

I'm walking slowly, but with a purpose. I'm putting one foot in front of the other. My breathing was very even though my heart was beating so fast. It's cloudy today, although it usually is. I hope it rains, I don't know why I just like the rain. It's calming especially when your head won't stop spinning with thoughts. I want to run, but I can't. I don't know what I want anymore. I feel like I need to be like my parents and pick what they did, but I also crave a different power from them. I approach the sleek black building. It's where mistakes get made, where promises get broken, and where I will find my untimely mental death.

I push open the door and sit in the waiting room. The chairs are soft red leather with brown and gold accents. They're beautiful pieces of furniture. The front desk lady opens her mouth and says

"Are you Mr Gordon?"

"Yes" I reply mumbling my words

"Sign this waiver, and fill out your information."

She says strictly but slightly robotic.

I walk over to her desk and grab the clipboard and pen. I fill out the necessary information and return the clipboard and pen. The lady says thank you,

and I continue looking at the gold paintings on the wall. They depict our history. How the world crumbled but within all that crumbling a hero emerged. The person our whole world worships for this new system, Mathew Gordon. My great grandfather. Because his 'greatness' has died over these many years we aren't allowed to skip the pill ceremony. A tall black man enters the room, his hair trimmed neatly at the top of his head. "Come with me, Mr Gordon." I follow him, trying to keep up with his pace. We approach a sleek black hallway, it's empty. But it looks smooth like the doorways are invisible. He leads me into one of the doors. It vaporises away and I see a black table and two black seats. With of course the 10 colourful pills in a row with descriptions underneath each. "Please take a seat." He says sternly. I look at the pills all the mistakes my family has made over the years picking a pill and not being ready for the power it bestowed. I saw the pill my parents chose me to pick. Immunity. The yellow pill glinting like the sun. I would make a great healer to the world, and I'd never get sick. Basically to live in my great grandfathers legacy. My eyes drift over to the blue pill. Intelligence. My sister picked this and ended up wanting more and more and never was able to quench her thirst for intelligence. She wanted to know everything. I glance over the purple pill. Psyche. That was the one my dad picked. He became a Government lab rat so to say. They used him to find out if criminals were lying or not. Obviously, he loves his job, but I don't know if I want that kind of power. I glance at the red pill. Strength. The most commonly chosen pill. My brother obviously chose it he wanted to be really strong and buff. Of course, he was going to pick that, he's a policeman now. I see the black one. Instinct Assassin. The one I want. The only issue if I pick that one I get put on a watch list or I have to work for the secret service, I know the risks. My eyes also glance at the Mystery Pill. It kept changing between the nine colours. Only insane people chose that one. I kept looking at them. All of the pills had the potential to make me special. All of the pills had the potential to increase one part of me. I just needed to know which one I wanted. The man was just staring at me waiting. Patiently waiting for me to pick one. I knew whatever I picked would have downsides.


I think that I could pick the mystery pill but wait. I don't want the Brown pill. Instinct Warrior. That was the one my great-great whatever grandfather took. Definitely don't care about the legacy. My hand raises my arm slowly moving. My hand hovers over the mystery pill. Then grabs it. "That is your choice, congratulations." The mystery man replies to me. Then he hands me a glass of water, and takes the rest of the pills and throws them in a little hole. Probably leads back to the lab. I get the pill and place it on my tongue praying I don't get Instinct Warrior. I gulp down the water drinking every drop. "Come with me." The taller man says as he leads me out of the room and into a completely black room. It has one cot with a blanket and a singular pillow. There's what appears to be a toilet and sink with amenities.

"You'll be here until you figure out what your power is." He says as he locks the door.

I approach the bed. The room is dimly lit, but very clean. Almost completely spotless except for a small crease in the pillow. I thought that was kind of odd. I didn't know what my powers were. I wanted to find out. Although the pill takes five hours until permanent effects take place.

It's been five hours I went to sleep and saw food waiting by the door. It was a grilled cheese with bacon and lettuce. I also had chips on the side with some pop. I start eating, I notice I really can't see that well so I must not have gotten Instinct Assassin. I was waiting. I'd finished my food after not eating for what might've been 24 hours, another mystery man walks in the door. "Can I see your arm?" I lay out my arm. He pricks it with a needle and soon my veins start lighting up and turning a bright green colour. I knew what I got.

Elemental. I had to pick my element now. The guy signalled for a Doctor and he asked me which element I wanted. I saw the vials were labeled. I didn't know what I wanted I closed my eyes. Fire. He injected me with it, but all I could think about is how much I wanted Extraordinary Power.

The clear pill.

I ruined it all.

I wanted to cry to myself.


Thank you for reading

Any images or names or stories you want me to write just recommend them.