

"Where am I..." were the first words Julian spoke out in his mind. Opening his eyes to the first light he is seeing, noticing it is not his world. A 16 year old coming from Earth after falling asleep pondering his wonderous wishes waking up to a newborn body and new parents in front him. "DID I JUST GET REINCARNATED?!!" he yelled into his mind A new life awaits him, a new start to a journey he'll never forget with obstacles yet to come by and dangers yet to drag him to hell. Welcome Julian to his new world, Elfenheim

King_Orendel · 奇幻
5 Chs


Today was a big day considering I'm about to be 7 while I am just a month ahead of Ash.

After getting my head out of the gutter, I decided to keep my mind on the present and live in the happy moments for now.

Mother always had this unique...touch to her cooking, whatever she was doing made the food so damn good.

Ash was excited today 'cause she was making the signature Pancakes and Egg combo she is known for around the house.

Pipping hot pancakes with the right amount of fluff and fresh yellow eggs on the side to end it all off with the river of sweet syrup on the stacks!

Ash was drooling at the sight when she was putting down the plates for each of us, man even me and Lily were too haha.

'A mother's cooking is always special to its own'

Right when it hit the table, all 3 of us started chowing down like famished wanderers off the road.

Chuckling, "Oh my goodness you guys! Slow down will you kiddos hahaha." said Delilah.

She fixed up 4 pancakes for each of the kids with 2 eggs for each as well.

It made her very happy every time seeing the children enjoy her cooking and thought it adorable seeing them being all happy hoping it could stay like that every year they grow up...




"Pwuahhhh" "Dang that food was good as always Mrs.Delilah!" said Ash.

Full to the brim, he was even more energetic.

"Haha! Well thank you Ash." said Mom rubbing Ash's hair.

Walking into the house, dad came through drying his face off from sweat with his hair into a tail.

"What are you little ones doing today huh?" He said leaning onto the door frame smirking.

Me and Ash looked at each other thinking and confirmed onto our adventure for today.

"Me and Ash are thinking of going into the woods today for a lil' exploring."

Dad narrowed his eyes looking down for a bit thinking until saying something.

"I see, but please be careful though since I am trusting you two will listen. Lately, there has been activity through the woods with Grey Wolves running about. Even though they are weak, they run in packs so don't go too deep into the woods." He said with a serious tone.

"Alright will do." I nodded

"Alright and be back by evening since it is your day today big guy I got something to show you!" dad said smiling.

After that me and Ash starting darting out to explore...





"Hahahaha catch me if you can"

Laughter can be heard of Ash and Percy chasing each other like a game of tag inside the woods despite the warning Elric gave them.

Running deep into the woods without knowing they are with fun distracting their young minds.

"Hehehe! I gotcha you this time! Hiyaaah!" I yelled pouncing towards Ash


"AH! Ok I am going to feel that later, ouuuch." Ash said groaning.

"Dang, was I too rough?" "Eh, a little bit..." Ash rubbing his arm.

I helped him up, brushing some dirt off of me while I suddenly remembered something..

'Oh crap it is getting late!' I looked into the sky as the sun was now setting

'Man me and Ash may catch an earful later..' I thought scratching my head.

"Hey Percy let's hea-" Ash paused looking around

I looked back towards him, wondering what was up.

"Uhhhh...which way did we come from" he said in a worried tone looking around

That is when I noticed he was right looking around..

'Shit he is right where the hell did we come from!"

I was getting a lil panicky 'cause of Dad's warning about the Grey Wolves running around...

'Shit, shit, shit, shit! Think Percy! Think damn it!'

I was kind of twisting my head around looking where we could've ran from.

"Ahh man.... our parents are going to kill us when we get back.." Ash said sitting down

Heh, he couldn't be anymore right about that one.

We both were trying to look around but all there was is trees and tall ones at that.

'Why did we have to run down so far!' I thought holding my head.

Moments later, deep in thought, we heard a noise.

It is now pitch black and we heard a branch snap.... a branch in night time!

"Percy.....what was that?!" Ash was now getting up, voice shaky and scared, sticking close to me.

Every nerve of my body standing on their toes, my senses were going haywire.

I have this damn tingling feeling, something is fucking looking at us.

Trying to keep my calm and my breathing steady, I was looking around carefully and frantically.

'I got a bad feeling about this' each of my senses screaming one thing and one sentence only...

'We got to get the fuck out of here' I grabbed Ash's hand.

"Ash we need to go, I have a feeling something's looking at us!" I whispered loudly.

In a rush I started walking fast, making sure I had him close to me.

Then...it happened...

While we were half way towards to an exit to a pathway, I heard something jump towards us behind and heard a nasty growl.

A growl in freaking pitch black darkness with little moonlight?! Hell nah!

That is when I tightened my grip on Ash and hit the damn gas.

"ASH! RUN" I yelled dashing it through the woods

I never felt so scared in my life running from something, it was a sensation that was making my adrenaline pump through every vein in my little ass body!

"RUN! DON'T LOOK BACK! RUN" I cried out, inhaling and exhaling heavily running for dear life.

I didn't even bother to look back nor did I ever catch a glimpse of what is hounding after us.

It wasn't an '"it" at this point, all I heard were multiple noises running after me and Ash.

We had no sense of direction, we were running through every bush and every space we could find.

Ducking corners, running through leaves, it didn't matter, we could only run!

Ash was tripping off of the tree roots which was almost getting us killed..

"COME ON MAN GET UP WE GOTTA GO!" I picked him up and gotten back to booking it.

Hearing from the back of my head, whatever was following us was catching up to our sorry asses!

'Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck! What do I do, SHIT!' I was looking everywhere taking turns for a damn escape! I was finding nothing!

I wanted to cry man, I don't wanna fucking get mauled and die like this!

I wanted to live long , I wanted to make the full of this second life! Why did it have to be like this!?

We could only keep running for God knows how long.

My fucking lungs were burning, my legs were going numb, I wanted to stop, I needed some fucking water!

What came next pained my fucking heart and ears that I never heard from Ash...

Sobbing he cried, "Percy I don't want to die...I don't..want to die...I don't want us to die Percy...please...I'm scared Percy...I DON"T WANNA DIE!"

'FUCK' Hearing him cry pained my heart so...damn..much..

It pained me and anger was brewing my entire mind..it just pissed me off so much.

'KEEP GOING DAMN IT! PUSH....PUSH!' I was whimpering from the excruciating strain

Going further, my vision was getting foggy, my eyes were getting heavy, my whole body was screaming..

'Come on man, Come on man! I do not want this kid to die as well! He is so fucking young! KEEP GOING.'

"ARGH" I groaned from the misery, my muscle fibers in my legs were tearing up from this intensity which was making it super hard to keep pushing.

'COME ON PERCY' I was gritting my teeth, balling my hands which made my nails dig through, all to bear through this hellish struggle.

It has been 15 damn minutes which seemed like eternity... why does my life gotta be so damn shitty from my past life to present! WHY! WHY! WHY!

Yelling to myself in my thoughts, my legs went limp...and me and Ash fell forward, collapsing, landing on the ground in a shallow pond of water...

Gripping my chest gasping for air, I tried pulling my feeble body up to keep freaking running but to only look up to something that made my heart drop...

"Ha...haha...hahahaa...you got to be fucking kidding me." I laughed out of despair.

We fucking hit a stone wall dead end...