
Phantom of Hatred

Lucius Cain had already been abandoned from birth and abandoned to his fate. He was raised by the people of the street, who constantly changed and changed. Every day he grew up, and every day he saw only pain and suffering. But his unknown power grew with him. At the age of 12, he killed for the first time. Why? Because it seemed like the right thing to do. The thing everyone else was doing. The thing that seemed right to him. At 16, he was drafted into the army. No family. No strings attached. No problems. That's when he sensed his potential for killing. Killing without a shred of restraint and without a shred of compassion. His geniosity and power took him to the King himself in just a year. To the High Society, he hated so much. Offered the position of Chief Captain of the 12 Knights. Which he refused, thus ruining his career in the army. But Cain had a different goal. He didn't want to lead armies. He didn't want to take care of armies. He just wanted to kill. He joined the Underworld, where he quickly became the number one of the Underworld Twelve. Driven by a hatred of the world that he vented through death. Known for slaughtering the Estagardian Royal Family and, with them, an army of a thousand men. Later, Cain became the most powerful in the entire Kingdom of Sedruan. It took until he was 26 years old to recognize... Love. He left his post, let go of his hatred, and let the waves of love guide him. After two years of a beautiful, peaceful life with the love of his life, Sophia Caddel, he was robbed of his love at the age of 28. And with her death comes revenge. And with revenge against the world, he returns again... As the Phantom of Hatred.

AllFatherOmnis · 奇幻
60 Chs




The following novel contains material that may be harmful or traumatic to some readers.

It contains graphic descriptions of murder, violence and other unpleasant texts.


-Continent of Ithrai, Kingdom of Sedruan, the Year of 1005-


-Village Center-


Lucius appears in the middle of the centre and there are dozens of dead bodies around him.


The pools of blood that flowed through the place, staining the ground red.

Body parts and limbs lying amidst oceans of blood.

Huge holes in the buildings from the magic.

Terrified people begging for help, and mortally wounded people begging for death.

Fear that spread through the air like a plague.

A plague that will eventually kill you.


He turns, looking around with shock on his face, memories that come back to him in an outrageous way.

Memories of his past.

Of his murders.

Of his hatred.

Of his old self.

"Lucius!" Sophia yells after which Lucius immediately turns around.

He sees Sophia covered in blood running towards him.

Sophia, tears in her eyes, runs with all her might.

She has become the happiest person in the world.

Happier than happiness itself could be.

Lucius freezes with joy and smiles that she is unharmed.

He happily stands up and holds out his arms for Sophia to come to him with open arms.



A magic shot that reminded Lucius of his complete past.

A magic shot that Lucius had completely forgotten.

Forgotten, the sound that would be the last time one would hear it.

The last time before he dies.

The death bell.

The death bell announces to the reaper.

To take the soul of the dead.

Lucius is recovering.

And just watches in shock as Sophia's entire brain and all her blood splashes into the ocean of death.

The last thing he sees on her face is a beautiful smile and a pleasing look that she could still see her beloved.

Lucius falls to his knees and starts breathing heavily.

He grips one side of his chest tightly.

He squeezes it so hard that his fingers drill into the flesh.

He couldn't catch his breath that much.

It was as if he felt, for the first time, the approach of death.

He sees a man approaching Sophia.

A man looks at Sophia.

He points his finger at her.


He starts laughing at Sophia's dead body, to the point that she falls to the ground and rolls on the ground.

Lucius watches the fucking bastard with his mouth open.

Who laughs at his love.

He freezes and looks directly into the eyes of Sophia, who has directed her last gaze toward Lucius.

He begins to shiver slightly.

'''Accept your hatred'''

Echoes in Lucius' head as he clenches his fists with tremendous force, causing the entire surroundings to tremble.

The man who killed Sophia quickly gets up and starts to stress.

He looks around and looks at Lucius, he sees that it came from him.

He takes off towards him at a fast pace, looking to finish Lucius off in one hit.

'''Accept your hatred'''

Lucius clenches his fists harder until blood starts to flow out of him.


Lucius says to himself, trying to resist the voice of Hatred.

'''Accept your hatred, and avenge your love'''

It begins to resonate throughout Lucius' head until it catches on his ears.

The phrase begins to echo over, and over, and over again.


The man is almost there and prepares his magic sword to stab Lucius with.

The voice of Lucius that roared in his head causes Lucius to have a huge rage.


Lucius lets out a huge roar, causing everything around him to bounce off of him.

Even the man, flies backward and smashes into the building with a surprised look on his face.

He begins to shake the entire surrounding area with tremendous force until the buildings crumble.

The air and the atmosphere become completely heavy.

This causes the pressure to change, bending and warping everything around it.

Survivors whose heads swelled up so much that their eyes fell out and then exploded.

The bodies lying around him exploded as well.

However, Sophia's body was the only one that was intact.




A constantly repeating sequence that escalates into an even bigger hell than before.

Lucius unleashes a huge fire that reaches the heavens.

It illuminates the entire area with a red flame, and the view here is reminiscent of hell itself.

The fire's enormous heat will melt the buildings, and all the crops, nature, and everything else will burn.

An even greater earthquake will begin, reaching as far as the Red City.

There, the Defense Magic Systems activate, but fail to resist the force, the shields crumble, and the entire city is destroyed.

'''Do you accept your hatred?'''



It echoes in his head, and all the flame, the earthquake stops from one second to the next.

The man who killed Sophia gets up. His body is all burnt, and half melted. He tried to scream in pain, but his charred neck made it impossible. It was quite a miracle he survived.

Cain begins to recall all the memories with Sophia.

And he ends it all by remembering her lying dead with a smile on her face.






Lucius says.

And then a huge shockwave shoots out of him, wiping out the entire area, including Red City.

Man has wiped off the face of the earth.

Trees shoot up from their roots.

The grass from the roots.

Even the rocks from the ground itself.

The water will disappear.

And the lives of everyone in the area.

Fading away, like the stars going to sleep.



-The Hill, Sophia's favorite place-


Lucius stands under a tree on the hill above Sophia's grave.

Rain and lightning echoed across the continent.

Lucius watches Sophia's grave with downcast eyes.

He remembers her death.

Her smile.

Her laughter.

Her words.

Words that resonate in Lucius' head.

He turns and walks a little further from the grave.

He stops in the rain and the drops that fell on him lift his head.

And with every emotion, he feels the impact of the drops on his face.

It lasts a minute.

A minute that makes Lucius do something completely new.

Completely wet, he turns his head one last time towards Sophia's grave.

And for the first time ever.

The first time Lucius Cain.

He sheds a tear.

A tear that will be his last.

A tear which will be last...

for all...

To be continued...