
Ionova City Center

Nix sighed loudly for the third time in as many minutes, causing his two companions to stop their whispering. "One of you want to switch places with me? Or perhaps you'd like to get up and take this into the living room?"

Both Fajii and Hyai were chronic early risers; normally, they'd both be out of bed by the time he was awake. This time, however, they held whispered conversation from either side of him.

"Sorry, Nix. Were we bothering you?" Fajii had one hand propped under her chin; her red-streaked hair hung loosely over one tanned shoulder.

Hyai's freckled face was carefully neutral. "Did we wake you?"

"Yes, and yes again." Nix turned on his stomach and hid his head under a pillow.

Hyai lifted one end, peeking in. "We'll make you breakfast."

Fajii sat up and nodded in agreement. "In bed. You'd like that, right?"

"I would," Nix admitted in a muffled voice.
