
Water Witch

The dark-haired Assassin winked at the barmaid and tossed back the pint she sat in front of him. "Haven't really been here since before the chaos. Seems like the place has really changed."

The barmaid glanced over her shoulder at the nearly empty bar. Unfortunately, the Cold Bitch was the most popular tavern in town. The Burly Bear was a distant second with only a few regulars coming in. "We've some roasted boar on the menu if you're interested."

/Pathfinder: Jiggs: How can such a badass Assassin be so awkward with women?

/Pathfinder: Gideon: Shut up, clown. I'm out of practice.

"That sounds great." Ducky smiled at Gideon before fixing her blue eyes on the barmaid. "I haven't been here since Shi left the temple. Would you know where she is?"

"The Ice Spirit? The barmaid shook her head slightly. "She left Cyphix months ago; rumor says that she was gravely injured."