
Palace Champion

"Damn, this thing is uncomfortable." Nix shifted slightly on the Gemini throne and brought up the Champion menu; as the Palace Nemesis, Nix could bestow the blessings of the Gemini Temple on his champion.

"It makes me happy to see someone sitting on the Gemini Throne once again." Elune's voice carried from the northern archway.

"Have you had a chance to explore the Palace? I'm assuming that it has changed a bit." Nix was starting to understand the Gemini High Priestess, her entire being was consumed by what she considered her calling.

Elune's duo-colored face nodded. "My sanctuary is my larger, the lower levels didn't exist, I'm afraid you must explore those, most likely they are dangerous. In general, everything is much larger. The Acolyte rooms on the upper level are much more numerous."