
Play the Game Differently

 What was she like she wonders? She only remembers a bit about her past, and that she was not a good person. Well, if you think a Sociopath is good, then maybe you should get that head of yours checked. One thing's for certain, Hero or Villain, Akane doesn't care about anything that doesn't benefit her, and will do whatever it takes to reach to the top.  [Disclaimer]-This story is fanfiction. The copyright of source materials belongs to their respective owners. Please support the official release! [Warning]-This story is rated M (MA) due to contents such as gores, profanities, violence, smut, and so on. If your age is less than 18-years-old, please consider skipping this story. Be responsible for your choice. You have been warned. Thank you for reading this warning! P.S- posting this for fun and also this affronted fanfic is not mine I'm just posting this here in Webnovel. [Original Fanfic Author]-https://m.fanfiction.net/u/12142283/Mirlnir [Original Site]-https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13542266/1/Play-The-Game-Differently

TheEternalWanderer · 漫画同人
13 Chs

First Session Second Pawn

"First, I would like to thank you for defeating the Fallen and protecting Issei Hyoudou from her." Sona bows lightly, sitting opposite of me and besides Rias. "I'd like to also thank you for sparing her and letting us handle the situation instead."

"Please, I did what any sane person would do." I shake my head, putting my teacup on the table between us. "I don't need to be thanked for it."

Sona cracks a small smile. "Nevertheless, you did something you didn't have to, and we are grateful for it." Her smile turns to a frown. "But we still have questions, if you don't mind."

I nod. Not like I can do anything else really. "Of course. It's the least I could do."

She turns to Rias and the redhead nods. Rias stares at me sternly. "I'll cut straight to the chase: What are you doing in Devil territory? From how much you know about the supernatural, then you should know that this is Gremory and Sitri territory, right?"

"I didn't know that until a few days ago," I respond. "And I can't exactly leave the place. I'm stuck here with my mother for the time being, and we don't have the expenses to move to another place."

"I see." She pauses then continues. "And when did you know?"

This is the question that I didn't want to be asked. I don't have any valid excuses for my knowledge, and I doubt revealing about myself will do any good. For now, I'll stick to half-truths.

"The moment my magic manifested," I answer.

Rias looks at me skeptically. "And how did that happen? You suddenly woke up knowing everything?"

I smile in amusement. "Yes, actually. How do you think I knew how to use magic effectively?"

She narrows her eyes and leans back, somewhat satisfied with the answer.

"Is it the same reason for your magic's sudden explosion in power?" Sona questions, adjusting her glasses. "That amount of huge power is impossible to gain in a short few days."

"Well..." I squint my eyes in thought. "Yes and no."

The council president tilts her head. "Explain, please."

"True, I did feel more significantly powerful with the passing of every day, but there's another way that boosted my magic considerably." My smile turns to a blank face. "One that I'm afraid I don't trust anyone to know about."

Some might say that it is dumb to reveal your source of power to anyone, and I wholeheartedly agree. But, I'm 100% sure that I will have to tell them about the dungeons, and lying about it now might have dire consequences. If I said that all my power came from nowhere, people obviously will start to doubt, but saying that there is a way will turn the doubt to the desire to know instead.

Telling Rias and Sona is of no concern since they most likely won't force me to tell them, which is supported by the fact that they don't to make an enemy out of me. There is also the fact that I will reveal it anyway to them because Rias needs to get stronger to beat Riser and Sona won't want to be left behind. Doing this will also make me a trusted friend or at least an ally to their families, and making connections is a must in this world.

The only bad thing about this is making Rias stronger, but I'll find a way to kill her eventually.

Strange how I thought about all of this in less than a minute.

"I... see." Sona, as expected, doesn't pressure me for the knowledge. "And why haven't you at least told us about this?"

I sigh. "I can't exactly walk leisurely to you and say 'Hello there devils! How are you doing on this lovely day? Oh, by the way, I'm that mage that's been keeping you on edge recently, but that's not important. Would you like a cup of tea?' now can I?"

I spotted a twitch in Rias's expression. She clears her throat. "Well, I think that your intentions are clear."

Haha no.

"But, being a lone mage must be hard, no?" And there it is... "And with someone with your potential, you could be attacked by beings who don't want to see said potential flourish."

"And I assume you have a suggestion for that?" I raise an eyebrow, already knowing what's coming next.

"I do, actually." Rias nods, smiling slightly. "You could join my Peerage. I believe you already know about the system?"

"I'm gonna have to decline." I bow slightly. "I wish to remain human."

I turn my gaze to a shocked Sona as Rias lets out an indignant 'Eh?!' "Have I answered all your questions?"

"You're a human? But your wings..."

"Purely magic." I swiftly answer.

"W-wait wait!" Rias stands up in a panic. "Why do you mean, 'I decline'?!"

I look at her and tilt my head. "I mean I don't want to join your Peerage."

"If-if you're afraid of how I'm gonna treat you then-"

"Stop." She does so immediately. I sigh. "I know how you Gremorys treat your servants, but I'm not interested in becoming a devil."

She looks a bit hopeless at that, sighing sadly. "I...I see. If that is your decision then so be it. I don't want to force you."

I give a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, but I can't afford to be a devil. I have a dream and it requires me to stay human."

Sona shakes her head with a sigh. "Well, you can stay here as long as you don't make any trouble. and-"

Suddenly, a demonic magic circle appears behind them, cutting Sona off. Slowly, Serafall materializes from it, wearing her magical girl uniform.

"The Magical girl Levi-tan has arrived!" She announces as Sona pales. "And I heard some bad Fallen didn't follow the rules!"

I barely held in my laugh when I saw Raynare's terrified look.

Serafall Leviathan

Magical Girl Levi-tan

HP - 242,300

SP - 241,500

MP - 390,000

Race - Devil

Tier - Elite

LV - 435

STR - 528

END - 565

DEX - 711

INT - 1024

WIS - 1001

CHA - 210

LUK - 200

Thoughts about you - Interest

Reputation - 10

Her stats are way below her HP, SP and MP. Unless the Tier thing has something to do with it?

5 Reputation with The Game for fast and correct deduction

You got it. I'll explain it once you're done with them.


She stomps to Raynare, berating her and scolding her. Raynare looks like she was about to cry, from fear or the fact that she was being treated like a child I don't know. But it was hilarious nonetheless.

Once she was done with her, she turns to me, getting me to straighten my posture immediately. Her pout transforms into a grin as she walks up to me and hugs me tightly.

"Thank you for helping my adorable little sister!" I flinch at her loud voice.

Lady, I'm literally in front of you. Don't scream!

"N-no it's fine." I return the hug a little reluctantly.

She let's go of me and pounces at Sona, crying words of affection and compliments.

I hate overly-affectionate people.

"Well..." I look at Rias who's smiling in amusement. "I'll be going now if you don't mind."

Her smile turns to a sad frown. "Are you sure you won't reconsider?"

I shake my head smiling sadly. "Sorry."

"I-it's fine. I understand." She sighs and nods. "I'll... see you tomorrow then."

And with that, I leave the building.

Now, would you please explain the Tiers?

Tiers Tutorial

Stronger beings are classified in different Tiers

beings in higher Tiers will benefit more from stats and it goes as follows

Regular - 1x

Veteran - 2x

Elite - 4x

Champion - 6x

Ultimate Champion - 10x

Divine Champion - 25x

I see...

So that means Serafall is actually four times stronger than she actually is... If that's the case, how strong is Sirzechs? Or the Great Red?

I'm still at the bottom of the food chain.

But I'll be at the top sooner or later.

And no one will be able to stop me.

(Next day)

"Hey, Akane?" Issei starts, following me as we pass by my home. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," I answer vaguely.

As soon as we arrive at the alleyway I always go to, I turn to him. "I'll try something really quick, but don't freak out, okay?"

He gulps and nods.

Let's see if I can do it mentally...

Issei Hyoudou added to your party

Party Tutorial

Parties are a way to get an easy boost in power and to let others experience the EXP gained from kills

You can only have 10 people in a party, including you

The party currently will only get 30% of your EXP gain with each kill they do, and you won't get any EXP from said victories

If you want to level up, then you need to kill things yourself

That means they get 60% of a Gamer without the [Rising Star] perk. Good enough.

"Issei." He looks at me. "Are you ready?"

He nods hesitantly. "Y-yeah."

I smirk and enter the dungeon with Issei with me. He yelps as the ruined Kuoh replaces the one he knows.

"Wh-what happened?!"

"Take a step outside and see."

He does so, and gasps at the town he calls home. He whips his head to me in fear.

"Did-did you do this?!"

I raise an eyebrow. "Of course not. I just transported us to another dimension."

"Another... Dimension?"

"Yep." Damn, he's so slow. "A world that mirrors ours. This is my training ground."

I walk out of the alleyway and he follows me, his eyes widening in shock as he sees zombies walking around.

"What... Happened to them?"

"They're not real," I assure him. "They're just a byproduct of this world."

"H-how do you know for sure?"

"Because you'll see two zombies looking exactly like each other." I pause as he processes the information. "You can treat this as a futuristic video game where you're inside said game."

After a minute, he nods, seemingly accepting my point. "But how do we fight them? We don't have any guns."

I grin and create a longsword made of ice. I hand it to Issei push him forwards. "Go on, let's see what you're made of."

"H-huh?!" He looks at me, his eyes pleading. "But hold on! What about the Boosted Gear?!"

"You're still too weak for that." He winces at that. "You need to get stronger first. Come on, get a move on!"

He turns his gaze to the zombie and gulps, charging with a yell after a second.

It's gonna take a while... but I'll try to enjoy every second of it.


"Now..." He stared at his subordinate, who's sweating profusely. "Care to explain why one of the Satans appeared, dropped you like a sack of potatoes in my office, then proceeded to lecture me about not sending you to kill anyone in Devil territory?"


"And please keep it in 20 words or less."

She flinched. "W-we were ordered to look out for any Sacred Gear users in Kuoh-"

"Yes, Raynare, I know that." He sighed. "I gave that order."

She flinched again. "N-not long ago, we were given an order to kill any wielders of Sacred Gears we spot."

Azazel froze and narrowed his eyes. "And who gave that order?"

She looked at him with terrified confusion. "Y-you, my lord...?"

The Governor of the Grigori took a breath through his nose. "Who exactly informed you about this?"

"Lord Kokabiel, sir."

Oh for fuck's sake.

He almost groaned when leaned back. Goddamn it, he knew that Warhawk was up to something. He couldn't do anything because of the lack of evidence.

He needs to deal with him before things get out of control...

"Alright, but who beat you? Did the devils do this?" He gestured to the bruises and cuts on her skin. Not to mention the ugly gash on her wings.

She shook her head. "No, my lord. I think it was a Yokai."

That got his attention. "You... think?"

"I-I don't know what she was." He heard her gulp. "She looked like a human but she had wings made of ice."

Everything looks like a human, dumbass. He kept his mouth shut though, mulling over the 'Ice Wings' detail.

He could at least commend his subordinate on her thoughts about the mysterious 'Yokai'. He couldn't think of anything that has ice wings, and the closest thing is a Yuki-no-Onna. He'll have to look into it later.

No point in thinking about it too much now though. He knows that he'll meet her eventually. "What about the Sacred Gear user? Do you know what Sacred Gear he has?"

"No, sir. But it felt... Draconic."

"I see, I see." He stood up with a laid-back smile. "Well, I think that's it, really. But don't think you're safe just yet. Disobedience means punishment."

Her head hung low, out of shame or fear, he doesn't know. He hopes its the former though. "Yes, sir." Then she looked at him hesitantly. "What about the others?"

"I'll deal with them soon, don't worry." He assured, thinking about their punishment. "Just go to Baraqiel for now. He'll know how to deal with you."

With a bow, she left the office.

Now... How will he deal with other misfits?


"Are we..." He pants, shakily holding his sword as the last monkey is finally killed. "Are we done?"

"Hmm... Yup!"

"Fucking finally!" He collapses as I walk up to the chest that has appeared.

11 Credits

INT Stat Crystal

Use to Increase INT by 5

Amulet of Power

Increase Physical Damage by 10%

Not bad...

I gaze at Issei and use observe on him

Issei Hyoudou

Red Dragon Emperor

HP - 442/600

MP - 110

SP - 21/600

Race - Human

LVL - 18

STR - 42

END - 60

DEX - 41

INT - 11

WIS - 6

CHA - 8

LUK - 100

Affection - 54

Thoughts about you - Savior

My smirk turns dark. Not bad at all...

Ah, if only he managed to kill the special infected. I had to kill them because he was much weaker than them. The Plunder skill barely gave me anything, only six stats from two special zombies, with two in STR, two in END and two in DEX. Normal ones only give one when five are defeated, and the monkeys when seven are killed. [Rising star] Doesn't seem to double it either, but oh well.

The next run should be much more profitable since we're going further rather than just stopping after the monkeys.

I also noticed that loot gets much worse every time I reset the dungeon. I think I need to progress more if I want better loot.

I walk up to him and help him up. "So, how was training?"

"I don't think I'm playing Black Ops ever again."

I giggle in amusement. "I thought the same."

"But..." He grins. "It was kinda fun." His grin turns to confusion. "And... I feel much stronger too."

"That's why I brought you here," I explain. "This place makes you stronger the more you kill."

"Is that so..."

"Yup. Come on, we can go back home now."

I take hold of him and exit the place, appearing in the middle of the street as the moon glows in the sky.

"Think you can go back home alone?" I ask him, faking concern.

"Yeah..." He looks down at his ripped clothes. "How am I gonna explain this to my parents though?"

I shrug. "Got in a fight?"

He chuckles. "I don't think they'll believe that." He lets go of me. "So, we're gonna keep doing this every day?"

I nod. "Tomorrow, we will deal with what's after the last wave today. So it's gonna be harder."

He nods back resolutely. "Got it. Tomorrow then?"

I smile and confirm. "Tomorrow."

"There will be no tomorrow, I'm afraid."

I narrow my eyes and look behind me, spotting the three remaining Fallen Angels.

Great, now they're here and the dumbass beside me haven't unlocked his Gear yet.

Kalawarner The Fallen

The Cadre's Servant

HP - 6000

SP - 4000

MP - 4000

Race - Fallen Angel

LV - 17

STR - 35

END - 30

DEX - 43

INT - 40

WIS - 34

CHA - 38

LUK - 9

Thoughts about you - Anger, Hatred

Dohnaseek The Fallen

The Betrayer

HP - 6400

SP - 4000

MP - 3900

Race - Fallen Angel

LV - 17

STR - 37

END - 32

DEX - 43

INT - 39

WIS - 30

CHA - 14

LUK - 10

Thoughts about you - Anger, Hatred

Mittelt The Fallen

The Cadre's Servant

HP - 5600

SP - 3500

MP - 4000

Race - Fallen Angel

LV - 15

STR - 30

END - 28

DEX - 40

INT - 40

WIS - 33

CHA - 31

LUK - 13

Thoughts about you - Wariness

Oh well, All I can do now is improvise.

"They're..." Issei mutters.

"Issei." He stops speaking. "Drink the potion you found in your first chest." I make another Ice Longsword and give it to him. "Here. And be careful. One hit could kill you."

My wings spread and I make walls all around us. Issei thankfully doesn't stay frozen and does as he was told.

"Focus on dodging and don't try to block. I'll make Ice Knights to help us." I order and create ten knights to protect help him as I fly above them. I instantly cast Sleet storm with both hands, catching Kalawarner by surprise. It deals significant damage but she flies to my level, throwing two light spears at me. I evade them easily, creating a fog covering me. I turn my gaze to Issei for a second, seeing him fight with four knights and beating the male Fallen quite efficiently.

Mittelt is having a hard time against six knights, not even being able to fly away, as every time she tries, the force of their hits knocks her down again.

I cast three spears and shoot them towards my enemy as she barely dodges them from the fog covering the place. Hundreds of ice needles stab the blue-haired angel, making her HP fall to 641 as she falls down.

I help out Issei and cast a spear, stabbing Dohnaseek in the leg, incapacitating him completely.

"Thanks!" Issei shouts.

I nod and slowly descend to the ground, seeing the last one trying to run away but is stopped by a knight slamming her to the ground by the foot.

I turn to Kalawarner. "I take it you're the current leader?"

She looks away in defiance, clutching her bleeding shoulder.

I smirk. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. The devils will arrive soon and take care of you all. I'll just wait here until they arrive."

She pales and her mouth opens in shock. "M-my lord-"


By hearing the urgency in Issei's voice, I immediately fly away, casting three Frozen Orbs and ordering all my knights to attack.

But every attack was simply destroyed as Azazel himself smiles in amusement.

"Good reflexes, but I would've killed you ten times over anyway." He laughs.

My heart almost fucking exploded you piece of shit. I thought you were Kokabiel.


"And to what do I owe the pleasure, Lord Azazel?" I greet as I descend to the ground again.

"Don't say that with an ugly scowl on your face. People might take it the wrong way."

"Right..." I take a deep breath. "Is there something I could do for you?"

"No, no, I'll just take these morons back with me. They have a lot of explanation to do." He pauses, looking over said morons with an unamused look. "Too bad we couldn't get to know each other. I would've loved to know more about you."

I'm sure you would.

"Alright you three, get a move on. Shemhazai is gonna be on my ass for a while if you don't hurry up."

The instantly get up, not even wincing from the pain as the fear of being confronted by their boss overwhelms them. They huddle in together with Azazel as he casts a teleporting magic circle beneath him, and before they disappear, I use observe on him.


Governor of the Fallen

HP - 249,600

SP - 244,500

MP - 394,000

Race - Fallen Angel

Tier - Elite

LV - 437

STR - 532

END - 568

DEX - 711

INT - 1034

WIS - 1012

CHA - 210

LUK - 200

Thoughts about you - Interest

Reputation - 10

Around the strength of Serafall... Well, he is on par with a Satan-Class devil...

I wonder how strong Kokabiel is? I doubt he's elite tier like them. Maybe Veteran? Or just a really power full Regular?

"Oi, Akane..." Issei starts. "Who was that guy?"

"That's the leader of the Fallen Angels, Azazel," I answer.

"Eh?! Isn't he the guy who wanted me dead?!"

"No. If he was, he would've killed us himself." Also, why the hell did he come and not send someone else? "I think it was another person."

"I-is that soo..."

This is why I like trusting idiots. Give them a simple reason and they instantly believe it.

I sigh. "Let's just go home for now. We'll continue training tomorrow."

He nods. "Right. Goodbye."

I smile and watch him until he disappears out of view, and as he does, my smile turns to a dark smirk. If all the Fallens are not here anymore... Then-

Quest Added

[Purity in The Church of Corruption]

Objective - Save Asia from the stray exorcists

Rewards - 5 Random Stat Crystals, 1000 Credits, Massively increase Affection with Asia Argento, Asia Argento as a Companion


I slowly walk up to the Church, my wings spread and an arrogant smirk on my face. I kick the door open, breaking it off its hinges and sending it flying.

I look around the place and spot Asia looking horrified. "Wh-who are you? What are you doing here?"

I move towards her wearing a gentle smile. "Asia Argento?" She nods hesitantly. "I've come to save you from this place."

"Huh?!" She utters in shock. "Bu-but the Fallen Angels-"

"I've dealt with them. They won't bother you anymore." I step closer, grabbing her closer to my chest. "There's no need to afraid anymore. You're safe now."

It took a second but she reciprocated the hug, and I feel her tears dampening my shirt as she sobs quietly. And she believed me so easily? How naive is she?

15 Affection with Asia Argento

Affection? Is she bi?

Affection doesn't necessarily mean romantic love, even though that's what it means most of the time.

But you don't have to worry about sexuality. You can change anyone if you're smart enough.

Is that so?

"Oi oi oi!" The dumbass known as Freed approaches us. Asia stiffens at his voice. "Who the fuck are you? An angel? Nah, your wings are different."

He grins maniacally. "Are you a Yokai?! The fuck is a Yokai doing here? Eh, whatever. I've never killed a Yokai before so this should be fun."

I create ten knights and order them to attack. I gaze at Asia and smile kindly. "Leave this place. I'll come and pick you up after I'm done here, okay?"


"Don't worry, I'm far more powerful than you think. I can take care of everyone here just fine."

She gives me a worried look then nods. "Please come back safely, Miss Angel." With that, she runs out of the church.

What a cute person.

One that is easily controlled.

I watch as Freed gets his ass handed to him by ten knights over his level. I think?

Freed Sellzen

Failed Experiment

HP - 51

SP - 11

Race - Artificial Human

LVL - 12

STR - 37

END - 40

DEX - 47

INT - 7

WIS - 1

CHA - 1

LUK - 13

Thoughts about you - Piece of shit Yokai

Yep. Over his level.

I slowly walk up to him and stare him down as he holds his what's left of his arm. "Yo-you shitty bitch! I'll rape every hole you have, then I'll kill you! And I'll rape your fucking corpse! I'll rip out your wings and rape them too, you cocksucker! You worthless slut! I'll-"

I summon an Ice Spike from the ground and it impales his head, splattering blood and grey matter all over me and killing him instantly.

Jeeze he was loud.

Hmm... Can I store his corpse in my inventory?

I hold his body and it disappears.

Apparently, I can. Let me take his weapons too. The guns should help out Issei a little more.

Now, all I need to deal with are the exorcist down in the basement.

They should serve as a bit of EXP and their stuff should be useful for me.

I destroy the furniture hiding the stairs and descend down, seeing the weaklings doing... Whatever the fuck they're doing.

I cast five Frozen Orbs and watch as the spikes stab and impale most of them as their screams and fear make them panic. I send out my knights and rush in, slaughtering the survivors mercilessly. Anyone who tries to run gets killed by me as I wait by the only exit. One minute later and everything turns quiet.

Level up

I walk inside, seeing corpses riddled with ice and blood and my knights standing as still as a statue. I start taking their things, but I guess its mine now, huh? That's the rule of looting. If you kill something, its drops are yours to take.

Quest Complete

[Purity in The Church of Corruption]

Rewards - 5 Random Stat Crystals, 1000 Credits, Massively increase Affection with Asia Argento, Asia Argento as a Companion

Hidden Objective - Kill every exorcist

Hidden Rewards - 500 Credits, 1 Gacha Token, 1 New Ice Spell

30 Affection with Asia Argento

[Ice Cannon]

Costs 540 MP

Deals 550 AOE Ice Damage

That's good. And the Gacha?

Heavenly Potion of Life - Legendary

Heals HP, SP, and MP fully

Gives triple Regen to HP, SP, and MP for 2 minutes

Increases your maximum HP, SP, and MP by x3 for 2 minutes


I wonder if I can replicate this? If I can, then the path to godhood might not be that difficult.

Well, for now, I need to deal with Asia.

I wipe the blood off my face and put away my bloody jacket in the inventory, making my way back to the little nun.

Or my second Pawn.

It's surprising that the devils haven't shown up yet. Didn't they sense what happened?

Eh, whatever.


She rocked back and forth on the bench, waiting for Miss Angel to come back for her. She only worries that the kind angel was hurt because of her. But why would an Angel come and save her? She thought she angered God, why would he send an Angel to save her?

"Have you been waiting for long?"

Asia yelped, almost falling on her face as her savior's voice came from behind her.

She whipped her head and hugged the Angel tightly. "I-I thought you were-"

"I told you I could handle myself, didn't I?"

Asia blushed and let go of her. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose faith! Oh lord forgive me for-"

The Angel giggled. "I think you misunderstood. I'm not an Angel. I'm just a normal human, just like you."

"B-but your wings..." Asia got a good look at the Angel, and the wings were not there. Asia tilted her head in confusion. "W-where did they go?"

"They're just an extension of my magic. They're not actual wings." The not-Angel explained.

"Oh..." The blonde blushed crimson in embarrassment. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to assume! Please forgive me!"

The human girl laughed. "It's fine, don't worry about it."

"Umm... I'm sorry miss, but what is your name?"

The girl smiled gently. "Akane Amamiya. I take it you don't have a place to live in Japan?"

Asia flinched at her knowledge. How did she know? No, that doesn't matter. Questioning your savior is rude. Besides, she's a good person.

The nun shook her head slightly. "N-no." She didn't know why, but she felt tears threatening to spill down.

"Do you want to live with me?"


"My house has a spare room if you want. It gets kinda lonely there, you know?"

Asia felt extremely touched at that. "N-no I can't ask of you anymore-"

"It's fine. Come one. it's this way." Akane grabbed Asia's arm and began to lead her.

Asia couldn't even pull away, feeling tears spilling down as she held in her sobs.

Not too long after, they arrive at the place. A normal two-story building with a dark-brown door. Akane pulled out a key and opens it, dragging the nun inside.

As Akane Closed the door behind them, Asia jumped in to hug her, not being able to contain her sobs of happiness any longer.

"T-thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Asia repeated. "May God bless your kind soul!"

"I-its fine, really." Her hero stayed humble as her hand patted Asia's head. "I couldn't leave you alone like this."

Asia kept crying, feeling true happiness and safety for the first time in a long time. She swore inside her head to do whatever it takes to pay back this kindness. And if she broke this oath, then let the devil take her straight to hell.

20 Affection with Asia Argento

Perk Gained

[Innocence of a Nun] - Asia [50]

You have the aura to draw in nuns, getting them to seek your approval

Affection and Reputation gain is faster with nuns

At least I gained a perk from all this nonsense... So annoying.

I finally got her off me a few hours ago, showing her to her room and letting her sleep there. I need to buy/make me a new fridge though since I'm not the only one living here anymore.

Asia will stay here for a while, and won't have to train for a while either. Her mental health is not ready for it.

They glossed over it in the show, but this is not the show. I need to take care of her so she can be useful.

And once I'm done with her... Well, let's just say this little cute canary will turn into a ferocious hawk.

If things go as planned of course.

For now, I'm going to bed.

I like sleeping...