
Pioneer of Wizarding World

[A Harry Potter Fanfiction] Alder Gray opened his eyes in a world both familiar and unfamiliar. He transmigrated to Harry Potter but seven years before the golden trio started Hogwarts. With the help of a system, which named itself Academic System, Alder's journey through wizarding world begins. Join Alder to discover if the existance of a system is merely a cheat, or a sign of great responsibility. ....................................................... Author's Notes: I do not own any character other than my OCs. Our first saga in the wizarding world will take place in 1984-1991, school years of our main character. A timeline which Hogwarts Mystery players may be familiar of. But most of the characters that has been added in the game are excluded. I'm writing the novel because of my admiration for Harry Potter series and I also hope to create an escape from daily problems for both myself and readers of my novel. But daily life and my job may also limit the update frequency, thus it has no definite update schedule. Last but not least, English is not my main language, be free to correct or warn me if you notice a mistake that disrupts your reading experience.

WizardingOrigin · 作品衍生
26 Chs

Chapter 3 - Hagrid

An excited smile could be seen on Alder's face. He couldn't wait to cast spells, brew potions maybe even delve into the runes. He always thought magic was more than just sending charms and curses each other. Hogwarts itself is a wonder. And there are many things he was curious of, such as how can an occupation could be cursed completely, like Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

A doctor came by with the nurse before and checked his vitals, reflexes and sequelae that could be remained. After seeing everything was good except maybe bruises in his arms, they decided to discharge Alder and were about to exit the room to inform his caretaker. Alder intervened and told that a guardian of his will visit in an hour. They thoughtfully nodded, wondering if Alder was going to be adopted.

While waiting, Alder decided to check what the stats and talents about. He brought the status screen before him and clicked at some of them.

-Body: The physical body of the wizard. Each point will improve strength, speed, reflexes and stamina of the wizard.-

-Magic: Magical properties of the wizard. Each point will improve the power of spells and other forms of magical applications.-

-Mind: Mind of the wizard. Each point will improve the thinking speed, learning speed, resistances against spells effect the mind or power of the spells that effect the mind.-

-Talents: Natural talents of the wizard. Greater the talent, it's easier to gain experience for a spell or comprehension for the knowledge of that talent. Low level talents may limit the skill levels. Also some skills may be unattainable due to low talent of the branch of magic.-

-Transfiguration: The art of changing the form and appearance of an object or a person.-

-Magizoology: Study of magical creatures and wizard's affinity to them.-

-Wandlore: Branch of magic dealing with the history, abilities, and actions of wands, quasi-sentient magical tools used by wizards and witches to cast spells.-

The list went on. Explanation of Talents section told about the usage of experience but when he clicked the talents, no skill was shown.

While checking another notification rung in his ears.

-Side Quest: Threat of Exposure completed. 1 Stats Point, 1 Talent Point and 1000 Experience has been added to the system.-

'Sure enough, Ministry works fast when they are dealing with these kinds of small threats. Maybe Professor dealt with the matter herself.'

He thought about spending the points he gained immediately like he had done in various games in his previous life. But those games had an option to reset skills and such; he was not sure about spending his points without even knowing how to get more. Only gaining points from quests seemed rather an unreliable way. He knew many events that can trigger quests in the near future but he would run out of them eventually.

He had not many things to pass the time; so until Hagrid came, Alder just checked the talents again or sometimes gazed out of the window. It didn't take too long before heavy steps could be heard outside the door followed by an unexpectedly gentle opening of it.

Unexpected, because the man came into the room was so large that he almost couldn't pass the narrow hospital doors.

A gentle smile appeared on the face of Hagrid with a slight tension.

"Alder Gray, right?"

Alder nodded. "How should I call you sir?"

"Rubeus Hagrid, at your service. You can just call me Hagrid. How are you feeling?" said Hagrid his eyes on the bandages on Alder's arm.

"All good. Only a couple of bruises remaining." Alder swung his arm as if saying I am better than ever. It hurt a little bit but the excitement made him ignore it.

Hagrid nodded, the last fraction of tension disappeared from his face. "You can rest assured; Professor McGonagall told me your immediate problem has been solved. But the long-term part of it is still on the table. They think your wizard status can affect you in the future in that kind of environment. What are your thoughts on that?"

Alder sighed and nodded. "Thank you, Hagrid. Please say my thanks to the professor, may I know how is the situation dealt with?"

Hagrid didn't feel like he was talking to an eleven-year-old boy at all. He remembered Professor McGonagall talk about boy's wits; the boy was the one that actually reported the risk. "Professor obliviated your caretaker about the accident after checking the realty of the situation. We were lucky it didn't snowball to an unsolvable problem that Ministry itself needs to interfere."

"Can professor also obliviate all the radical thoughts against magic and our kind from her and her elders' mind?" said Alder. He knew descendants of Scourers are dangerous and rarely alone.

Hagrid shook his head sadly. "Unfortunately, those thoughts seem to run very deep. Deleting that part of their personality and teachings has a risk of turning them to idiots."

"Then I don't think I can go back to that place Hagrid. They're bound to be able to tell what is happening. I can't always stay at school I presume? That would be rather easy solution in my opinion."

"It's not impossible, Alder. Normally students can't stay at Hogwarts at summer holidays. Other holidays are optional but summer holidays need the permission of the headmaster. I also think they're considering that right now but it will probably finalize when you speak with headmaster himself after attending the school. But Professor McGonagall told me that you can stay at Leaky Cauldron until the term starts. Rest assured, even though the name sounds bad, it's quite a warm place." said Hagrid trying to comfort Alder.

"But Hagrid, I don't have money." said Alder confusedly.

"Ah, don't worry about that. School has funds for students like you. You know…orphans." said Hagrid softly, trying not to hurt Alder's feelings.

On the contrary, Alder just smiled and waved his right hand like meaning it doesn't matter. "I am happy that there're still caring people in the world, Hagrid. You didn't even tell me about any tuition fee."

Hagrid laughed and patted Alder's shoulder. "Hogwarts is completely free and it's the greatest place in the world. Don't worry about these kinds of things; you're part of us now."

Alder smiled brighter, almost turned into a grin. He felt welcomed into a family.

Hagrid also had a smile on his face. "Let's get your things. Do you still have your letter?"

"Like I would throw it away..." said Alder as he walked away besides Hagrid. He would probably put the letter somewhere safe for the future; it would be a great remembrance of the first day of his new life.

Name Changes:

Talent names for Beast Mastery and Wand Making Mastery has been changed to Magizoology and Wandlore respectively.

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