
(tomb of the Giants/dukes archives)

(author note: sold my ps3 so I won't be able to go over it how it was supposed to be. got the ps4 though, the only problem is the messed up controllers)

Percy would spend a couple of days in this dark place before finally finding the way to go.

Percy had to go through a lot of terrible monsters but eventually, Percy did manage to get past the pinwheel copies and into the boss arena.

now Percy's only problem with the boss was that the immortal skeletons regenerated pretty faster.

the boss's AOE was pretty good, and another attack it inflicted was toxic if you were to get hit by it multiple times.

[+1 lord soul]

of course, this wasn't the end, since Percy now needed more souls and even more lord souls.

of course but first Percy had to back Anor Londo to check if that sealed door is still in effect, and it wasn't.

the metal boar came charging at me, but I parried it perfectly and killed it.

there was another boar and it took a bit to kill but now, I had access to a bonfire.

Percy went up the elevator where he was met with crystal undead.

but upon killing the golem Percy received this.

[broken pendant]

of course, Percy had no clue what that was, but that didn't stop Percy from killing everything in his path.

although slow, Percy hit like a tank.

however, Percy met an area where he had to die. luckily Percy was seconds away from dying.

luckily Percy died without getting cursed other wise it would be extremely painful for this fight.

upon exiting his new cell Percy heard the sound of new music to which Percy began killing these snake women who sometimes dropped humanity.

the snake women were dead faster than they took to kill him. plus they couldn't pick me up due to Havel's armor.

(it's not a mechanic, but something that should happen)

I and my BKG continued swinging and we finally turned off the annoying song.

I had to kill three lizard men and get a key. I also met Logan surprisingly.

this place was honestly really creepy. it honestly didn't help that Night was playing music in my head.

she was playing a song called "undead lullaby" although she did say it wasn't her who made the song.

it certainly did match what Percy was doing though.

but honestly, there should be a verse that said "If death is a drug it's a fact I'm an addict" somewhere in it. after all, it made sense.

Percy continue his journey as he began exploring everything. by exploring he meant mass genocide.

perhaps Night had an effect on him on the whole murder thing. honestly, Percy was so numb to it that when he finally got home he was killing smelly Gabe with no hesitation.

the more Percy thought about it, the more he wanted a companion for his journey.

Percy's greatsword began cutting down the golems, and Percy had to cross an invisible pathway multiple times.

Percy fell on numerous occasions. eventually, Percy controlled the snow to show him the path.

next came the clams. they were weird but they dropped twinkling titanite, so honestly that was pretty good at least.

Percy would have to come back to this spot later to get the twinkling titanite to upgrade his sword.

Percy approached the glowing crystal he heard a roar and behind him gave a shiny white dragon.

Percy knew what he must do. he destroyed the crystal and then went to kill the dragon.

there were some narrow escapes but Percy was able to dodge his cursed attacks pretty easily by running around him.

[60,000 souls

bequeathed lord soul shard


his crystal breath may look damaging but in all honesty, it was just a tiny attack. not even worth mentioning.

Percy had spare humanity so he donated to the fair lady to relieve some of the pain she felt.

Percy also began experimenting with magic, or at least healing-type magic.

it certainly was hard to make, but it many months to complete eventually Percy was able to make it.

[healing of forgotten souls.

description: once made by a hallowing person named Percy Jackson. he who was driven to near hallow came up with this spell to help his fellow kind.

it was long said that his will long surpassed the first flame. his unbreakable spirit couldn't be broken even by the nastiest of things.



Percy did it... after the months...after all the deaths he was able to create a spell that was able to counteract the hallowing and curses.

I gave Quelaag quite the scare when I walked into her boss's room with her sister in my arms all cuddled up.

"mine sister?" quelaag said.

I smiled before telling her to come. I took her to the bonfire and warped to firelink shrine. I set the fair lady down next to the firekeeper.

I then went back to quelaag and healed her. she took fell unconscious due to the pain of having her body genetically modified to be back to normal.

I carried her unconscious body, with no dirty thoughts, and laid her next to her sister.

I had to give them some spare armor that I had, which honestly suited them. I would find their sister "quelana" for them.

the fair lady's body shook a bit before her eyes opened for the first time in a very long time.

the first thing she saw was Percy in his hallowed state. but that wasn't what shocked her.

"...your just a kid" the telepathic voice of hers again.

I tilted my head to the side.

"I believe I turned twelve already. I don't knoweth, time is messed up hither," I said.

the fire keeper was watching us curious if the Newcomers who could barely walk.

I waited till quelaag woke up and helped them walk, and use their bodies properly.

of course, I made sure they wore my armor all the time since...they were women and men were not supposed to see such things.

...at least that's what Mom told me.

I could see why though, they were extremely beautiful.

Percy went back to where have was so he could fight the hydra that was there. and since it was in the water, it was a very bad matchup.

water bender vs creature in the water? water creature vs the person who gets stronger and could move freely in the water?

oh no, it was a massacre.

Percy used the water to his advantage because it restored his stamina and increased his strength.

the heads of the hydra popped one by one.

until finally it was dead and Percy killed the golden golem that was there.

there he met a woman that was trapped there.

"So, it is thou who rescueth me? Most gracious, I am deeply obliged. I am Dusk of Oolacile. I cometh from an age long before thine...I can not stay here for long. So, before I disappear, allow me to ask one thing. My home, Oolacile, is the home of ancient sorceries. My hope is to pass this profound knowledge to thee, with thine approval. Would this be of assistance to thee?"

Percy nodded his head yes. After all, he needed help, and who was he if he were to reject it?

after she disappeared percy approached the black orb only to get sucked into an entirely new place.


Bloodborne and elden ring will have to wait until I could get a new ps4 remote. the two that I have are broken/messed up.