
Percy Jackson: The God of Magic

One moment I was dying on a really uncomfortable hospital bed and the next... well, I’m alive... though this time, I'm not even human anymore... but who cares. If you want to read ahead! https://w w w.patreón.com/cornbringer

176 Chs

Chapter 2

If you want to read ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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After my horrifying and quite scarring experience with the Greek monstrosity that chased me three weeks ago, I decided to stay in the sewers as my new home... the smell was optimal to keep the monsters away and would keep me safe, at least, until I had an optimal way to protect myself and to be honest it wasn't that bad. The place stank and it was almost impossible to sleep with the sounds, but I didn't have any monsters trying to eat me, so for the moment, the sewers were a five-star hotel to a lonely demigod like me, when it came to protection that is.

Though, if I really wanted to improve my current lifestyle, I could probably go to the half-blood camp, there I would be relatively safe, but... I would be trapped forever unless I had a quest that require my assistance, and to be honest I wasn't about giving up my freedom that easily, not now that I could finally enjoy it with a healthy body, so I had to learn how to fight, or at least avoid the monster is a most efficient way.

"Let's see Adam," I said to myself, as I sat in the cleanest corner of the sewer, which I had cleaned up in order to have a place sleep, one thing was being in there, and the other was letting the place get to you, "You are the son of a Titaness, which according to the books I managed to read before ugly tried to eat me is a very good shot with the bow, only surpassed by her Olympian children," I hummed, "Perhaps I'm a good shot too?"

But for me to test that one, I needed a bow, and considering that the chances of one falling into my sewer house were very slim if not nonexistent, I had no other choice but to steal one, which considering all the shit I had done since I escaped the orphanage, was in the okay lines for me, maybe Walmart has some bows.

Well, that's a task for tomorrow, right now is time to sleep, "It would be cool to be a good shot with the bow, though I am pretty sure normal arrows are like nerf darts to the monsters that want to eat me, oh well, one problem at a time," I yawned, as I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep.


The next morning, I woke up as if I had slept near a pile of shit, horrible, but I had no time to waste on self-pity, now it was time to steal a bow and see what kind of powers my horrible mother had given me.

As I stretched out, something caught my attention, a book that I had never seen before was on top of my food box, normally this wouldn't bother me, God knows I need something to read or look at down here, but it was more than obvious that this book was not normal, why? well because it was floating a few centimeters on top of my food box.

"Huh," I had two options, run and never come back, or take the book, and considering it was nearly impossible for my situation to get any… haha, you almost got me there universe, but I will not fall again to your might, anywho, I had two options running or grabbing it, "What that hell, let's see," I chuckled grabbing the book, wondering what did it contain, was it perhaps a gift from my very terrible mother, or another creature in this world.

Breathing in anticipation, I opened the book, full of curiosity and wonder, and to my surprise as soon as I opened said book a multicolor beam of energy came out slamming me against the wall like a rat, "Hmmm, well this is new," I said in pain, as I stood on the floor, looking at the book lying in the opposite corner of my room, wide open, tempting me to read it, "Fuck it, I'm going to read it," I said with determination, no book was going to tease me and get away with it, grabbing a stick I took a deep breath as I approached the book carefully, and without touching it I read the first thing my eyes saw, "Etativel?" The fuck is that, taking the book I continued to read what followed after that.

Etativel = It allows the caster to fly for long periods of time, to use this spell you must first visualize an image of you flying, then you must concentrate on the words as you visualize the action you want to obtain.

A book of spells? Isn't that more along the lines of Hecate's realm? Oh well, it's worth a shot, god knows magic beats the bow and arrows, alright, first step, visualize, I can do that.

I focused on imagining myself in the skies, feeling the clouds on my fingers, the air on my face, this was easy, when you live in a clinic for more than a decade, things like imagining become second nature to you, now I have to cast the spell while visualizing it, "Etativel," sure enough, I found myself floating above the ground, "YESSS THE POWER IS MINE, FEAR ME WORLD!!!" I laughed like an evil wizard that was about to take over the world until my head slammed against the sealing, I might have the power to fly now, but I sure didn't know how to control it, "Alright, new mission, fuck the bow and arrow, let's learn this shit," I was happy, not gonna lie, whoever sent me this, it's my favorite person in the world right now, be careful Hecate, Imma steal your thunder.


[Artemis POV]

Mother had called me two years ago to ask me for a favor, to pick up a demi-god from a Catholic orphanage in Florida. At first, I was not very happy to help, but if Mother had asked, it was because it was important.

But regardless of my personal hate for men, mother never asked for anything so I obliged, besides, I thought it would be easy to find him, but two years later, nothing happened. Maybe he had already died? dying young as a demi-god is quite common, it was either that or admit that as the Goddess of the Hunt, my target my prey had escaped, which was not possible.

"It seems that unfortunately, I will have to inform mother, the demigod she wanted to save has died," I sighed.

"It was a boy, so it was to be expected," Phoebe added with a yawn.

"Hold thy tongue," Zoe hissed at Phoebe, "A man or not, it was our mission, and we hath failed our lady,"

"It's alright Zoe, there is nothing we could've done, monsters probably got to him first," I stated, finishing the conversation before it escalated.