
House of Worm

The winds drown out the pleas. The woman dragged the little girl into the fog. Then the sound of carriage wheels rattling appeared from behind the pair of mother and daughter. It was the earlier plague doctor's carriage chasing the pair. Seeing the carriage, the mother urged, "Come, quick…" Suddenly a lasso flung out, it tightened around the woman's body and pulled. She instantly fell to the ground. 

"Ellie, go, run!" The woman screamed. The girl turned to take one glance at her mother before running away. Just as Gu Jun's team attempted to do something, a thicker fog rolled over and when it dissipated, the image all disappeared like it had been an illusion.

"What the hell…" Lou Xiaoning cursed, "How can they do that? Aren't they supposed to be doctors?"