
The Second Blade (conclusion)

"It's Archon Nix, right? The leader of the Inferno Guild." A deep voice spoke from nearby. A lean man with reddish-colored skin and horns jutting from his forehead was watching their group.

/Alpha: Beta: F*ck... It's a dragonspawn Nix, specifically Nihlus the Red. His mother is Tai'Qui, the Dragon Master of Houdinya."

Nix nodded in reply. "I am Nix."

Nihlus glanced at Beta, his face tightening slightly. "Does Deidra plan on making an appearance?"

Beta shook her head. Although she worked for the Breach Commander, in Solomon City, everyone eventually answered to the Dragon Master. "I am here independently."

"Interesting." Nihlus waved for his companion to come closer. "This is Sindi, a dragon descendent from Houdinya. He is here to challenge for the blade. In the event that he fails, I will challenge also."

Sindi bowed slightly, his tone free of any arrogance. "I will not fail. Are you planning on fighting for the Blade Nix?"