
Perfect Match, Secret Marriage

Six years ago, she left the country brokenhearted and pregnant, after a one night stand. Now, she's back due to her grandmother's deteriorating health and trying to avoid all problems and problematic people from her past. Sadly, that becomes much harder when an aloof, rich and attractive CEO falls in love with her. But they both have problems to deal with that are much bigger than romance. Kang Jun, CEO of Kang Corporations and the perfect bachelor, is trying to get guardianship of a child and Lu AnLing, who once believed her search had reached a standstill, wants to find out the truth about what happened to her own child. In order to fulfill both of their goals, they'll need each other. "I need your help." Kang Jun: "Sure I'll help you, but you have to help me first." "Okay..." AnLing pursed her lips and then looked at Kang Jun shyly. "With what?" Kang Jun places marriage certificate on the table and then replied calmly, with a smile plastered on his handsome face, "Marry me." AnLing was left dumbfounded. _____________________________ Thank you for checking out the story. I appreciate every review, comment and stone you guys give the story. ❤️ There will be 14 chapters/week and a mass release of 6 chapters the 1st of every month. Tho depending on where I am on the rankings I'll be adding chapters as in Top 50 = 8 chapters, Top 20 = 10 chapters etc. The story is around 7 Volumes with 50 - 60 chapters per volumes. Discord: https://discord.gg/jh7nTX2 ____________________________ Please enjoy and I would appreciate reviews and constructive criticism. Also, If you don't mind. I would appreciate any and all support you're willing to give me. Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/caremel Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caremel

caremel · 综合
420 Chs

Until Further Notice

Everyone watched as Kang Jun entered the room carrying Kang Mingyu and Kang Mei Xue. Seeing this, Kang Mu ran up to his son in a panic.

Once he was face to face with the man, he sighed.

"What are you doing? Let the bodyguards hold the kids! You don't want anyone starting weird rumours do you?" Kang Mu said with fear in his voice. He didn't want anything ruining Kang Jun's chances of getting married, mostly when he was so close to being married off.

Kang Mu knew that due to the bet with his grandfather, Kang Jun was forced to marry so he couldn't break off the engagement but that didn't mean that the fiancée's family couldn't break it off...

Right now, because of the way Kang Jun carried the two children and how they nuzzled Kang Jun's neck, Kang Mu feared that someone would think that the two were Kang Jun's illegitimate children.

And Kang Mu knew that there were a limited amount of women who would still marry a man who had had children previously...

Hearing this, Kang Jun frowned and then he walked right past his father. "Let them say whatever they want."

Looking at his son as he walked away from him, Kang Mu's face darkened but he could not stand up to Kang Jun.

Feeling the lingering cold of his sons gaze slowly leave his body, Kang Mu shivered and then he looked towards his wife, whose eyes were plastered on her son, as they both simultaneously sighed.

The night would not be as calm and easy as Kang Mu had hoped...

Meanwhile, where Kang Liang and Lu AnLing stood, Kang Liang watched his brother with dark eyes. Kang Liang had waited for this exact moment. H needed to talk with Kang Jun.

Thinking this, he then turned to look at Lu AnLing who's eyes were fixed on Kang Jun. For a second, Kang Liang couldn't help but look at the girl and smile. There was no one in the whole wide world who had ever looked at Kang Jun so lovingly before.

It almost made him jealous.

Putting his hand on her shoulder, Kang Liang said, "I'll be back,"

Hearing this, Lu AnLing nodded and then she watched as the boy went straight to Kang Jun.

After watching them for a while, Lu AnLing then turned to look around the room again, in search of Feng Yan, but once more, her eyes landed on Wang Tingting.

Though this time she wasn't with her husband... Instead, Wang Tingting was observing the food being served, she looked at every piece. Most foods she turned away from and then, she stopped in front of a platter of seafood.

Looking at the scallops and smelling its ocean aroma Wang Tingting felt a sudden nausea wash over her. It forced her to turn in the opposite direction.

She usually loved scallops but today she felt completely disgusted. She hadn't been feeling well lately...

Wanting to get rid of her physical feelings of disgust, Wang Tingting walked over to a server who carried Champagne. Wang Tingting took one happily, impatiently waiting to drown out her nausea with the sour alcoholic taste but as soon as she pressed the glass to her mouth, someone pulled the champagne out of her hand.

Feeling this, Wang Tingting looked to the person with a glare. The person she saw was Lu AnLing.

Wang Tingting frowned hard. Wang Tingting was about to curse at Lu AnLing but before she could, Lu AnLing grabbed the girls arm and hissed,

"Come here!"

When they got to a corner, Lu AnLing looked deeply into Wang Tingting's eyes and said, "You can't drink."

Wang Tingting wrapped her arms around her chest and said, "And why not?"

"I think you're pregnant." Lu AnLing said in a low voice.

With eyes wide, Wang Tingting touched her flat stomach. She had been feeling sick for a while now but she had just assumed that it was because the seasons were changing and she had gotten a cold... but now, thinking back, when had she last gotten her period?

Shaking her head, Wang Tingting muttered, "It can't be..."

Lu AnLing sighed and then she looked at Wang Tingting in the eyes, "Go get yourself a pregnancy test. Find out for yourself, but for the love of god, take care of yourself until then. Don't drink, keep stress levels down. If you are pregnant, you don't want anything happening to it..."

Without complaining, Wang Tingting walked straight out of the venue, but for a split second, her eyes landed on Kang Nianxi and Qiao Lan who watched Lu AnLing. For a second, a wave of guilt passed over her and she did not know what to say or do.

Qiao Lan wanted to asses if Lu AnLing was a threat and then crush her if necessary. So right now the woman's whole being was centered around the girl, but Wang Tingting knew that if Qiao Lan knew she was pregnant, nothing good would come her way either.

If she truly was pregnant, Wang Tingting would surely want to keep the baby but she knew that for both her and the babies sake, she would need to keep it a secret from Kang Nianxi. If the man knew, he would boast about it, and that wasn't a smart move.

As she walked out the venue doors, Wang Tingting wanted to cry

As soon as she saw Wang Tingting disappear into the distance, Lu AnLing sighed and looked around the room once more. Quickly, she saw Tang Bingyi who sat at a table with her grandfather.

She wanted to go say hello but before she did, she finished looking around to see if Feng Yan had arrived. Seeing that she hadn't. Lu AnLing frowned.

Lu AnLing needed Feng Yan to be there for the plan to commence. She had thought that Feng Yan would have been there already but strangely, the girl was taking her sweet time... Neither she, Kang Jun, Elder Kang nor Lu Xia had expected such a turn of events.

This caused their plan to be paused until further notice.

Lu AnLing looked towards Lu Xia who was standing by as Kang Liu Ran spoke to some guests.

Lu Xia's eyes were plastered on Lu AnLing. The woman gestured, asking if it was time but Lu AnLing shook her head which made Lu Xia sigh herself.

Taking out her phone, Lu AnLing sent Lu Xia a text.

Lu AnLing: [You'll know when it's time.]

After sending this, Lu AnLing walked up to Tang Bingyi and tapped her on the shoulder.

Turning around to see Lu AnLing, Tang Bingyi smiled and said her hellos.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Lu AnLing said looking between both Tang Bingyi and Elder Tang.

"Guanting told us to come and watch the show, whatever that means..." Elder Tang grumbled.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see." Tang Bingyi said before she turned to Lu AnLing smiled. "But, I feel like it has something to do with you..."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing laughed awkwardly. She felt an urge to tell Tang Bingyi about Kang Jun and her but somewhere deep inside, Lu AnLing felt as if Tang Bingyi had already assumed that Lu AnLing was marked by Kang Jun and that he was marked by her.

Unsure of how to answer Tang Bingyi, Lu AnLing just looked at the girl. They might have become friends but for now, it was still a bit awkward.

She then shifted her gaze to Elder Tang who eyed her viciously. This made Lu AnLing uncomfortable but she didn't want to tell Elder Tang this, in fear of offending the man.

Though, Elder Tang did not eye Lu AnLing for long. Instead, seeing her obvious discomfort, Elder Tang put his hand up in apology.

"I'm sorry for my... unseemly behaviour. This time and the last time we met... I even forgot to introduce myself." Elder Tang stretched his hand out towards Lu AnLing and smiled nicely.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing held his hand firmly and smiled also.

"I am Tang Haonan. It's a pleasure to meet you." Elder Tang said with a soft smile on his face.

Elder Tang's name rang through Lu AnLing's mind for a second as she suddenly remembered the dream she had had... but Lu AnLing quickly pushed the thought out of her head.

Elder Tang: "Also, thank you for taking care of my granddaughter. She doesn't have many friends and she's a bit... strange... but she's a very good girl. I leave her in your care."

Seeing his sweetness, Lu AnLing thought that the love the woman in her dream had when she said Elder Tang's name was justified. But Lu AnLing didn't want to keep thinking about this.

Memories of her father started filling her mind, and strange hopes ignited within her. She didn't want any of it! False hope always bread unhappiness and misfortune.

'That dream means nothing...' Lu AnLing tried to mentally persuade herself.

Lu AnLing: "I'm Lu AnLing. The pleasure is all mine and, you don't need to thank me. Bingyi and I are friends now. That's a choice I made on my own accord. I myself don't have many friends... I've never been very good at making them."

"I guess we're alike in that sense" Tang Bingyi said with a laugh.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing couldn't help but laugh herself.

Seeing this, Elder Tang felt strangely warm. He had never seen Tang Bingyi laugh so naturally before. She was a cold girl who seemed to only know how to be formal or weird but right now, she looked just like a normal girl.

Tang Bingyi did not notice the warm and gentle gaze her grandfather was sending her way but Lu AnLing did.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing felt warm but she felt her heart ache at the same time. Elder Tang really did love his granddaughter...

Back when she was a kid, this was what Lu AnLing wanted, but when she came into the Lu family, her grandfather and great-grandfather always looked at her with disgust or indifference.

This had hurt her a lot...

Feeling as if someone had stabbed her in the chest, Lu AnLing took a deep breath. What she was feeling was a bit wrong...

Yes, she wanted a grandfather who loved her, but still... She was happy now, she truly was, so now wasn't the time to get greedy.

After saying this in her mind, Lu AnLing looked at their table and said, "If I may ask, where is the rest of your family?"

Elder Tang felt his face redden. He didn't know what to say to the girl due to embarrassment but Tang Bingyi had no such problem.

Tang Bingyi: "My whole family was supposed to come but my uncle felt sick, my cousin doesn't want to see the 'man of her dreams' get engaged, my mother stayed home to take care of my uncle, but that's just an excuse. She actually doesn't like Kang Jun's parents too much and my brother is awol like the fool he usually is."

Hearing Tang Bingyi say this, Elder Tang felt even more embarrassed. He wanted to scold Tang Bingyi but he wasn't sure what he would be scolding her for. She told the truth, and he believed the truth was an important thing, so he didn't say a word.

Meanwhile, Lu AnLing though of something and then said, "Your brother is Tang Luoyi right?"

"Yeah, why?" Tang Bingyi asked with her eyebrows raised.

Hearing Lu AnLing's question, even Elder Tang reacted with displeasure. "Did he do something to you?"

Thank u all for being so supportive and understanding! And a special thank you to @babyyunn for her comment. I'm really happy that there wasn't any backlash. This just proves how good and understanding you guys are. I'm happy that I ended up with such an amazing bunch of readers.

BTW - I will never lock this novel or the future novels that I put up on this site. If you want, you can consider this my gift to you, but sincerely, it's because I didn't want to sign the webnovel contract.

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