
Play with a mad scientist!

Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place called the Yukioka Research Institute, located in Gikkoucho, Anraku City, Tokyo. It is said that if you undergo a remodeling operation by a mad scientist there, you will gain power in the supernatural realm. However, in return for gaining power, it is necessary to become a mad scientist\'s test subject, so there is the risk of failing and losing one\'s life, or being turned into a monster. Those who need power clinging to straws, those who simply admire supernatural powers and want to peek into a new world out of curiosity. It just so happens that a suicidal person is in a desperate state--with various thoughts hidden in their hearts, test bench applicants visit Yukioka Research Institute today as well.

DaoistQFVZeF · 都市
57 Chs

play with allies of justice -21

From the rain of bullets pouring down from above, Makoto didn't fight back at all and just ran around.

"Are you aiming to run out of bullets?  There are still some bullets left. Why don't you try aiming at me instead of just running away?"

The bowman provokes, even though his forehead is sweating from the fatigue of manipulating spirits. There is no problem with the number of spirits. However, the spirit I'm currently using has a low degree of resentment, so it's hard to use.

On overseas battlefields, it's easy to turn people who have died from being oppressed into evil spirits, but perhaps because the concept of death is familiar to Japanese people, they have little resentment toward those they killed, and forcefully turn those spirits into demons. Since he is turned into a demon and used for work, Yumio's physical strength and mental strength are exhausted.

He wants to surround him with spirits and make beehives from all directions, but Makoto seems to be wary of that and manages to avoid being surrounded.

While stepping back in small steps, he did not turn his back on the spirit and remained facing it, dodging the gunfire while continuing to move backwards. In the meantime, secretly change the shotgun bullet from buckshot to another bullet.

"It's almost time.

Makoto, who had been running away until then, stopped and took out several hand grenades from his pocket.

He turns, throws all the grenades at the spirits, and dives behind the container.

"An explosion that occurs in the air." Of course, spirits shouldn't suffer damage from this. However, the firearms they possess are nothing more than materials. It will be destroyed by the explosion and rendered useless, or it will be blown away from the hands of the spirit.

"Is that so..."

The bow man groaned with a painful expression, but forced a smile on his face. The trump card was defeated very easily, and I was crushed by despair.

"Hmm, was there a match?"

Junko muttered while still restrained by Mika.

"It's settled!"

Despite saying that, Mika did not loosen Junko's restraint.

The spirits turned into a mist, then disappeared into a mist. Makoto, who possesses a talisman that creates a barrier and possesses mental strength that far surpasses that of ordinary people, knows that attempts to possess spirits will be difficult. He will probably be a restraint, but you can't expect a great effect with a bow man alone. The bow man had no other way to strike.

"This is the fate of everyone who relies on easily obtained power."

Shin said while giving Yumio a cold look.

"You're not the only one special. You mice are all like this. They've all lost to me like this."

Those words hurt Yumio's pride. Before I knew it, the second person had changed from you to you, and on top of that, I was treated as one of many small fish. Treated as a petty person drowning in power.

The latter especially didn't want to be called a bow man. I've never been told anything before. It was because he never thought that his own power would be inferior to a human who did not have any supernatural powers. But now, that impossibility has become a reality.

Shin walked slowly towards Yumio.

The bow man also readies his gun and shoots at Makoto. He has no chance of winning, but he has no intention of giving up. Ten years ago, when he picked up a gun, he had already decided that he would fight to the end and die no matter what the circumstances.

Makoto dodged the bullet easily and pointed the muzzle of his shotgun at the bow man.

"That's when the bow man noticed." Like the first time we met, I didn't really feel any murderous intent.

Makoto puts his strength into the trigger.

He is an archer who sees the trajectory depending on the moment he pulls the trigger and the direction of the muzzle, and tries to avoid it by jumping sideways. However, Makoto was also reading his movements. After pretending to pull the trigger and see the bow man dodge, he turns the muzzle back to the bow man and instantly locks the gun.

The timing immediately after dodging after kicking the floor. unavoidable timing. Anticipating that, he pulled the trigger this time.

"Bow man!"

Takahiko shouted involuntarily. The bow man's body is blown away.

――But the blood droplets did not rise. Makoto switched from buckshot to riot-control rubber bullets while he was running away from the spirit.

The bow man received a tremendous impact on his chest and was blown away, being hit by a nearby container, dropping his glasses to the floor, peeling the whites of his eyes and losing consciousness.

"Isn't this too powerful?"

Seeing the archer who was blowing away flashily, foaming from his mouth and fainting, Makoto let out a voice of exasperation.

"Hmm, I beat it pretty easily. And to beat it without killing it. Thank you very much. Let's collect it."

Junko said happily while being restrained by Mika.

"It's not for your sake. And you've seen enough of this guy's powers, haven't you?  There's no need to fiddle with it any more."

Makoto turned to face Junko, who let out a shout of joy, and took a cautious stance, dressed as if to protect the archer man.

"Eh, that's not right"

Makoto points the muzzle of his shotgun at Junko who pouts her mouth.

"Isn't it smarter to end the play around here? I think that if I let him run free a little longer, he'll hone his strength even more.If I do that, I'll be able to see my efforts to not kill him. , If you want to catch this guy here no matter what, bring it back and play with it as an experiment or dissection, then what I've done will be ruined.What about the aesthetics in you? I And even if it ruins Mika's efforts, are you going to bring this guy home now by force?"

While listening to the true story, Junko returns to her usual smile.

"Ahaha, you've come to speak well, Shin-kun. It's enough, Mika-chan."

Mika got down from Junko, assuming that she was done.

"Were you saved… we lost, though."

While holding his head, Takahiko glanced at the unconscious Yumio. It was the first time that they suffered a complete defeat.

"I lost so easily.

"Takahiko takes a deep breath."

"Hmm, I think the reason we were able to survive is none other than your achievements."

Junko squatted down in front of Takahiko and said while administering first aid.

"Knowing that you guys are active as revolutionaries all over the world, it seems that Shin-kun and Mika-chan really liked you guys. Besides, you often get in my way, but it's rare to protect someone like this, right? -"

"I see. Thank you."


Takahiko turned to face Makoto and Mika and thanked them. Mika gave her a thumbs up and smiled in response, but Makoto left the workshop without even looking at her.

"It seems that Yumio also liked him, but what's so cute about him?"

"Hmm, that bluntness is good."

Junko said with a carefree smile to Takahiko, who had a wry smile on his face.


Kura, who was hospitalized in a hospital on a backstreet, saw the information site on the backstreet freeze in the sun and learned that the rest of Hachiku had been destroyed.

(It's all because of my incompetence)

He takes a deep breath and pulls out a gun from his bag. He lost a lot of his subordinates, and he can't afford to live on his own and expose his shame.

(I got hit by a drumstick...)

Become an organization in the back alleys, create weapons that hurt someone whose face or name you don't know, and gain peace with it.

If it's a world in which those who become evil by preying on others survive, they thought that they should at least do so in order to survive, but in the end, evil is evil, and he wondered if Tendou-sama had overlooked it, laughing sarcastically. .

(But if that's the case, I really want those who think only of themselves and don't break the law, but who treat people like disposable pawns and devour profits. If they don't break the law, It doesn't mean that whatever you do won't be bad.)

"I thought about it with bitterness, but I can't help it anymore." I ended up failing. He ended up being a loser.

(Because of my incompetence, no...it's the result of having touched an area that shouldn't be touched before that.)

"I don't regret my actions." But I'm sorry that I didn't have enough power. I can't help but feel sorry for letting the people I wanted to protect die. Even if I go to the other world, I want to apologize directly to them before I fall into hell, and slowly bring the muzzle to my mouth.

"Kura-san, are you awake?"

When I put the muzzle to my mouth, I heard a pleasant girl's voice with a knock.

"What are you doing!"

In response to the knock, a middle-aged patient in the same room wearing round glasses noticed Kura trying to kill himself with a pistol and raised his voice.

Suspicious of her voice, Junko opens her door. As soon as she saw Kura pointing the gun at her, she silently walked over to Kura and took up her gun with a casual motion.

"What do you mean? Do you feel sorry if I don't kill you with your own hands?"

Kura asked in a quiet voice.

"Hmm, that's my line. Don't waste your life."

"Let's see. I don't know what happened, but it's okay if I die."

Junko and the patient with round glasses continued to speak in an accusing tone.

"My incompetence led to the destruction of the organization and caused everyone to die. And yet, are you telling me to survive? I can't do it..."

"It's okay, you survived. It's because you were lucky. Also, the people who were resting in the broken bamboo survived quite a bit and managed to escape. Even the seriously injured people were all sent to the hospital. Originally. In that case, it's a hostile organization, so I'm going to use all of them as test subjects for me, but this time it's special.

I thought that all of her subordinates were killed, so if Junko's words were true, I would be saved a lot, but even so, the organization was already destroyed, and it is also true that many of her subordinates were killed.

"If you really want to throw your life away, why don't you give it to me? Suicide is such a waste. No matter how many test benches you have, there aren't enough, and there are so many things you want to do. Hey"

"Is that why you stopped?

With a dry smile on his face, Kura felt desperate and accepted Junko's test subject.