
Photography At Its Best

Adventures Of A Photographer I posted it before from another account

jon9639 · 作品衍生
34 Chs

Ch 20

The next morning, I went to the breakfast despite my bone-weary exhaustion, a feeling I would have hated if it wasn't for its amazing source. The breakfast was an interesting affair, almost comical if it wasn't for how tense it was. My dear housemates were silent throughout the morning, doing their best to hide their limps from each other, though their efforts were destined to fail after yesterday's activities. Luckily, none of them dared to ask why the others were limping, afraid to receive the same question in return.

Fear was interesting, I decided. Allied with preconceptions about the normality, it prevented them from coming to a simple conclusion, that maybe the reason of others' limp was the same with theirs, but they didn't, or so I assumed. Even if I was wrong, I wouldn't be the first suspect, because, for all they know, I'm just a distant tenant for the others…

Still, that didn't chance the fact that I was in a tightrope, a mistake, and it was back to the search for me. Not exactly an intimidating threat, if it wasn't for the fact that it would also mean a lack of access to the three beautiful women I shared the house with. An unbearable proposition, considering all the things I wanted to do with them, and to them.

My tenancy was shaping up to be a fun one…

he day after I managed to finally take Nancy to the bed and managed to complete the set, I was woken up by the insistent ringing of my phone. Quite unwelcome. Yesterday, I had achieved the impossible by completing the seduction of Nancy, acquiring the whole set. I had gone three-for-three, having a bite from all three forbidden apples.

My journey was not over, of course. It was just the beginning, from a certain point of view. I had some very interesting ideas for them, but those required some serious preparation, not to mention a serious moral degradation on the ladies' part.

I had hoped that, while I was busy with my musings, the caller was going to get the idea and stop calling. Unfortunately, that hadn't worked as I hoped. With great reluctance, I reached, fully intending to curse the caller before slamming the phone back to their face, but stopped the moment I saw the identity of the caller.

It was Penny, Madison's sexy cousin who moved to the city with the dreams of becoming an actress.

My annoyance had evaporated as I pressed the green symbol, and brought the phone to my ear. "Penny," I said, doing my best not to sound sleepy, but also, I didn't want to sound too enthusiastic. There was a simple reason for it. Penny was the quintessential farm girl who came to the city to prove her talents, but failing to achieve decent progress. The way her face lighted the moment she had learned I was a professional photographer during our previous meeting was clue enough for that, making her forget the extremely revealing situation I had been caught in moments before.

"Hi, Stephen," said a trembling voice from the other side of the phone, a familiar mixture of hope and fear. A nicer man would have felt bad, but then again, a nicer man wouldn't have done most of the things I had done. She said nothing, clearly expecting me to continue, so naturally, I stayed silent as well. It was a simple trick, but worked wonders in people with low self-confidence. As I expected, Penny started talking a few seconds later. "I'm calling about the thing we had talked about." Again, I said nothing. "The small job that you mentioned that might fit for me," she added, desperation dripping from her tone.

"Oh, right?" I answered, once again falling into silence.

"Yes," she said, her voice trembling in desperation.

"Sorry, sweetie, that job had fallen through," I answered mercilessly. "It happens sometimes."

"I see," she murmured, her earlier hope evaporating while her fear turned into sadness, unshed tears carried in her tone. "I'm sorry to disturb you." Again, I said nothing, and she closed the phone a few seconds later.

I had no intention of leaving it like that, of course. I was just trying to create a sense of scarcity, which would only make her more pliable for my requests later on. I called her back about a minute later. "Penny," I said, this time using a warmer tone. "Actually, I just remembered, but I have an upcoming task that might fit you. Maybe you'll be interested in that."

"I would love to," she answered without even bothering to ask for the details, which was a huge mistake. Nine out of ten times, an open-ended request like I just did turned out to be nudes. And for the easily-impressionable girls like Penny, that was a short step away from doing porn. Of course, there was a chance that I was mistaken for her assessment, and her cheerful demeanor hid an iron will, but even a gambling addict wouldn't be willing to take that particular bet.

"Excellent, are you available in a couple of hours?" I asked.

"Of course," she answered, her earlier sadness replaced with excitement. "I can't wait to-" she tried to continue, but I cut her off.

"It's not for the actual job, but a trial job," I explained. "The actual job is for a very important client, so I can't actually give it to you without making sure you can deliver. I have a reputation to consider," I continued, once again, trying to unbalance her as much as possible.

"I understand," she said, no less enthusiastic. "I won't let you down. When do you want me to be in your studio."

I would have liked to invite her there, as my studio was the best place to break her resistance, but unfortunately, I didn't know whether Nicole was going to be in the living room, and I didn't want her to start getting suspicious. "Actually, I was going for a couple of chores. I can swing by, and we can take the test photos in your house." From the way she breathed, I could tell that she wasn't happy with that, so I quickly explained. "It would be better for you if we hold the first session somewhere you're familiar with," I explained. "But if you want to take the risk…" I added, deliberately stretching the last part.

"You're the expert," she exclaimed, quick to reassure. "You know the best."

"Perfect, then I'll see you in two hours." With that, I closed the phone, took a quick shower, and started preparation for a small shopping trip. I actually needed to go downtown to pick a few supplies, the only part of the discussion that was factually accurate. With the money from the jobs coming in, I finally had the opportunity to upgrade some of my supplies. New reflectors without cigarette burns, and maybe even a decent 85mm, specialized for studio work. It was expensive, with a price tag in low five-figures, but a worthwhile investment with the way things were going on.

Twenty minutes later, I left the house, passing through an empty living room. I placed several bulky pieces of equipment in my car, more than what was necessary for a simple test shot, but there was a reason for that. The more equipment I showed to Penny, the more professional it would seem for her, so she would be more inclined to follow my commands of more extreme strain.

The shopping didn't take long since I had long identified the models I was planning to buy, but it still lightened my wallet to a significant degree. Luckily, there were only a couple of costumes left in the Halloween set, which would bring a significant windfall.

A whistle was on my lips as I pulled on the driveway of Madison's house. Since I was trying to impress, I picked up my equipment, both the old ones and the new ones, and stumbled towards the door under their weight. The instant I knocked on the door, I heard footsteps rapidly approaching. Somebody was enthusiastic.

Then, the door opened, revealing a sight that put a smile on my face. Penny was standing in front of me with her impressive figure. Tall, but not too tall to detract from her sexiness, not to mention her curves that suggested excellent genetics and a careful exercise routine. But that much, I remembered from seeing her the night she crushed at our game. But at that time, she was wearing unflattering pajamas with no makeup, with messy bed hair. And now, she was wearing a bright blouse that hugged her body as tight as it could without coming across as gauche, complemented by a nice skirt that ended a couple of inches above her knees, enough to hint the beauty of her legs without showing anything.

"Stephen, you're here," she said, her breath still quick with excitement. I shrugged in response, lifting my equipment once more to walk inside. I didn't answer, because I didn't want to look too friendly. I wanted her anxious, desperate to impress me. I didn't have enough clout with her to push her for anything extreme, and I doubted that I had another submissive in denial like Nicole. Finding another like her was less likely than lightning striking twice to the same spot.

I grunted as I carried the stuff towards the living room, a louder sound than what the weight of my equipment deserved, trying to make it look like I was doing a big chore just by coming to her house. I placed the bags in the middle of the living room, let out an exaggerated sigh that communicated exhaustion, then opened the first case that held an overhead flashlight.

"Is there anything I can help you with," she asked, her earlier eagerness replaced by a deep anxiousness. I lowered my head to hide the gleam that doubtlessly twinkled in my eyes. No need to warn the cute rabbit about the trap that was slowly closing around her.

"You can help by setting up the reflector," I said, deliberately passing her the case that held the oldest of the reflectors I had. I chose that one, because it had quite a few problems, and required a very careful assembling order to keep in place. In short, it was barely above garbage. I didn't need that since I bought the new ones, and I would barely get twenty dollars if I tried to sell it, making it an easy sacrifice.

I deliberately turned away from her as I prepared the rest of my equipment, waiting for the inevitable result, one that came a minute later, in the form of a loud ripping. "I'm so sorry," Penny exclaimed. I turned, only to see the reflector on the ground, its fabric ripped in several pieces, making it useless.

I let out a drawn-out sigh to show disappointment that lacked a hint of anger, like a teacher getting fed up with his well-meaning but clumsy student. It worked much better than anger. "It's okay," I said in a tone that suggested the opposite, and did it obviously. From what I saw, Penny wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, and overacting would be more rewarding than subtle clues and other stuff. "Maybe it was a mistake," I murmured quietly, just loud enough for her to hear.

"I'm sorry," she repeated desperately as she took a step closer, and doing so, she accidentally kicked down one of the cases I was yet to open, this time, all in her own. I raised my gaze at her, and she took a panicked step forward, her expression losing its luster, preparing herself for rejection.

"Well, I drove all the way to here," I said, trying to sound like I was speaking to myself. "Just sit down," I said, this time louder. "I will handle everything, and then we can start." She just nodded, like she was afraid that saying something out loud might change my mind. It took a few minutes for me to set up everything, though I was careful to shook my head disapprovingly a few times, subtle enough to seem like I was trying to suppress my anger, only to fail.

"Can I bring you anything to drink? Juice, or maybe a beer?" she asked, unable to meet my gaze.

I would have spit out angrily about professionalism to push her even more, but the sight of her quivering chin kept me from it. I wanted her unbalanced, not bawling her eyes out, completely broken. "A beer would be nice," I said. She jumped up her feet, excited to have something to do. But in her excitement, she collided with one of the reflectors, making it dangle dangerously. I dashed to grab it before it fell, and this time, I hadn't needed to fake my anger. It was one of the brand-new ones, and I didn't appreciate the risk for them. Still, I wasn't angry enough to miss the opportunity it presented. "Maybe you should pick a beer for yourself as well. You're too tense to work," I suggested.

"I don't usually-" she tried to say, but failed to finish it under my gaze. "Maybe a beer would help calm my nerves," she followed in a resigned tone, and dashed towards the kitchen. I watched in appreciation as her impressively-sized breasts tumbled with each hurried step. I shook my head after she disappeared behind the doorway. She was so easy to manipulate that it would have been boring if the reward that was waiting for me at the end of the road was nothing short of amazing.

When Penny returned, two bottles of beer on her hand, I had completed setting up the equipment. Not a professional-grade, of course. Flashes were angled wrong for that, reflectors failed to compensate for the natural light coming from the window. It would have taken half an hour to fix, a time that I had no intention to spend. The aim was to impress Penny with the weight of the equipment, not to have useful trial shots. I already had the freedom to use whoever I wanted, after all.

I picked the bottle from her hands dismissively, without saying anything, and she lowered her head, still feeling guilty about her clumsiness. I raised my bottle, about to take a sip, but then I realized she was holding the bottle in her hand, with no intention to drink on display. That would not do. "Cheers," I said, presenting the bottle for her.

"Cheers," she answered as the bottles connected with a soft clink.

I took a sip from my bottle, and she followed a second later. However, there was a certain dullness in her motion, like she was slowly getting sure that "To a successful working relationship," I called, trying to inject a bit of positivity to the situation. She smiled as she took another sip from her drink, a semi-positive comment enough to bring her mood back to positive. "We can start if you're feeling ready," I said.

Indecision passed over her face, but she dispelled it with a stiff nod. "We can," she said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Good," I approved as I raised my camera to eye-level. "Why don't you stand in front of the couch, and give me a pose."

"Umm…" she murmured indecisively. "What should I do?"

"Whichever feels most comfortable," I answered to her without bothering to lower the camera, watching her through it. "We don't have a particular concept, so just try to give me a few interesting poses."

In response, she put her hands on her waist, her chest out a bit, reminding me the power pose of a superheroine, drawn by a bad artist that was trying to make sure to accentuate his character's breasts. It was a terrible pose, but I didn't comment on it as I took several stills in quick succession before asking her to switch. She moved into another exaggerated pose. It was a struggle not to let out a biting comment out, though it took me a few minutes to realize I had been spoiled by Nicole. Not everyone was a natural model waiting for a camera to transform…

"Now, lower your arms, turn your side to me, and try to look mysterious," I asked, and she followed my direction. To be fair, she quickly started to show a passable talent. Nothing like Nicole's natural flair, or even Nancy's impetuous charm, but as long as I described what I was expecting from her in detail, she managed to give it to me. She wasn't without her flaws either. Her emotions were too intense to be used for anything commercial, and she particularly showed between switching expressions, but both traits were likely about her ambition to act.

"Quite good," I said with a much warmer tone as I lowered my camera. I grabbed my beer and walked to her, raising it expectantly. She dashed to pick her bottle, and thankfully not touching any of my equipment this time. Our bottles clicked, and I took another sip. I carefully watched the amount she was consuming, planning how to entice her to drink more than a sip. It turned out that I was worrying for nothing, as she drank quite a bit of beer with enthusiastic gulps.

"So, why do you want to be an actress," I asked after another sip.

"I always wanted to be one," she answered wistfully. "All the cameras, lights, handsome lead actors… And I want it," she said after taking another large sip of her beer. "No, I deserve it…" she said, then continued to give me a detailed rendition of her dream, the same one she followed since she was a teenager. It turned out that, not only she was naive, but also she had a childish way of looking at the world, expecting it to somehow give her all she deserved…

Perfect prey for a carnivore like me, I thought, raising my camera high to hide the cruel smirk that forced itself to my face. "Finish your drink and then we can continue," I said, directing her to consume the other half of her beer. And in a way that I was slowly coming to realize as her characteristic trait, she followed my direction naively and finished the rest of her beer in one extended sip. "Excellent, now, take a seat, and give me a look like you're the princess of this castle."

She followed my directions enthusiastically, getting slowly better with each repeat, progress that slowly disappeared after a few minutes, replaced by blushes and occasional giggles. Damn, I thought, impressed by her weakness to alcohol. I didn't know whether it was her natural lack of resistance, or her excitement was tipping things to my favor rather sharply, but whatever it was, I was happy with the advantage it provided.

I hastily modified my plans, changing my mind about convincing her for a second drink. I wanted her with slightly impaired decision making, not actually drunk. I have given her several more orders, each more detailed, testing her ability to pull the desired pose. She was slowly getting more and more adept in following my directions, turning her into a workable model, even if barely. It would take significantly longer than working with Nicole, but it was a reasonable sacrifice to make.

Then my alarm started buzzing, breaking the shoot as I had planned. "Sorry, I have to take this call," I said even as I lowered my camera, and walked towards the kitchen. "What do you mean you have changed your mind?" I suddenly shouted to the imaginary caller on the other side of the call. "We had a deal, and I'm already interviewing models." I paused for a moment, before spitting out angrily. "Okay, you idiot. But don't call me the next time when you need a photographer."

Then, I walked back to Penny, trying to look annoyed. "What was that?" she asked hesitantly, tendrils of fear trying to find a purchase on her face as she read the clues I had fed her.

"That's the client that we were going to work together for," I answered, trying to sound bummed. "Unfortunately, he just called to inform me about the change of plans. He decided to go with a different photographer." I shrugged dismissively. "Pity, you were shaping up to be a good model as well."

"But…" she murmured dejectedly. "Maybe we can work on something else. I'm sure that's not the only thing you have."

"Unfortunately, all of my other work is already in progress, and their models are already arranged. I'll call you if there is a job that fits you, but even for that, I can't promise. Each job has its own requirements for both style and size. And unfortunately for you, your traditional beauty doesn't fit the general market trend. Most brands are now preferring women with less curves for their ads,"

"Don't you have anything for me?" she asked desperately as she jumped on her feet, her face more pitiful than a puppy who was just kicked by an evil billionaire. "Maybe something small…" she added.

"Well… There is one thing…" I murmured like I was thinking-out-loud, her expression brightening. But then, I shook my head, and her blossoming joy died just as quick. "No, that won't work," I added, louder. "You won't be able to handle that one."

Her reply came in an instant, her excitement back with revenge. "I can handle it, I promise!"

Keeping back a smirk was a difficult task, but it needed to be done. Yes, she swallowed the bait, but I still needed to reel my prey to the land, there she would be helpless for my predations. "You didn't even hear the details," I said, trying to sound reproachful, but without being too determined. It was a fine line to walk, trying to sound like I was trying to convince her without actually succeeding.

"It doesn't matter," she answered. "I want to prove myself, and I can definitely-"

"It's for an underwear catalog," I said, cutting her off. She fell silent in an instant, blinking in shock. I took a deep breath, as the next part was the most difficult. "See, I told you so," I said, trying to inject just the right amount of derision in my tone. "Handling such a task-"

"I'll do it," she cut me off. I hid my joy with an overblown expression of shock. Not the best acting, but she was too surprised by her own words to pay attention to my half-assed fake emotions.

"You're sure?" I asked, doing my best to sound like a teacher who just heard that a failing student promising to get an A, in good humor, but disbelieving. She avoided my gaze, preferring to examine her vastly more interesting shoes instead. "It's okay if you can't."

Her silence stretched for several seconds, making me wonder whether I pushed too fast too soon. "I'll do it," she repeated her earlier statement, conveying more determination than her earlier yelp despite her voice, barely above a whisper.

"Excellent," I said. "Then, why don't you go upstairs and change into sleepwear, so we can take a few photos in that."

"Is that really necessary," she asked.

"That's definitely necessary," I answered. "I need to be sure that you'll be able to perform under the camera while wearing something intimate." This time, it didn't take long for her to nod. "Excellent, now, why don't you run to the upstairs and change. I don't have much time left."

She nodded once again after another hesitant pause, then walked away in hurried steps, no doubt happy to take the opportunity to get away from me. I walked to the fridge to get another beer, curious about what she was going to pick for our first session…

When Penny came back to the living room a few minutes later, I was disappointed to see her choice of clothing. I was hoping for a provocative set of underwear, preferably lace or string, in an attention-grabbing color like bright red, or at least baby blue or soft pink to create an impression of innocence, temping a viewer with the promise that one day, said innocence might disappear.

Instead, she came down with an ivory-colored teddy, loose enough to even hide her impressive curves. Well, almost managed to hide her curves, if I was being honest, as her breasts still managed to shout their presence through the non-existent cleavage of the top, her ass trying to strain the baggy looseness of her bottom with each step she took. Even her horrible choice wasn't enough to completely hide her buxom charm.

Still, I didn't let those small details affect the expression of sharp disapproval from my face as I looked at her. Under my silence, her shy excitement melted, leaving the only horror behind. "You didn't like it," she gasped.

"What gave it away," I replied, with a sarcasm thick enough to drown an Olympic swimmer. I turned halfway towards the door. "Maybe I should leave, you are clearly not taking this seriously."

"No! No!" she exclaimed in desperation. "I'll fix whatever you didn't like. Please give me another chance!"

I didn't answer immediately, posing like I had been considering which way to decide, her desperation getting thicker by every second. I even glanced towards the door, which made her eyes widen in panic. "Well, I had to drive all the way here, a few more minutes wouldn't hurt," I murmured.

"Thank you," she exclaimed as she dashed forward, which cut short when she managed to stumble on my bag, kicking it in the process.

I sighed while she stammered in panic. Thankfully, the bag was empty, meaning it didn't ruin anything valuable. I waved off another deluge of stammering apology. "Please go and change while I still have some unbroken equipment," I murmured.

She started climbing the stairs rapidly, the sudden movement stretching her teddy enough to give an appealing view of her bottom, which I had a prime view. But halfway in the stairs, she stopped and looked down. "Where are you going?" she said in shock, realizing that I had stepped on the stairs as well.

"Coming with you, obviously. After this abomination, I'm not willing to trust your selection."

Her lack of willingness towards that idea was obvious, but the several mishaps she had created were equally obvious; some natural, some carefully engineered. She was on thin ice, and she knew that. And when balanced against her longstanding desire to be an actress, it didn't take long for her to nod obediently before resuming her climb, but this time, considerably slower. I followed, watching the way her hips danced.

Her blush had turned into a full-fledged furnace when I stepped inside her bedroom. "Where do you keep your underwear?" I asked, ignoring her awkwardness as she pointed a part of the large wardrobe in the room. I walked there, not commenting on her discomfort intentionally, and opened the wardrobe.

I would have liked to say that I wasn't disappointed with the view, but that would have been a lie. Unlike what I had been expecting, the teddy she was wearing wasn't an exception, rather it was towards the revealing end of the spectrum. "Unbelievable," I murmured. She had curves to die for, and still chose to dress in a burlap sack. And even the ones that were technically-more revealing had uninspired styles, more hindering than helping. Such a waste, cladding that body in these boring pieces.

"Is that all you have," I said with a disappointment I hadn't had to fake.

"They are all I have," she answered, but while doing so, her eyes slid down to one of the drawers for a fleeting moment, then jumped away just as quick, marking her as a poor poker player.

"Are you sure?" I asked, letting my gaze drift towards the same drawer for a moment before meeting with her eyes once more. "Are you absolutely sure that you don't have anything else that might be a bit more interesting."

"I'm - sure," she stammered, this time, her gaze studiously avoiding the drawer, which made the situation even more obvious.

I started walking towards the drawer while I spoke. "So, you're saying that, if I search around, there's absolutely no chance that I might find something more interesting that might be useful for the shoot." Then, I stood in front of the drawer, but rather than pulling it open, I turned to her. "Well, we need to cancel the shoot then, what a pity," I answered with mock disappointment, and started walking towards the door.

It took a couple of seconds for her to get used to sudden change. "Wait!" she exclaimed. "Can't we use any of my nightwear?" she asked in desperation.

"No way, honey, they're all garbage," I said, not even slowing down my speed. "It's a pity though, I had rather high hopes for you."

I was about to pass through the door when she called me to wait with an urgent tone once more, and dashed to the same drawer I was standing in front of it moments ago. She opened it with great urgency, and pulled a dark blue, velvet-covered box before dashing towards me. At this point, I wasn't surprised when she stumbled just a couple of feet away, forcing me to grab her to save her from painful collusion.

Not the one to miss such a beautiful opportunity, I intentionally grabbed her in an awkward way, and her momentum ended up ripping quite a bit on the top, revealing a glimpse of her breasts, with a hint of her rosy areolas, earning a sexy yelp in the process. "Careful, sweetie," I said while she stood up once more with a crimson face, doing her best to fix the tear. "So, what's in the box?" I asked.

"It's a gag gift from my friends when I left the town," she answered rapidly, its quickness enhancing the very attention she was trying to avoid.

"And you haven't brought it out until now, because…" I said.

"I forgot," she answered, her lie so obvious that even a child wouldn't have believed in.

"How … convenient…" I slowly drawled, making sure that she understood her poor attempts to deceive me were noted with great dissatisfaction, pushing her even deeper into the lands of panic. "Why don't you open it and show me what's inside."

From her trembling fingers, I could guess that the box contained something impressive, but still, it managed to pleasantly surprise me. It was a long nightie, made from an alluring mixture of red and black, designed to entice and enhance rather than cover, a direction supported further by liberal usage of transparent fabrics and a rather aggressive style of cleavage. It had a set of underwear to accompany, but they looked too flimsy to cover Penny's amazing assets. "Yes, it's the perfect gag gift," I quipped. "Very hilarious." With that, I turned my back and started to walk away. "I'll be waiting for you downstairs."

"You don't want me to wear that, do you?" she asked in a trembling tone, her blue eyes begging for validation. A hope that I had no problems squashing with a dismissive glare, not even bothering to say anything else as I left her alone in the room and went back downstairs. I would have liked to stay upstairs and watch her change, but it would be a step too far in her current state.

I had to wait several minutes for her arrival, enough to make me consider another visit upstairs to spell out the situation she had been facing. But before I could, I heard the distinctive clack of a heeled shoe. I looked at the stairs, and watched Penny walking down, dressed in the black and crimson set that I had ordered her to wear. And moreover, she had replaced her makeup with ruby lipstick and dark shades, and completing the femme-fetale feeling with the pair of black stilettos she had chosen.

"Much better," I said, which was enough to conjure her shyness back to surface, breaking through her composure, therefore destroying femme-fetale impression she had worked hard to conjure. I failed to prevent a small chuckle from escaping my mouth, one she had missed in her distracted state. "Are you ready for the shoot?"

"Maybe," she murmured as she wrapped her arms around her chest. It took both of her arms to hide the sections that weren't covered by her bra, which had ended just above her nipples, not even covering the entirety of her areolas. And the nightie wasn't helping at all due to thinness of its transparent fabric. Under the strong spotlights, it almost melted into invisibility.

Still, that was nothing compared to the tiny size of her panties, leaving her bottom almost completely bare, something she was more than aware of, making her turn her body slightly to avoid my gaze. Even on the front, all it would take was a slightly wider step to reveal her core for my eyes.

"What do you mean, maybe?" I said with a much sharper tone, making her flinch. "You need to decide before wasting more of my time, honey. I'm a professional, I can't spend all day coddling you while you're trying to decide whether you're serious about being a model or actress. Do you know how many girls there are in this city would do unspeakable things for the chance you have?"

"Sorry," she exclaimed, her face blushing further at the mention of unspeakable things, her mind no doubt conjuring a couple of them immediately. "Please don't go, I want to be an actress. It's just that…" she murmured, failing to continue.

"That they are too revealing," I said in a softer tone, completing the sentence for her. "Don't worry, these pictures are not going to be seen by anyone else. If you want, I can even delete them the moment we finish the test session," I said, giving her a promise that I had no intention of keeping. As usual, these photos would take their place in my private collection.

My lie had worked sufficiently to loosen her nerves, evidenced by her arms, moving back to their natural position, leaving her chest bereft of their protection, which bounced with every step she took, straining the ability of the bra to keep them contained. Apparently, its ability to give support wasn't prioritized in its design. Unexpectedly, it was not.

"Do you want to start immediately, or would you like to walk around a few minutes to get used to it first," I offered her. "It's important for you to feel comfortable in your clothes to do your best." She nodded gratefully, missing the implications of such a move.

"So, when you first decided to become an actress," I asked her, more to make her feel comfortable rather than any genuine interest, as even before she uttered a word, I could guess her story with great accuracy. That how she admired the glamorous life of the people on television, how she was a special person that couldn't be contained in the borders of the small town in the middle of nowhere, and how she showed a great skill for acting or singing, evidenced by the great success she had in the workshops taught by a washed-up actress. All she needed was to find an opportunity, and she could launch into the stardom without a hitch.

I kept an appropriately-awed expression on my face as she told the story on mainly on the lines I had guessed, sprinkled with many useless anecdotes and highlights she assumed as important. She was lucky that it was me that had discovered her, as on the spectrum of predators that feasted on the dreams of hopefuls, I belonged to the most harmless category. In the hands of a typical agent, she would have ended up addicted to drugs and partying, hopelessly turning tricks just to get enough cash to maintain her new glamorous lifestyle before she collapsed in a year or two, with only a couple of minor roles to show for. I actually intended to help her; with a bunch of side benefits for myself, of course…

Luckily, listening to her story hadn't been a complete waste of time. Her story might have been boring and predictable, but her shyness started to melt as she continued to talk while her mind focused on the glamour of the future. As time passed, her movements started to get more heated, which created a rather delicious view to accompany her story, her chest tumbling attractively as she waved her arms enthusiastically, even causing occasional slips that she absentmindedly fixed.

"Such an inspiring adventure," I said sarcastically, safe in the knowledge that she would fail to catch it in the excitement of finding a willing ear that 'understood' her 'amazing and difficult' adventure. I patted her thigh softly, slowly familiarizing her with my touch. "Are you feeling ready for the next step?" I asked, raising my camera once again.

"Yes," she said, her nod accompanied by only the slightest blush. Her arms twitched with a desire to cover her chest once more, but this time, she aborted it rather easily.

"Excellent. Why don't you stand up in the middle of the room and give me a little twirl." She followed those orders, and several other simple ones without much trouble. Her acting training might be subpar, but luckily, it seemed that it taught her to follow directions. I crossed my legs subtly to hide my arousals, awakened in the anticipation of what was about to follow. "Now, lean forward just a bit," I added, making her display more of her rather impressive chest.

"Am I doing well?" she said after going back to a natural pose, this time, the redness of her face more about excitement than shyness. It seemed that a regular bath of flashes worked wonders in quelling her doubts.

"Not bad for the starter poses. Now warm-up is over," I said, making sure to give her a smile to weaken at the discursiveness of my words. "Now, let's try something a bit more advanced, to see whether you can handle the real thing."

Stating that everything we had gone thought until now had been a warm-up had the nice effect of puncturing her little bubble of self-confidence, and she looked at me with a dash of fear. "Let's see how you handle a real challenge. I want you to rest your hand on the edge of the couch, acting like you're alone and deep in thought."

"I can do that," she said rapidly while she walked the designated spot just as quickly, missing the fact that her bosom was doing a nice dance under the insufficient restraint of her fragile bra. She stood still, an exaggerated confusion on her face while she tried to follow my commands. She followed them without an issue when focused on cycling her through a few simple poses, she even obeyed silently when I asked her to slide her nightie to reveal her naked shoulder, though with quite a bit of delay.

"Not bad," I said. "Now, I want your expression to look like you're thinking about something naughty," I directed.

That was enough to bring her insecurities back to the surface. "Naughty?" she repeated, gasping like she was being strangled.

"Yes, naughty. Kissing, licking, penetration, that kind of naughty," I repeated mercilessly. I pushed hard, because I wanted her to be unbalanced for the next step.

"But-" she tried to interject, her panic blooming, but I cut her off.

"No buts. It's an underwear catalog, and the idea of sexiness is a big part of the sale. I need to make sure you can reflect a sense of casual sexiness that would work well." She looked no different than a little rabbit, caught in a trap. Unfortunately for her, she was getting advice from a hungry wolf. She nodded, and I continued. "Good, now, I want you to imagine yourself walking through a mall while wearing these exact clothes." She immediately turned crimson. "No, no, no!" I cut in. "You look too shy, I want you to own your sexiness."

"But-" she tried to interject once more, and once again, I interrupted her.

"No buts! One more but, and I stop," I warned, making her nod rapidly, afraid of losing her opportunity. I continued with a kinder tone. "I understand that it's not easy to pinpoint the exact emotion I want for your first time, but you're an actress, and I'm sure you can be successful if you focus on your job rather than a pesky sensation of shame."

She nodded resolutely despite her blush, and did her best for the next few commands. She was decent, definitely not a natural model like Nicole, but still much better than the second-rate stuck ups I usually had to work with. It was probably all the acting classes she received. It was still insufficient for her to be anything more than an extra in a TV show, but it was sufficient for a photo set, especially since my clients weren't particularly picky. She just needed to learn how to listen to my directions better.

And I had an excellent way to teach her that particular lesson. "Now, sit down on the seat," I said after several more poses, and she followed instantly. That was the simple part. "Now, cross your legs, and put your hand close to your core, like you're about to pleasure yourself, but I want you to look surprised, like you've been caught." A blush invaded her face as expected. "Not that much. I want you to imagine that it's your boyfriend that caught you. You're a bit embarrassed, but you're also horny, and you have no problem letting him know."

She opened her mouth, no doubt to deliver the forbidden word, but I raised my empty hand warningly. She did the smart thing and made no noise. To her credit, she even tried to reflect the emotions I wanted her to do for the next minute, but, ultimately, she failed. I sighed exaggeratedly as I put the camera down, though she didn't know that I had already turned it to video recording mode, the lens pointing at her direction. Panic appeared on her face as I stopped taking pictures, getting the wrong impression. "No, Stephen. Please give me another chance! Please! I can do it."

"Relax," I said as I walked toward her, and stood behind her while she was still sitting on the couch, She made an attempt to turn, but I put my hands on her shoulders, preventing her movement. "I can see that you're still a bit stressed, and it's understandable. I'm going to give you a massage so that you can relax," I said even as I started rubbing her shoulders. She stiffened, which was understandable considering the forced intimacy she found herself in.

She turned her head to catch my face, unable to handle the sudden intimacy, but I just chuckled with a calm expression before gesturing her to turn back. "Do you think it'll help?" she asked.

I answered instantly. "Definitely. From what I see, the biggest problem is you're too self-conscious around me. You shouldn't be, I'm just the photographer, and you should treat me as I don't exist."

"But, that's impossible-" she answered before I silenced her once more, this time by pressing my finger on her lips.

"What did I say about that infernal word," I reminded her. She dipped her head, lacking the courage to confront me about my overreach, instead of dipping her head shyly. "Still, if you're having trouble ignoring my presence, then, we have only one option. We're going to make you comfortable with my presence."

"How?" she answered even as I dashed away, and I came up with two more bottles of beer before she could even stand up from her seat.

"Simple, we're going to sit and talk," I replied as I passed one bottle to her, while sipping the other myself.

She let out a relaxed breath as she tried to stand up. "Okay, that's perfect. Let me go and change."

Her attempt to leave was prevented by my arm wrapping around her waist before pulling her back. I was hoping that the sudden movement would dislodge her bra, but this time, luck failed me. "There's no need to change. The aim is to make you comfortable around me while dressed like this," I reminded her. "And I have already seen you in it, what's the harm if you continue to wear it."

"I guess," she murmured, but took a large sip to compensate. The second bottle of beer wasn't enough to make her drunk, and it wasn't my aim in the first place. I just wanted her to relax a bit before the next step. When I asked her a question about her previous acting experience, she immediately started a long monologue about some insignificant role she had on a short film, something she classified as a groundbreaking opportunity. I listened to her drivel, because the more she talked, the more excited she got . Though, the way her bosom tingled whenever she made an exaggerated motion paid a role on my patience as well.

In the throes of excitement, she barely reacted when I pulled one of her legs to my lap and started rubbing her soles. She tried to complain, of course, but those didn't last long once I argued it would help her to relax, not to mention I was an expert when it came to massage. She continued her tale, and I ignored her slowly intensifying blush, this time little to do with her shyness.

"You seem much more relaxed, maybe we can give it another try," I said, and she nodded excitedly. "However, one of the techniques you mentioned, method acting, was really interesting. Maybe we should try that first to make sure you're ready for the real shoot."

"Excellent idea," she nodded, missing the implications of it in her excited state. Method acting required her to immerse herself in the role completely, and the role she was going to play was the naughty girlfriend trying to seduce her boyfriend after being caught in the midst of a naughty session.

"Good, then from now on, I expect you to act like a total professional no matter what happens. I'm going to play the boyfriend," I said, which reminded her of the nature of the scene we were about to shoot. But it was too late. I put my hand on her thigh, dangerously close to her sensitive spot, and murmured. "Oh, honey. I wasn't expecting to find you at home at this hour, or with such a surprise." I dragged my hand across her legs. "Are these new, I have never seen them before?"

She looked like she was about to cut our little game short, so I sent her a sharp glare. "Yes," she managed to stammer. "I bought it for you."

"Such a nice girlfriend," I said as I caressed her cheek suggestively. "But I interrupted you unfairly. Why don't you finish it first before we can move onto the main event." She failed to understand what I was driving at until I gently grabbed her wrist and led her hand to her core, her fingers resting on her panties. Her eyes grew in shock as she understood what I was driving at, but once again, she lacked the willpower to make me stop. "Continue," I ordered, and her eyes closed while her fingers started dancing over her entrance, probing her lips over her panties. And I doubted the presence of her panties helped any due to the soft, almost nonexistent fabric.

"Excellent," I whispered as I leaned forward, letting my breath to fall on her skin, adding a shiver to her stiff stance. I caressed her with my breath, but I avoided touching her at first, waiting for her to get in the mood. I watched as the occasional shiver broke her stiffness, and when her lips pressed with the determination of not making a sound even as her fingers caressed her soft spot gently.

The first moan she let out was a sign. I leaned down, and put a fleeting kiss on her neck. Her eyes popped open in shock, but once again, her arguments were prevented by a finger on her lips. "There's no harm if a boyfriend kisses his sexy girlfriend once, right," I murmured, waiting for her to nod before kissing her neck for a second time, this time for an extended duration. "Or twice." I waited until another nod before landing another kiss. "Or thrice," I added. For the fourth one, I didn't bother waiting for her to say anything. Or the ones that followed it.

Her moans weren't a surprise. I took them as an invitation to climb up, trailing her jawline with kisses, even her chin, but avoiding her lips despite them getting parted invitingly. Instead, I used the distraction to slowly untie her nightie. It might be sexy and transparent, but still, it was a barrier against my touch, therefore it was not welcome. Luckily, Penny was too distracted by the kisses landing around her lips to pay attention to such a small detail.

She only noticed it when my lips drifted down bypassing her neck to rain kisses on the edge of her breasts. I could see her watching worriedly, but arousal was also there. I decided to enhance the latter part without unduly raising the former, so I skipped her breasts temporarily and landed on her belly, kissing, licking, and blowing to my heart's content. Her worry was still present, but it was helpless against her rising arousal, evidenced by the quickening dance of her fingers.

When I moved up to her breasts once more, I was accompanied by a string of moans rather than her disapproving gaze. Confident with my progress, I focused my attention to the valley between her breasts first, kissing, licking, and caressing to my heart's content. Then, I started to move left, my kisses getting closer and closer to the center of her left breast, until I hovered above her nipple, erect enough to threaten to rip through the fragile fabric of her bra. I wrapped my lips around the nipple, not even bothering to push the fabric away, and put a gentle pressure behind my teeth.

"Yes!" she moaned in joy as the pleasure filled her, marking an opportunity to push to the next level. Pulling down the bra took no effort, as the poor thing was barely able to keep its position in the first place. My lips clamped around her nipples, this time without a barrier to reduce the impact, allowing my tongue to dance around the area my teeth softly marked. Penny just moaned more, probably already forgetting that it was supposed to be just an acting exercise.

Not one to miss such an opportunity, my fingers slid down until they were wrapped around her wrist once more. She didn't even put up a token resistance when I led her fingers in her panties, bringing her self-pleasure to the next level as her panties strained to contain her hand. I wouldn't bet on those panties to survive until the end. We continued like that for a while, with her fingers dancing over her core, while my hands gently explored her body and my lips attended her firm breasts.

I could guess that she wasn't too far away from a climax, because she put up no resistance as I peeled her nightie off her completely, her body rising obediently to allow the light fabric to slide away from her body. Her bra would have suffered a similar fate, but I liked the view of it bunched under her chest, still present while failing to cover anything. It added a bit of color to her deliciously pale skin.

It was time to move onto the next step. Once again, my lips climbed upward, passing her neck after a gentle pause and arriving at the destination, her lips. They were already open invitingly, so I had no trouble slipping my tongue inside even as our lips were engaged in a gentle dance. She moaned, but my lips were in place to muffle her sound. Orgasm impending, she lacked the ability to resist my insidious assault, especially when my hands started exploring her body hungrily, learning every nook and cranny of her body. Her only reaction was her tongue wrapping around mine in an ineffectual display of arousal and desire.

She finally reacted when I grabbed the edge of her panties with the intention of pulling them down, trying to prevent me from doing so in a moment of lucidness, but that backfired. Her panties were too fragile to resist a tug-of-war and were torn with a sharp sound. Her hands found my shoulders, intending to push me off, but I turned up the intensity of the kiss at that moment. That shock stalled her for a moment, giving me the opportunity to take the place her fingers were busy at just a minute ago.

Unlike her, my fingers didn't dally around her knob gently but slid in her entrance, bunched together to create an even more impactful penetration experience. "That's too much," she managed to murmur when I pulled back from the kiss in favor of watching her glorious body, but that was the only resistance she had been able to gather under the merciless pumping of my fingers, changing the pace of the dance completely. Her hands found my shoulders, but rather than trying to push me off, her fingers dug into my flesh hard enough to leave a mark. It was a pity that I couldn't do the same for her, but unfortunately, I needed her skin to stay pristine. We had a long underwear session tomorrow.

I only pulled out my fingers when she collapsed into a shuddering mess, moaning my name deliriously. My shaft was throbbing, begging for a release, but unfortunately, I was not in a position to fulfill that particular need right now. Instead, I helped her to pull her nightie back on, its front haphazardly tied together, and dashed for my camera. "Smile," I ordered her as I rapidly snapped several photos, and in her dazed state, she followed my commands for several minutes, creating a nice range of softcore photos, and a few that pushed the boundaries.

"Stephen, stop," she murmured dazedly when she finally managed to beat the joy and excitement. A glance revealed just how much she was revealing. With her panties absent, only the way she crossed her legs as preventing her most intimate spot from being photographed. Her bra was still dislodged as well, and her transparent nightie was a bad choice to hide anything, especially something as attention-catching as her rather large bosom.

"Don't worry, sweetie, these are just private reference photos, no one will see them except you and me," I answered with a dark smirk. She looked like she was about to argue, so I chose to distract her with the good news. "If you don't have anything to do tomorrow, we can take the underwear catalog tomorrow."

"Really!" she exclaimed, though she hadn't pulled her arms away.

"Yes, we're going to do a full day shoot, so rest well tonight. Actually, you can just go upstairs and catch an afternoon nap if you want. I want you to be rested and ready tomorrow. It's going to be a grueling day."

"I won't disappoint you!" she exclaimed as she jumped up her feet and she hugged me, though her excitement didn't survive for long when she realized the exact way she had been dressed, and dashed away, giving me one last show of her plump bottom, free from the oppression of any kind of coverage, as she climbed the stairs, leaving me alone with a raging boner. I sighed and quickly gathered my equipment and put them in my car, my raging boner a source of supreme discomfort.

Luckily, I knew exactly where to go to get rid of that boner.