
Percy Jackson: The God of sea and magic

Don't expect me to be a good writer, and this novel I say has a lot of mistakes and I'm learning on so if you guys have a BAD DAY PLEASE DON"T READ THIS I'M JUST WRITING FOR MY OWN GOOD AND BECAUSE IT'S FUN!....... Hi!! My first book so don't expect me to be perfect writing just writing to have fun. (Reminder)!!! English is my second language and I’m not that smart so don’t expect too much. The cover is not mine credits to the owner. Okay for the synopsis: Matthew Lux(loose), Is your typical otaku, he’s 17 turning 18 tomorrow, but sadly died while saving an old lady. He got 7 wishes. He wishes to become Poseidon. He became God and act as a God.

CosmoLuz · 作品衍生
17 Chs


"Matthew Come on it's 8 am quickly you're gonna be late!! " Shouted by my mum downstairs.

"5 more minutes mum!" I answered.

"Oh, you want me to go there and smash my sleepers your ass!!" Asked by my mum, Well, of course, I answered.

"OK OK fine, be there in a minute!" I answered with a little bit of fear because my mum's sleepers would sting my ass for a day if I didn't get up.

Matthew begins to open his eyes as the sun hits his face. He quickly checked the time on his watch and immediately dressed up in casual clothing consisting of a striped white T-shirt covered with a black hoodie, and tight jeans. He checked in the mirror. Standing at 6ft 3, curly black hair, a soft face which could be quite feminine but still with a hint of masculinity. A 17-year-old boy stood in the mirror. "Hmmm... I'm quite dead today. What's wrong with my eyes? If people saw this they would think I'm dead". Well, the last weeknight, Matthew thought it would be a good idea to sleep at 3 am and drink a little bit for straight 8 days.


He gave up and immediately went to the bathroom to take a bath and brush his teeth.

[20 minutes later]

After he went through his morning routine, he went downstairs, "Good morning mum" I said, "Good morning, hmm.. by the way, tomorrow's your birthday. What do you want my little boy", asked my mum. "I want a PS5", I answered. "Well, I'm gonna ask my friend of mine to buy the PS5. I'm busy today so I can't go to the store today", said mum, "Yeah it's okay", I said while hiding my excitement.

I went to the fridge to grab milk but my eyes looked at the calendar in the fridge, "Mum I don't have school today. It's Saturday!!!", I said angrily while my mum hid her smile, "But you have to do the Anime convention thing today", Mum said, Matthew quickly smiled. Even his soul was jumping in joy.

My mum sat down on the sofa while watching Netflix and talking to her friends. While my mum was doing her thing, I quickly sat down and looked at the food my mum had prepared for breakfast and quickly devoured it. I washed the dishes and sat down on the sofa for 5 minutes, "Mum I'm gonna go now" I said, while my mum looked at me and nodded.

"Bye", I said.

Arriving at the bus station, he waited patiently for his bus until he saw a flash of lighting, which the first thing he thought was how odd lighting on a sunny day, and said "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!", As the lightning hit the road and suddenly he saw a fast truck driving straight, And as his eyes darted around quickly as he took every bit of information he could see. Homing in into an old lady, who was in the truck's straight path, he saw the panicked and feared people. Looking at all the people staring at the old lady. Matthew saw her failing to move and saw fear, concern, and hopelessness. Seeing this, he knew what he had to do, but his body just refused to move even a single bit.

"OH COME ON!!!!...." He screamed into his mind. Exerting as much pressure as he could, his body started to move a little bit, very very very slowly.

"Fuck ARRRRGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!....."

He forced more strength into his body as he saw the truck start coming closer to the old lady.

Without noticing his body started to move normally, he quickly rushed to the old lady and pushed the old lady out of harm's way. Without noticing, his eyes started to glow golden color and a satisfying smile at the old lady as he had achieved a part of his dream before his death. His dream is to be like the anime characters that he sees, to be a hero, an inspiration, to be cool, and to save someone's life.

"I'm sorry Mum, hoped you have a good life," he said before the truck crushed his mortal body.

Darkness I mean very dark....

That is what greeted him in an expanse of darkness, but he knew that he was now dead and knew what would happen after his death. He had managed to save the old lady by pushing the old lady out of the truck. In return for saving the old lady, his body had broken down within mere microseconds that it seemed like there was no one there, to begin with. but he didn't mind. He felt good to save someone's life. While he was smiling and thinking about what this place was, a golden light seemed to appear in front of him.

????: "Young one, you seem lost," said the strange light talk with a strong godly voice.

Matthew: "NANI WHAT THE FUCK!!!!"

Matthew was startled when a strong godly voice rang out in the golden light.

Matthew: "What is this place, What is your name, who are you, Do you have a body?

????: "Woo their young one just calm down, I will answer all of your questions"

Matthew: "Ok"

????: "So for the first question, this is my place", the darkness began to fade and began to look like a luxurious room with one luxurious table and two luxury chairs end by end. Outside it, it looks beautiful (Just look outside and imagine beautiful grass at the end of the grass there's a beautiful mountains, Two suns, And full of beautiful animals. REMEMBER GO OUTSIDE TOUCH SOME GRASS)

????: "My name is THE GOD OF CREATION, OMNI GOD, ONE ABOVE ALL, OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT, OMNIPRESENT, Ect., Hmmm you can just call me what you want".

Matthew: "How about Hmmm... Ah your name's gonna be Stanlee "

Stanlee: "AHAHHAHAHAHA What a good name young brat, nice name. Indeed, and obviously, I am a god.

Matthew: "I see", Matthew kneels. (he has a transparent body)

Stanlee: "No need to do that kinda thing, young brat. As for your fourth question, have indeed had a body", Suddenly the talking light turned to an old-looking man that looked like Stanlee, Creator of Spiderman and Ect.

Matthew immediately got shocked and looked in awe at what he was seeing in front of him, his favorite comic writer, Stanlee in front of him.

Stanlee: "Young brat, so this is your idol, huh but I am not him. I looked like this because he is your idol, the one you admire the most, and looked up to, By the way, I'm sorry for what my Grandson did to you young brat, While my son was doing some mission, he gave his son to me to look out for my grandson but I got distracted while I was.... hmmm WE were enjoying my party with the other gods. I gave a little toy to my grandson but I didn't realize he didn't like a truck toy so while I was... WE were enjoying the party my grandson threw the truck toy outside which the truck toy traveled and through by universe to the universe then landed in your world "

Matthew: "Hmmm well that is my fate" while smiling, "Is my mum okay?"

Stanlee: "You're not angry at me young brat?", "Your mum is fine. She traveled the world for 20 years and died at the age of 90. She had a smile like you when she died. You were in the void for 10 million years and you achieved your godhood, You were now a god at peak young brat but not as powerful as me"

Matthew: "I'm not mad, because I died saving someone's life. It's the best feeling I felt" He smiled, "I see my mum. I love my mum. of that, I'm happy that she is happy even though she is dead now"

Stanlee: "I'm gonna give you 5 wishes and as for my grandson and son, they will give you 2 wishes, And in total, I will give you 7 wishes.

Matthew: "isn't that op?"

Stanlee: "Hmmm, with great power comes great responsibility"

Matthew smiled looking at Stanlee.

Stanlee clapped his hands and an angel suddenly appeared at his right side with a pen and paper.

Matthew looked awe and shocked.

Stanlee: "Now say you wish"

(Author: Hmmm I think I did a good job here for a beginner hahaha you guys can decide the two wishes but if there's no suggestion then I'm just gonna go with my way, Thank you guys for giving this novel a chance .)

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