
A Brief Interlude

Although it was fairly early when Sinfaya left the Turtle House, Nix felt mentally drained and decided a short nap would be the best way to solve that. A noise from the Master Bedroom told him that the house had at least one occupant. Since he told Raine to meet him here, he assumed the dhassi must be upstairs.

"Raine?" Nix called her name at the top of the stairs, entering the bedroom through the open doors. "Oh..."

Raine stood next to a pile of clothes, a smile on her face as she reached for the towel she had placed on the bed. "Going to freshen up a bit. I hurt myself while sparring. Could you help me?"

Nix didn't bother to hide his smirk; the Xai Clan leader was a horrible actress. Instead of asking who put her up to it, he decided to go with the flow. "Is it bad? I should check it out."