
Planets At Rise

One small step for Humans One giant leap for Planets. A mysterious figure goes from planet to planet and claims that there exists too many planets in the universe, and in order to solve this issue the planets must chose a representative to fight for them in a tournament in order to earn their right to continue existing. Panic looms over the Earth as it's people dread over the thought of having their existence cut short and never getting to fully live out their lives, though not all people have chosen to feel this way. Before and even after the announcement was made that Earth's time would be running out, there were those who had already made up their minds that they would face each and every trouble that they were going through, and would wait for the perfect opportunity to achieve what it is that they wanted. And one of those people were chosen to become Earth's representative. So let us see where their story will take us.

Kemzxl · 科幻
87 Chs

Bar Fight 4

Terra, Vito, and Edith were now face to face lined up against Dragon, Mickey, and Mutt.

"A three-on-three brawl to settle things," Dragon said as he punched his fist into his other hand. "I like it."

Terra then noticed that Dragon was looking at him as he said those words. Terra glanced over at Mikey and then scooched over to Vito as he placed a hand beside his mouth to try and whisper to him, "Hey Vito, switch partners with me."

This was obviously not a whisper and Dragon could clearly hear every word that was being said. And felt offended by it.

"What, why?" Vito asked Terra.

"Well it's because you know.. that short guy over there," he said while pointing and still trying to whisper, "Seems to be their leader. And you know I'm the you know what... So it would make more sense for me to fight him because it would give me experience," Terra said as he smiled and shrugged knowing that he didn't believe his own words.

"You just want to fight him because he is a leader of a group that claims to be a mafia." Vito clapped back. "This has nothing to do with experience!" He said while throwing his hands in the air.

"Claims?" Mikey whispered hurtfully.

"But Vito!" Terra cried, "That other guy was pretty unimportant. I only hit him because he was close by and he claimed to be mafia. I wouldn't have gone for him if he was that weak," Terra complained.

"Well, you get what you what was coming for you. Next time don't hit somebody just because you know that they are a part of the mafia," Vito scolded Terra.

"Mhm.. No!" Terra hissed as he squinted his eyes.

*Hahahaha* *Hahahaha*

Everyone's attention was brought to when they heard Mikey laughing like a maniac at the situation.

"Haah, you guys are funny. Strange but funny. You come into my bar and beat my people up and then start arguing about who you want to fight next? What a riot you people are. And what's with those silly costumes? Halloween isn't until another couple of months forward, if we even get to live that long," he said while swinging his body back and forth lightly with his hands in his pockets.

"I like you people a lot, and you! The one with the bag for a mask, I'll fight you. You seem to be just dying for a fight against a Mafia leader, so I'll give it to you. But let me set one thing straight here," he said as he stopped smiling and pointed his finger at Vito. "We do not claim to be a mafia family, WE ARE ONE!" he said as he almost gritted his teeth out.

"And I do not tolerate anyone who would dare to disrespect my family or our name. Though I don't expect someone like you to understand what that means."

Those words hit Vito where it hurt. He out of everyone knew what that meant because he had been living his entire life trying to uphold what little dignity his family had among the 5 mafia families in California. So much so that he was even willing to go as far as killing Terra for a chance to make a name for his family once more.

And to hear someone say such words to him without even knowing his background... it made Vito want to put him in the ground more than anything.

"If you are not done with him by the time I finish my fight," Vito said without looking at Terra but only staring at Mikey. "Then I will switch with you. Deal?"

"Deal," Terra agreed without hesitation and pure confidence in his skill.

"Tsk," Dragon said, "I was looking forward to beating up the guy that cheap shot me," he said while placing a hand on his cheek.

"Hey man, it's not my fault you are weak, a good fighter could have avoided it," Terra teased.

"Why you!" Dragon yelled as he almost charged at him but was being held back by Mikey and Mutt. 

"Oi Dragon, you can't be doing that. We just agreed that I would get to fight him. Besides, I'm pissed too. At the guy who insulted our family and hit me a little while ago, so why don't you take care of him for me, and then after we beat them, we can switch partners and beat them up again."

"Tsk," Dragon calmed down but still had his eyes narrowing Terra.

"Eyy, I don't like this," Edith said. "I feel like I am being given scraps. Why do you guys get to fight the final boss and his lackey, and I get the guy with a mohawk for a hairstyle? He is probably going bald at the top of his head and that's why he decided to cover it up in the first place."

Mutt touched the top of his head with his hand and then crouched down on the floor and rolled himself up as he cried, "How did you know!!?" *sniff* *sniff*

"Huh!? What!!? I was joking, joking!!" Edith tried to explain in order to calm the situation down.

"Hey look at what you've done! You've made Mutt cry! You are a terrible person! Don't you know that most people with mohawks are insecure about that hair!!?" Dragon yelled as he and Mikey went down to comfort Mutt.

Edith was left stunned, not knowing what to do in this situation. "Was he really balding?" She asked herself.

Vito went in to give her a tap on the shoulder saying to her that it was not her fault, she didn't know that he was like this so she shouldn't have to feel too terrible about the situation she was in.

"Oi Mutt, do you not want to fight anymore?" Mikey asked as Sympathetic as he could.

"No, I'll fight. I'll do it,'" Mutt muttered lowly as he was still crying. "Seeing as how the others can't fight anymore, I will step up on their behalf."

"Atta boy!' Mikey smiled. He and Dragon lifted up Mutt and now they were ready to fight again.

"Oi," Mikey yelled at his opponents, "Since I did you guys a favor by letting him fight me like he wanted, you guys should do me one too, as a form of courtesy."

"Courtesy?" Vito whispered in disbelief. The favor Mikey was talking about only benefited Terra and not him or Edith. There was no Courtesy to display here.

Vito wanted to deny it then and there but suddenly Terra said, "Yes."

"Why did you just agree to accept something that we don't even know he will ask!?" Vito grumbled in annoyance.

"Because we have the advantage," Terra replied honestly. "They will need every bone they can get."

"Still underestimating us?" Mikey replied smiling on the outside. "Well, you must be very confident in your skills, for now. Anyway, the only favor I want is for us to fight separately so we don't end up attacking one another. This way you can't help each other once you start losing."

After hearing about the condition, Vito calmed down a bit. If that was all they wanted then it wouldn't be a problem at all. He nodded towards the left, and Dragon followed him there. Meanwhile, Edith sighed as she pointed towards the right side, and Mutt went with her there.

Leaving Terra and Mikey, to settle things right where they were.

Before we get down to it, Mikey said as he opened his hand towards Terra as if reaching out to him. "Let's talk."


After waking near a corner on the far right side of the room Edith asked, "Is this good enough?"

"Yeah," Mutt replied with his head low. "This should be good enough."

Seeing him still sulking from the words she had spoken earlier Edith asked concerned "Are you okay? If you don't want to fight, we don't have to do this."

Mutt looked around and saw that there were a few hopeful stares from the people left standing in the room. Stares from his people, his own gang members who were looking up to him to see if he would pull through the fight that was about to happen. To see if he could stand strong and win it! If not for them then at least for their pride as a profound mafia family.

Mutt lifted his chin up and stood tall as he replied, "No. We have to do this. I have to avenge those who were beaten here today by you and your people. It is my duty as one of the leaders here to do so, and it is the only way that we can uphold our name as a Mafia family. As the California Avengers!"

There were screams and shouts made by everyone who heard his speech. All of his men were rallied up and cheered for him until his inevitable victory would come.

This act of union would have even impressed Edith if it wasn't for the thing she heard Mutt say during his speech that is. 'The California Avengers? Did he just call themselves the California Avengers!? This isn't a Mafia Family, these are amateurs who want to be one! No wonder Minty got so depressed. I would be too if I were her.'

Edith rubbed her hand across her face in disbelief that she had to deal with this. Now even she wanted to get this over with. She pulled out her mace from behind her back and prepared to launch an attack.

Mutt seeing this said to her, "That weapon... Mhm."

"What about it?" Edith asked.

"On well it's nothing much," Mutt replied. "I just feel like you would be better suited with a hammer."

Hearing Mutt say this ticked a nerve for Edith. "Damnit! Why does everybody think that!? The media ruined the use of hammers for women. It's way too common!" She yelled as she rushed forward swinging her mace down on his head.

Mutt didn't have a chance to react, he didn't even have a chance to move. He crossed his hands against each other and lifted them up to guard against the blow.

The mace fell down upon his head and kept going as it bashed him into the floor.

Edith brought her weapon up and shrieked a little as she asked, "Did I just kill him!?" There were no longer any screams and shouts being made by those around them as they watched with their mouths hanging open in shock. Some of them even had their hands stuck in the air from this experience.

Suddenly they could hear the groan of a beaten and tired man getting up. Mutt dusted himself off as he walked away towards a wall. He grabbed a metal pipe and said to Edith, "I should have known that you would sneak attack me just like your friend did to mine. You people are all spineless."

He then placed his foot on top of a chair as he stood tall and posed with the metal pipe hanging around his back. "But I'll have you know that I am not as weak as you may think. And just like you put me down, I am about to bury you."

The screams and shouts were even louder this time and everybody there was yelling Mutt's name and saying that he was so cool.

Edith would have believed him to have been stronger than her and even more durable, but then she noticed that despite posing and acting cool, Mutt's figure was shaking. His body just couldn't sit still.

Inside Mutt's head, he had given up on the fight and just wanted to look cool. After failing to block the attack, Mutt realized that he was much weaker than her in terms of strength and much slower than her in terms of speed.

He had also seen her fighting earlier and knew that she was definitely above him in skill with the way she was fighting. He thought that maybe his gang members were weak but after facing her just now he knew to say that she was savagely too strong.

Mutt's arms and chest hurt and his lower body was giving out on him. He felt like he had broken bones somewhere but didn't know where and he knew that the only reason he hadn't been knocked unconscious was because the massive hair covering his bold spot had absorbed most of the impact from the blow as it traveled to his knees.

In order words, Mutt wanted to go home now.

To my lovely readers ~ more is on the way.

Kemzxlcreators' thoughts