
Play the Game Differently

 What was she like she wonders? She only remembers a bit about her past, and that she was not a good person. Well, if you think a Sociopath is good, then maybe you should get that head of yours checked. One thing's for certain, Hero or Villain, Akane doesn't care about anything that doesn't benefit her, and will do whatever it takes to reach to the top.  [Disclaimer]-This story is fanfiction. The copyright of source materials belongs to their respective owners. Please support the official release! [Warning]-This story is rated M (MA) due to contents such as gores, profanities, violence, smut, and so on. If your age is less than 18-years-old, please consider skipping this story. Be responsible for your choice. You have been warned. Thank you for reading this warning! P.S- posting this for fun and also this affronted fanfic is not mine I'm just posting this here in Webnovel. [Original Fanfic Author]-https://m.fanfiction.net/u/12142283/Mirlnir [Original Site]-https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13542266/1/Play-The-Game-Differently

TheEternalWanderer · 漫画同人
13 Chs

All For Me


After knocking on the door of the gang's base, he took a step back and waited.

Sanguine Spectacle... A rising gang that swept through the entire underworld with extreme efficiency. Many gangs tried their luck at fighting them, but they either got absorbed, strengthening the already powerful group, or got destroyed. Not only the leader is already insanely powerful, but the efficiency of the grunts is excellent. The useless quirks were used in incredibly handy ways, the coordination was top tier, and the strategies were well-thought of.

Then, we get to their leader, who got the entire hero society on its toes. With a quirk that vaporizes everything it touches and physical prowess that puts top heroes to shame, she climbed up the stairs of being one of the most powerful and feared criminals in all of Japan in barely a month.

Kurogiri could understand why his master wanted to meet her. An individual like her, who currently has the most powerful gang in the country at her beck and call, will only prove useful in the short and long run.

As his thoughts wandered, the door to the abandoned warehouse opened, revealing a red-haired man staring intently at him.

"Can I... help you?"

Kurogiri nodded. "I'd like to talk to your boss, please."

The man narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

The shadowy villain resisted a sigh. It doesn't look like he's willing to cooperate.

"Please, I do not want to cause any trouble," Kurogiri said. "My master would like to meet The Marionettist."

"Your... master?" He raised a brow.

"All For One."

The man froze solid.

Ah, it seems the name still holds power. Even when his master is considered a myth, his name was whispered in the underworld regularly, as no one was brave enough to mess with the one that can take quirks.

"Right..." The man uttered, still in shock. "Come in, the boss would want to meet you."

Kurogiri nodded in gratitude, thankful that the situation didn't escalate. He followed after the grunt, his glowing eyes scanning the room, noticing how the members of the gang were staring at him intently.

As he was told to wait, he obeyed with a nod, content with standing still until the person he was looking for arrived. It didn't take long for the boss to arrive, and she was much more beautiful in person. With golden hair reaching her neck, two glowing emerald eyes that shone in the darkness, and features that will woo anyone with a smile, she puts all celebrities to shame.

She used the stairs to the far left, taking her time with a small smile. She was confident, even if she knew who she was messing with? All For One will like that a lot.

"Well well well, I certainly did not expect for the legendary All For One to take interest in me of all villains." She said.

Kurogiri bowed deeply. "It is a pleasure seeing you in person, miss. I am Kurogiri, a servent of All For One."

"It is a pleasure in meeting you as well, Kurogiri." She nodded with a gentle smile. "Hope my friends weren't unpleasant to you?"

"Not at all." He shook his shadowy head. "I understand their concerns. I do not hold it against them."

"Good." She replies. "I assume you are here for something? I doubt you came to say hi."

"Of course." He opened a portal, and every member aimed their gun at him. "Over here, please. The Master would like to meet you."

She raised her hand and everyone dropped their aim, still keeping their glares. "Now now, boys, I know you are worried about me, but I will be fine.

"And, of course." She smiled. "I'll gladly meet the man himself. I'll be honored!"

Kurogiri nodded, not knowing what was going through her head. Not a single moment where she was nervous, instead, he could've sworn that there was a tint of excitement in her voice. Does she respect All For One? Were those words genuine? Looking at her face did not help at all, as her true emotions were behind a smiling facade.

...if those were not her true emotions of course. He's still not sure what to think of her.

She's polite, I suppose.

With a slight bow, he leads the way inside the portal, and with a glance, he saw that she followed him, not showing any sudden movement. She didn't show any distress either, as if she was used to traveling long distances in an instant. As they passed the dark portal, a dark room surrounded them, with his Master sitting on a throne at the end of it.

"Thank you, Kurogiri." His master's voice rumbled. "You may leave us."

"As you command."

With one final bow, Kurogiri made a portal to Tomura. Not wasting any time, the shadowy villain left the two, bigger villains for their talk.

(All For One)

He was quite surprised by what he had felt when she appeared before him.

Many years ago, All For One had a... "Phase", where he started taking quirks. It didn't matter if they were useful or not, as his younger self was utterly drunk on power. He took and took, and those who resisted perished. He kept doing it for years, traveling across the globe to take more. Of course, after some time, he acquired a "Taste" of some sort, and his quirk-stealing frenzy died down.

Right now, he has hundreds and hundreds of quirks, with only a small percentage useful to him. One of said useful quirks... is Empathy. To be able to feel the emotions of others. For someone like him, the quirk might hinder him, incredibly so. To be able to feel the guilt, fear, and grief of others could mess with his mental health.

Fortunately for him, he managed to control the quirk, only using it whenever he needed it. Making deals, threats, etcetera.

So you could understand his surprise when the girl was feeling excitement... and bloodlust.

Could it be? He thought, a grin stretching on his face. Will she try to take my place? To be the one who defeated All For One?

She was incredibly deceptive with that smile of hers too. If he didn't have the quirk, he would've never known.

He could try to read her mind, but his mind-reading quirk is not perfect. Even the stupidest of people will feel something was wrong, and someone with her intelligence? She'll easily deduce what had happened.

He was confident he could take her on, but he does not want to risk an extremely useful pawn.

"It's quite a pleasure to meet you Ma-"

"Please," She cut him off, her appearance suddenly changing. "Call me Akane."

He watched in interest as her short shining blonde hair turned as black as charcoal and became long enough to reach her waist, while her glowing green eyes turned blood red. A disguise quirk? How curious. He knew of the chance that she had multiple quirks, but this confirms it...

With him being blind, he might've never known about this quirk without his sight quirk. To be able to see everything around you is useful after all.

"Fascinating." He said. "It is possible for someone to have a merged quirk through a quirk marriage, but this is the first time I've seen someone have three abilities in a single quirk... unless, you have more than one."

"Well, it's not that uncommon to come to this conclusion." She sighed. "But I believe you have something to ask of me?"

"...Of course." He nodded, still grinning. "Tell me, Akane, what is it that you want?"

"To rule." She answered almost instantly.

"Rule... what exactly?"

"Everything." She smirked. "This country, then the continent, and eventually the entire world will be under my rule. Is this what you wanted to hear?"

"I see..." He said. "And is that all? What will you do when you inevitably reach old age? Will you search the world for people who have life-prolonging quirks? To take it for yourself?"

She paused, looking at him with a frown. "How do you know I can take quirks?"

His grin widened. "You just told me."

Her eyes widened in surprise before she started giggling. "Alright, you got me. I certainly didn't expect you to outsmart me like this when our difference in intelligence is so vast." He raised a non-existent brow at that. "But you have my respect, Shigaraki."

"Oh? You know my name?"

"I know a lot of things, All For One." She smiled. "But most of those are outside your comprehension, so let me answer the question you asked before."

He felt a little annoyed at the disrespect but chalked it up as a teen not knowing any better. It was also strange how when she compared their "Intelligence" before, she didn't speak in any arrogant manor. It's as if she whole-heartedly believed she was smarter than him.

How confident...

"If you think old age is a problem, then I'm afraid you're dead wrong." She said. "I'm still young, so finding ways to achieve immortality is possible. Honestly, the only thing I'm wary of is people who are stronger than me."

"And you seem confident in my presence." He stated. "Do you not see me as your better?"

"Better? You wish, old man." She snorted. "Your so-called presence is nothing to what I felt from Sirzechs that day. I still get shivers when thinking about it..."

Sirzechs? He never heard that name before... and it doesn't sound Japanese.

"But I guess you don't know who that is, do you? Oh well." She shrugged. "To be frank, All For One, you're just a stepping stone to my inevitable ascendance. So why don't you be a good elder..."

Then, all of a sudden, spears, arrows, and all kinds of weaponry made of pure ice filled the room as wings sprouted out of Akane's back.


He grinned as everything shot towards him at an impressive speed, amused at her. Ice quirk? Wing quirk? So she does steal quirks...

Then, he vanished from sight, using a teleportation quirk to appear behind her. He extended an arm towards her, preparing to shoot out a powerful gust of force.

"You're overconfident, girl."

As he used his quirk, she disappeared.

"Am I now, old man?" His sight quirk already warned him of her position, but he wasn't fast enough, for a strong explosion of ice sent him flying back into the wall. He saw her pull a frozen sword out of nowhere as she charged at him, but spear-shaped bone came out from his body, stabbing her in the shoulder.

She hissed in pain, scowling in annoyance as she prepared another ice explosion. He teleported before he was hit, grinning madly at the incredible display.

"Not bad, Akane!" He praised. "I knew you had potential, but to harm even me at your age? If I had only known where you were in the past, I would've left Tomura to rot!"

"Spare me the flattery, you old fuck." She growled, her body glowing lime green. "They won't help you when I carve that already fucked up face of yours even more."

He laughed loudly. It seems she at least shares that temper with Tomura...

With a snap of her fingers, ice mirrors filled the room, and with a smirk, she entered inside one of the mirrors... Then, she shot out at an unimaginable speed, while rapidly shooting needles of ice. She disappeared into one of the mirrors, only to repeat the process over and over. Even with his future sigh quirk, he couldn't react to her onslaught, as needles filled his body. He quickly figured out what he needed to do, and smashed all of the mirrors with a powerful roar that shook the ground.

Akane widened her eyes as All For One teleported directly in front of her, mixing multiple of strength-enhancing quirks into one of his arms, then delivering a powerful punch to her stomach. She spat out blood as she was sent flying upwards, breaking through multiple floors. She coughed up blood as she winced at the pain, looking at her surroundings and noticing that she was outside and into the air.

"Damn it." She coughed. "Seriously? Half of my HP in a single hit?" She stated... when she thought she was alone.

All For One was watching in interest at her loud thoughts. HP? Isn't that what Tomura describes as Health Points?

A video game metaphor hm? She's a lot more similar to him than he first thought.

Akane wiped the blood from her lips as she grimaced. "I underestimated him. His stats were powerful on its own, but with the amount of enhancing quirks he has? He's definitely faster and stronger than me physically."

As she took a deep breath, he teleported a small distance away from her.

"Hoho? tired already?" He chuckled, making her grit her teeth. "I'll admit, you took me by surprise with that trick of yours. Quite a useful quirk you have."

She glanced at the city near them then clicked her tongue.

"Oi, you don't mind if we fight somewhere else, do you?" She said. "I don't want the heroes interrupting this."

"Of course." He replied, humoring her. "Do you have a place in mind?"

"I do, actually." She nodded. "There's an empty place that way, filled with forests and mountains. The heroes would take them hours to reach there. Follow me."

With a flap of her wings, she broke through the sound barrier many times over. He followed after her, barely reaching her speed.

It appears I've underestimated how fast she can be. He thought with a huge grin. Ah, I wonder how many quirks she has. Her face of despair as I take everything before her eyes...



All For One

HP - 40,000

MP - 10

SP - 80,000

Race - Human

Tier - Veteran

LVL - 311

STR - 423

END - 310

DEX - 371

INT - 515

WIS - 600

CHA - 214

LUK - 122

Thoughts about you - Intrigue, Amusement

Affection - -50

Okay, in hindsight, I may have been reckless... Alright, I was reckless.

Sins of greed and wrath were fucking with my mind. The former wanted me to take All For One from him as fast as I can, and the latter fucked with my impulse control. I should've made a deal with him, then took him by surprise when I made the Destroyer. Or at least stabbed him in the back when he least expected it.

A glance back told me that he was struggling to catch up, making me smirk.

At least I have that going for me...

Still, he is definitely stronger than he should be. In the anime, he didn't show that many quirks, but realistically, he should have hundreds of abilities, like that roar he just did. It was way louder than what a human's vocal cords should be capable of.

I do think I can beat him, however, but it doesn't mean I like a close fight.

And if All Might is currently stronger...

I bite my lips in annoyance.

I don't have much time anymore. If I waste a single day to train, the heroes might catch on. I must get them by surprise when I attack, and if they're ready? Everything will be much harder.

True, they still don't know about my futuristic technology, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I should've trained a day more before going making my plans...

"Over here," I say. abruptly stopping. "Hope you like it. It's where your grave will be."

He chuckled. "We'll see..."

As he teleports, I immediately head down to the ground, then snap my fingers to summon over twenty ice knights. I debated on using Ice Age to boost myself, but knew it would reach the city, and that would mean heroes coming over.

Instead, I charged two Absolute Zeros in both hands, sharpening my senses as he appears behind. I twirl around and shoot both blasts, but he evades them both and aims a grotesque looking arm at me. Smirking, I fly away from his punch, then snap my finger again and two hundred illusionary clones appear.

They all charge as I pull out Frostbrand, creating a circle of swords spinning around me, acting as a shield. I boost my self with Nimble, then pump mana into the ice blade, holding in an icy bolt.

All For One easily figures out that the clones are fake, and spears of shadow sprout out of his back, shooting at me very fast. I narrow my eyes and cut the spears with swing, sending the ice bolt at him. With a chuckle, he sends more spears of shadow at me, this time in the hundreds. The bolt was able to destroy a few, but with the huge quantity, it simply couldn't keep going.

The knights were all shattered before they could do anything, and the shadows then aimed at me. Clicking my tongue, I fly away, skillfully evading and blocking the attacks, the swords around me shattering one by one until I have nothing to protect me. As I felt my temper get the better of me, seeing that there's simply no end to them, I release a blast of destruction at them, completely erasing the remaining spears.

My senses scream at me to move, but I was too slow as I felt a powerful blow to my face sending my down, creating a crater on the ground.

Knowing I'm not quick enough to dodge the incoming fist falling down on me, I create two ice mirrors, one directly behind me and the other far away. I barely dodge the killing blow as I enter the mirror, exiting the other almost instantly. Once I was away, I immediately use a large chunk of my mana on all kinds of ice attacks. Hundreds and hundreds of spears, swords, arrows, axes, every single weapon you could think of filled the horizon. With a victorious smirk, I wave my arm and all of them are launched at him.

All For One does the same and waves his arm, creating a large dome of earth to protect himself. I laugh slightly and hurl an orb of destruction at it, making a giant hole inside the dome. I guide all of the flying ice weaponry towards the hole, and the inside of the dome was filled with ice. For good measures, I fire two Absolute Zero blasts at it, causing both the outside and inside freeze, then shatter into particles.

My smirk disappears as my opponent was nowhere to be found, and before I can look for him, a giant fist slams into me, sending me flying away. I grit my teeth, feeling the coppery taste of blood in my mouth, then plant my feet into the ground, preventing me from going any further.

Checking at my stats, I grimace as I see that I only have 3k HP. One more strike and I'm dead...

I summon a light spirit, letting it heal me continuously in quick bursts, then get into a stance as I focus on Shatterpoint, seeing lines upon lines, all leading to a certain point in All For One's body. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath as I increase my speed again with nimble.

Fissure purely requires MP to work, and I have a lot of it... but if I mess up, then I'm screwed.

I charge, my eyes completely focused on the lines as I follow after them. Spears made of shadows and bones were flying towards me, but with my focus sharpened to the extreme, I managed to cut or dodge them all flawlessly. I can't say the same about the light spirit, however, as it was destroyed. Spikes made of rocks and wood came out from every surface around me and even with hundreds of projectiles aiming at my head, I quickly dashed out of their way, slicing whatever's in front of me in half.

I use Swordbirth to protect me from particularly large projectiles, blocking them before they get near me.

As I see All For One panicking, I smirk and cast Mirror Image, and two duplicates appear on both sides. I know he also relies on hearing, but this should confuse him for a few seconds...

With a scream, he throws a punch with his grotesque arm, to which I gracefully dodge, then bring my sword to slice his arm horizontally. Frostbrand digs into his fist and into his arm, freezing it completely. I gasp as his entire arm turns to steel halfway through.

I try to pull out the blade, but then a fist strikes my side, taking a huge chunk out of my HP and sending me sprawling over the floor. I try to get up, but spears of shadow stab my arms and legs, pinning me to the ground. I try to freeze them away but everything turns hazy, my focus slowly fading away.

"T-these are..." I mutter, trying to get my breathing under control.

My HP... it's slowly draining.

"Have I not mention it? These shadows sap the energy of whomever it impales." He says, making me grit my teeth in frustration. "You can barely utter a single word right now, my dear girl."

"I'll... kill... you."

"For your insolence, I'll take this ice quirk you seem to love so much..." He extends his arm, and I feel something disappear within me.

Unique skill, [Quirk: Overhaul] has been taken away!


"Hmm? What's this?" He questions. "This is not your ice quirk... unless you somehow make ice constructs with this, and disguise it as an ice quirk?"

No, no no no no!

"Oh, no matter. It is a powerful quirk, no doubt."

I tone out his ramblings as my heart starts beating faster and faster. He took it away from me... He took away something that belongs to me!

How dare he... how DARE HE?!

"I'll kill you... I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

As I feel rage empowering my mind, I watch in silent horror as All For One takes Frostbrand... and stabs my back with it, my spine being cut in half.

And in that instant, my HP hits zero.

I let out a silent, terrified gasp, feeling the searing pain in my entire body.

It hurts, it hurts so much.

With another gasp, I use all my remaining power to take the plunged sword out of my back, refusing to believe my status reading "DEAD". My wings flap, my arms flail, and tears of fear trickle down my eyes. All For One chuckles menacingly before it turns into full-blown laughter.

"This is why you never mess with your elders, young Akane." He says, but I don't listen as my vision slowly blurs. "Too bad you recklessly fought a battle you could never win..."

He stares at my sword. "I think I'll take this with me, in memory of you."

My eyes slowly close, my thoughts fading away as I curse him...

I don't want to die...

This isn't supposed to happen. I... I'm destined to become the strongest... Not die to someone like him.

I slowly close my eyes, the light around me disappearing as darkness surrounds me.

But then, a message from the game made eyes spark with life.

[Troll's Vitality] Activated.

My HP regenerates by 1700, and without wasting any time, I shoot towards All For One, kicking his face and breaking his mask. He was sent flying through the forest and into the mountain, creating a large crater in it. I grasp my chest as I start gasping for air, the terror of death being replaced by relief.

I was about to die... I died.

If I didn't have the perk, everything I worked for would've been for nothing.

And it's all because of him...

Someone like him...

The ground beneath me starts freezing then disintegrating as I grit my teeth, feeling the mana within screaming to break free. Red and black sparks flew off my body, my fists clenching hard enough to draw blood.

This trash- this NPC thinks he can overpower me? ME?!

"I'll make you suffer..." I growl, dispelling all my ice spells, and replacing them with PoD.

[Fury] Buff activated

Fury - 5:00

All physical stats increase by 30%, but your mental ones decrease by 30%

I create a light spirit and boost my DEX, restoring some of my health, and increasing my speed slightly. The ground shatters as I use my leg muscles to jump to the dead man's direction, charging two giant balls of destruction, both being charged with 20% of my full MP.

With a mighty roar, I kick the villain right in the face, digging into the mountain. I fly away, then mix both balls into a bigger one, then throw it at the mountain he's in.

The entirety of the mountain turned into nothing while creating a gigantic hole under where it supposed to be. As the light spirit heals me again, I look around for him, knowing he's still alive. With my supernatural senses, I block a punch aimed at my head with my forearm, grimacing as I feel the bones crack. I ignore the pain and pull out the Gravelord sword, slashing at his arm and spreading poison through it.

He grunts in pain and cuts his own arm off before the poison spreads, then as I was about to attack again, an arrow-shaped spear of pure light shoots towards my head, to which I narrowly dodge by tilting my head. I create a small PoD blast and shoot it at his knee, disintegrating a part of it. He roars and a shockwave sends me downwards. I shake my head, my ears ringing from the loud noise, and fly high again before hitting the ground.

He teleports in front of me, throwing a right hook with his remaining arm. I barely block it with my other arm, but at the same time, the light spirit heals me. With a grin, I activate the Titanic Perk, and my strength doubles, then I grab the old fucker's disgusting arm and throw him down. I create an ice mirror where I am, then use Flash Step multiple times to get down before him, then use my leg to kick him high up again.

Creating another ice mirror, I use the skill to travel to the other one at the speed of light. I keep doing the same thing, kicking him to another place, creating an ice mirror, then travel around him extremely fast, all while charging a powerful blast of destruction. I trap him in a ping-pong, using every second of my doubled STR to chip at his health. As the duration reaches the last five seconds, I slam him down, then stomp at his stomach, making him cough blood through his stupid mask.

He didn't waste time either as shadowy and bonelike spears expelled out of his body, stabbing me multiple times. As I saw my health slowly drop to zero again, I heal myself albeit slightly.

Before my health is drained to zero, and with PoD fully charged, I aim both hands at his face.

"H-how...?" He utters.


Before he could reply, I shoot both blasts, and his entire upper body disappears.

Level up x2

Unique skill plundered: [All For One]

Error, [Plunder] cannot co-exist with [All For One]

Searching for solutions... Solution found.

Mixing skills...

Skills mixed successfully.

Congratulations! Through mixing [Plunder] and [All For One], You have unlocked the legendary skill, [Devour]!

Skills gained

[Devour+] - Legendary

Devour some life force of your falling enemies, along with all skills they possess. Devours 15% of the enemy's stats if they have over 5% of what you have. Killing a huge amount of people at the same time will decrease the requirement to 1%.

Anything short of Racial skills will be devoured, unique, or otherwise.

You are able to devour one unique skill from unconscious targets who are at least 100 levels under you.

[Devour: Grant] - Legendary

Through the mixing of certain skills, you are now able to grant skills to other people.

Stats devoured: +126 STR,+93 VIT, +111 DEX, +154 INT, +120 WIS, +64 CHA, +37 LUK

Perk gained

[Untouchable] - 1000 DEX

There's a 30% chance that your body will move on its own, dodging almost any attack heading your way.

The shadowy spears evaporate as their bonelike counterparts crumble. I take a few steps back, away from the dead body of All For One, then fall down on my back, breathing heavily. Physically, I'm not tired, since leveling up restores everything back to full, but mentally?

Right in that instant, before I killed him, my health was at 83. 83 out of 17,000. One more second and the spears could've killed me. I ignored the hazy feeling they injected me with, the Fury buff helping me in the process, but one second and I would've been killed.

I grasp my chest, calming my beating heart with deep breaths. I did it. I defeated All For One, took his quirk, and officially became the strongest villain... But Overhaul disappeared for good.

I slam my fist on the ground, cracking it with my strength. I should be happy... Happy that I got a legendary skill, happy with my accomplishment, happy with the devoured stats... But I can't.

Why didn't plunder take back Overhaul? Does it only take one unique skill at a time? And it starts with the strongest?

"Fuck..." I curse under my breath, still feeling the taste of blood inside my mouth. "Damn it..."

A quirk so useful, gone because I wasn't strong enough. If I had spent a single more day leveling up in the dungeon, then this fight could've turned out differently. I wouldn't have lost an incredibly useful quirk, especially for my engineering, to that wrinkly fuck.

I reign in my anger, taking deep breaths. He's dead, Akane, there's nothing you can do to him...


I grin, slowly getting up and changing my appearance back to my villain one and wearing a spare custom. Before I fly off to my destination, I destroy his corpse completely, then take off to the city.

If I can't torment him anymore...

Then I'll break his little protege.


He stared at his reflection through the drink, sitting on a stool while occasionally scratching his neck in annoyance. He's heard of the up and coming villain who swept through the underworld with insane efficiency. Every single gang that dared to challenge her was mercilessly crushed then absorbed. Nothing stood in her way, not even when multiple gangs worked together.

Tomura clicked his tongue, his scratching getting violent enough to draw blood. Why? Why does his teacher feel the need to recruit her? She's nothing special.

He caught on the excitement in his teacher's voice when talked about her, and that only pissed him off even more. So what if she damaged the economy? So what if she showed signs of having multiple quirks? Who gives a shit about that? He's the successor, not her!

"Tomura." Kurogiri said. "You are shaking. What seems to be the problem?"

"Marionettist this, Marionettist that." He growled. "She's nothing. If Teacher let me out to rob a bank, I would've proved that I was better than that bitch."

"Take a deep breath, Tomura," Kurogiri told him. "Your neck is bleeding."

That only angered him more as he grit his teeth. "Marionettist, Marionettist, Marionettist, Marionettist, Marionettist,... SHE PISSES ME OFF!"

The door to the bar then burst open, the door flying off the handle and to the wall. In walked the villain he hated with a passion, and she looked at him with a smug smile.

"Oh? How so? Did daddy dearest not give your worthless ass any attention?" She mocked. "Well, I'm sorry that I'm better than you."

Tomura's eyes widened in shock for a whole minute, not knowing how to react.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Or did my beauty turn you speechless?" She giggled. "Oh, don't worry. Most people have the same reaction."

He scowled. "Speak of the devil..."

"Oh, you flatterer." She said, fluttering her eyelashes. "You're gonna make me blush."

He clicked his tongue and slowly walked forward, his hand inside his hoodie's pocket. Once she was in reach, seeing as she waited for him, he extended his arm towards her.

No one knows his quirk, so simply touching her will disintegrate her completely. He knew that showing sudden movement will get her to act, and with her insane speed and strength? He's not an idiot.

"Tomura, don't," Kurogiri said. "You know the Master will disapprove."

Tomura bit his lips, his arm halfway to her. Just a little more and she's dead, especially when she didn't show any kind of movement... but All For One will be angry with him.

With an angry growl, he retracted his arm and backed away slightly.

"Were you trying to do something, bad?" She questioned innocently, crossing her arms. "You shouldn't do bad things, Tenko. Daddy Dearest did, and now he's turned into nothing."

Tomura froze as he was sitting back on his stool.


"Turned... into nothing?" Kurogiri parroted. "Could you elaborate on that please?"

How does she know Tenko?

"Simple!" She replied cheerfully. "I killed All For One!"


"P-pardon?" Kurogiri uttered. "You killed... the master? You?"

"Yup, and I came here to send you to him." She said, extending her arm in Kurogiri's direction. "Fare thee well!"

Before Kurogiri could react, a black and red ball was launched towards him, and half of his body disappeared, along with the wall and anything beyond it.

Tomura didn't waste any chance and rushed towards her, aiming his arm at her face as his red eyes glowed in fury... but she was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, his stomach felt cold, and as he turned down, he saw a glowing, ice blade coming out, freezing parts of his body. She took out the blade, and Tomura walked forward a bit before falling with a loud thud. He vomited, incapable of keeping the blood where it's supposed to be.

He forced himself to turn around, trying to grab into her legs, but with speed untraceable with his eyes, both of his arms were cut off.

Tomura screamed, feeling this cold yet hot pain going through his entire body. He gasped, panted, and when he saw the girl's eyes, he froze.

This... isn't a human.

Fear gripped at his heart as he tried to get up, the adrenaline coursing through numbing the agony he was feeling. A foot stomped at his leg, shattering the bone. The Monster grabbed his head and forced him to look at her.

"You know, I really don't have any problem with you, Tomura." She said blankly. "But your teacher took something away from me, you see."

Her glowing, red eyes only showed cold, quiet rage.

"As hypocritical as it is for me to say this, but I really despise thieves." He was frozen in fear as she stayed blank. "And your teacher stole something from me."

His breathing stopped, for the terror was far beyond anything he felt before.

"Don't worry though." She assured, smiling cruelly. "You say you want to kill All Might? I'm planning to do that as well."

Then, he heard the police sirens, indicating that they've heard the commotion.

Ironically, he would've felt relief that they're here, to drive this monster away, to save him from her... but he knew it was for naught.

"It seems my time is up." She murmured looking over at the hole she made, then he felt his face get colder. "Oh well, I already said what I wanted to say anyway, so whatever."

She turned to him. "You know, I've never frozen someone to death before... so why not try it now?"

Slowly, he felt his entire body freeze, starting with his legs, then the remaining of his stomach, his chest, his neck, and finally, his head. The ice stopped there as the monster smiled in satisfaction.

"Without me, you would've changed the world..." She muttered. "But with me around? You're not needed..."

In an instant, the ice froze the remains of his head, causing him to rapidly lose consciousness. Through the crystallized ice, he saw the monster grinning before flying off.

With her launch, the sound barrier was broken, and a shockwave knocked the ice statue of Tomura Shigaraki, shattering it to small pieces.

And in a single day, the League of Villains lost all of its leaders.

In the coming days, the underworld would hear of the news... and all will bow down before the new Symbol of Fear.