
Picking up a female emperor as a petite wife

Li Qingxuan came to the world of fantasy and was rescued by a masked woman. The two of them were dependent on each other, married, and lived a peaceful and happy life, except that his wife never allowed him to see her face. Suddenly, one day, his wife disappeared and was never heard from again... Three years later, a heavily armed team came to Li Qingxuan's hut. The female Valkyrie at the head was sunken and beautiful. She entered Li Qingxuan's house, looked at the portrait that Li Qingxuan had painted of his wife, and fell into silence. Do you live here alone? Where is your wife? You waited for her for three years, was it worth it?

zhou_zhou_2424 · 玄幻
504 Chs

Chapter 12 What happened to the world?

More than half a month passed, Li Qingxuan practiced the Taiqing Sutra every day, signed in to obtain various elixirs, and the true energy in his body became increasingly strong.

Finally, he successfully cultivated Taiqing Jing to the third level.

There is a hint of renunciation in every gesture.

On this day, Li Qingxuan was teasing the chubby puppy Gungun.

It has been two months since I bought the puppy, and its total age is three months.

He already knows how to watch the door. When someone passes by the door, he barks at the outside. Of course, it has no deterrent effect.

"Pavilion Master, a group of officers and soldiers are coming to the painting studio."

A figure appeared and whispered to Li Qingxuan.

This is Yun Twelve, the master of the Cloud Department.

After Langya Pavilion withdrew from Luodu, Yunbu was responsible for secretly protecting Li Qingxuan and obeying orders.

"Officers and soldiers? I have no interaction with anyone in the court. Could it be that female general?"

Li Qingxuan felt faintly excited.

If the female general comes, she may be able to bring news about his wife.

Coming into this world, Li Qingxuan's biggest hope now is to stay with his wife forever.

For him, all glory and wealth are fleeting, and his wife is his biggest obsession.

"Okay, I get it."

Li Qingxuan waved his hand.

Yun Twelve hid again.

A carriage set off from the palace and headed in the direction of Qingzhifang.

Inside the carriage.

The four female officials looked at Huazhi, the Empress of Great Xia who was sitting in the innermost room, with incredulous eyes.

At this time, Huazhi was holding her chin in her hands, with a shy smile on her lips.

From the time when Huazhi was brought back by Tianyiwei, these four women were responsible for serving her food and daily life.

All four of them are clean-blooded and loyal people to the royal family.

They were previously responsible for serving Huazhi's food and daily life. After Huazhi ascended the throne, they assisted Huazhi in handling government affairs. They were Huazhi's true confidants.

This is the first time they have seen Huazhi like this in three years.

Like a young girl with a spring heart...

How is this possible? This is the majestic Empress of Great Xia! All the powerful officials and generals full of murderous aura would tremble in fear when they saw her.

When she ascended the throne, all the opposition forces in the court were wiped out with her thunderous wrists.

The Empress of Great Xia always seemed to be so cold, proud, and domineering, but she could not be associated with such words as cute, charming, and little girl.

But there's something wrong with this expression today!

This is obviously what the little daughter looks like.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Xiaolan asked cautiously.

Only then did Huazhi come back to her senses slightly.

"It's okay! What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, something has been wrong since he left the palace."

Xiaolan plucked up the courage and said.

"Yes! Your Majesty, your appearance just now scared us. You don't look like the Emperor we know at all..."

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

Huazhi smiled slightly: "Me! I can't help but be happy when I think of some things."


So the eyes of the four women were full of suspicion.

They have been with His Majesty, and nothing special has happened.

The only four people who were not with His Majesty were the last time His Majesty left the palace.

Could it be related to that time of leaving the palace?

"Your Majesty, don't you have someone you like?"

Xiaomei asked cautiously.

When these words came out, the expressions of the other three women changed wildly.

This was not a question that a servant of hers should ask.

Xiaomei seemed to realize her gaffe, her face turned pale for a moment, and she was about to explain.

But she saw Huazhi's cheeks were slightly red: "No, no, don't talk nonsense."

Several people looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

Is it really true?

After burning incense, a carriage stopped in front of Li Qingxuan's painting boat.

Taxi soldiers in armor lined up neatly on both sides.

Hua Zhi, dressed in red, lifted the car curtain and walked out.

Different from the heroic appearance in armor that day, today's Huazhi is a little less heroic, but a little more feminine.

The soldiers around him didn't look sideways.

I got off the carriage and looked at the painting studio in front of me, especially when I saw the words "Qingzhifang" on the plaque, I felt lost for a moment.

Although I already knew everything about Li Qingxuan from the spies, when I saw it with my own eyes, the softness in my heart was instantly hit.

"Where is the owner of the studio?"

Huazhi has a pleasant voice.

Li Qingxuan opened the door and walked out.

Because he didn't know what the people from the government were here for, although he guessed that it might be the female general, Li Qingxuan was still more cautious.

When he heard Huazhi's words, he opened the door.

"Don't you want to greet them when they arrive?" Hua Zhiqiao looked at Li Qingxuan with a charming smile.

When these words came out, the whole world fell silent.

The four female officials Mei Lan Zhu Ju rubbed their eyes, suspecting that they were hallucinating.

The officers and soldiers around them were also keeping their noses and noses in mind, and they didn't even dare to express their anger.

The supreme, domineering and cold empress actually spoke to a man in this tone.

Oh my God! What happened to this world?