : Are you sad because you are going to lose the bet?]

[Lily : Yes, All my friends are now going to laugh at me.]

[Me : For me, it is better that your friends laugh at you for losing the bet than you getting hurt by revealing about me.]

[Lily : But still, I don't like this feeling of losing to someone.]

[Me : You know what, I know how to make you happy.]

[Lily : Huh?]

[Me : Do you know how many Gym Badges I have.]

[Lily : 2?]

[Me : 3]

[Lily : WHAT??? You have 3 Gym Badges. But the article said you only defeated 'Pewter City' Gym and 'Vermilion City' Gym.]

[Me : Well, It wouldn't be fun if they knew everything now.]

[Me : So, As I was saying, I already have 3 Badges, Now I just need to obtain one more badge and after that, I think I should be able to bring Pokemon to the real world.]

[Lily : WHAT!!! Really???]

[Me : Yes, I think so.]

[Lily : Ohhhh, I can't wait to see a Pokemon.]

[Lily : So, How long will it take you to get your 4th Badge.]

[Me : Well, I already reached the city with the Gym, Now I just need to level up my Pokemon a little and I think I should be able to defeat the Gym Leader easily.]

[Me : So if everything goes as planned, then in about 2 days, I should have my 4th Gym Badge.]

[Lily : Just 2 Days. Damn you really are the strongest Pokemon Trainer.]

[Me : Hehe, Anyway, Once I'll be able to take out Pokemon, I'll give you one as a gift. Though you'll have to keep it hidden until I say so.]

[Lily : REALLY!!! You'll give me a Pokemon.]

[Me : Of course, I promised you, didn't I, So, Which is your favorite Pokemon that you would like to have.]

[Lily : My favorite Pokemon that I'd like to have in the real world?]

[Lily : Well, The one that I'd like to have is...]