
(this king is disappointed)

(pre Dark Souls 3. Before he gets sent to that world)

I looked down from my throne at the kingdom I had built. I had to do a lot of manual work to get this kingdom where it was, but I did it.

I eradicated all forms of corruption. The abyss, the dark sign, and the flame. I took the flame upon myself to deny the curse of hallowing upon my people.

To my people, I was righteous and one who ruled fairly. I made sure justice was always served accordingly. 

I had completely undone the curse on my people, so instead of being mindless hallows, they were now actual people.

The Nobles who had abandoned their responsibilities were promptly executed and denied their titles.

I ruled fairly from the tiniest of cockroaches to the mightiest of dragons. If a crime was committed they were charged fairly with no corruption.

My kingdom was ever-expanding and ever-growing too. 

Another thing I should mention is sif. She was in the woods fighting anything that moved. Dragons, lizards, and many other interesting things.

Lucatiel stopped by sometimes, even if her reasoning was more personal. (They got freaky)

However soon it was my time to leave. So I faked my death, and let the next ruler take my place.


Short chapter till I start writing once more.