
Percy Jackson: Road To Godhood

A man dies at the hands of his psycho girlfriend and gets reborn in the fantasy world of Percy Jackson. With an unhealthy amount of ambition and a questionable set of morals, he strives to attain everything in his new life. Warning: The Mc will be a selfish asshole and you can put him in the category of neutral evil. discord.gg/ZyCjAy4dCv

DickMcJones · 作品衍生
31 Chs

Chapter 10

It has been a couple of days but we have finally arrived back at the camp. We took our time on the return trip, visiting sites etc, and not going to lie I miss the freedom of going anywhere. Maybe the quest thing isn't so bad, after all, I can only leave on quests or if I stay only attend summer camp. Plus the money I made certainly made me happy.

We cremated George and put his ashes in an urn. Those were taken to his siblings. They were sad at his passing but not exactly unsurprised since a lot of people don't usually return. That is why I need every advantage I could get if I wanted to survive in this cruel world.

This is why I was so happy when I finally went to sleep, I woke with Hecate staring at me. "You have done an adequate job guarding my daughter. I will fulfil my part of the agreement."

"I would like to say the job was fun, but it was really stressful," I said. She just appeared amused by my words. "Any chance, you're looking for an apprentice."

"I haven't taken an apprentice that wasn't my child for a while." She said as she took a thinking pose. "I am afraid nothing is this easy dear, but if you impress me with your future achievements, I may change my mind."

"Well, it was worth a try." I can't wait to grow up, I could get myself a sugar momma who could support my power addiction.

"Don't look so glum, I am sure Iliana wouldn't mind giving you a tip or two if you continue helping her with certain things in the future." She said.

She isn't really manipulating me since it is the law of equal exchange. I want knowledge, she wants me to look after her daughter I guess. If I was her I would demand a better price, so it isn't a poor deal.

"I will think about it, Lady Hecate," No reason to hastily make a decision, I will first search alternative methods and see what is the better option. Plus I think if I become good enough friends with Iliana, I could access her spellbook or her guidance. Plus I have already memorised a few of her chants and written them down.

"Good when you wake, your boons will activate. Good luck, scion of Aphrodite," She said before I woke up.

I didn't feel very different, but with quickly chanting the familiar greek words of Iliana, I find myself invisible. A broad grin appears on my face at the development, I tried saying the magic chant before but nothing happened.

I doubt I was magically as powerful or had the same magical reserves as the children of Hecate but I guessed I wasn't too far off.


It was back to training, I didn't want my physique to deteriorate after all but now I added magic training alongside it. Magic was all fun and all but I didn't want to become a glass cannon.

I didn't know any magic theory, but I wondered if I could grow my magical powers or was it forever fixed unless I used a third party item. Maybe it works like a muscle and it would become stronger the more I used it. It wouldn't hurt to test as long as I don't overexert myself.

While I was doing my physical training, I was interrupted by Iliana approaching. "Good morning." She said with a yawn, she looked tired.

"Morning. I see you didn't sleep too well." I asked.

"No, my cabin is too overcrowded and loud. I wanted to cast a noise isolating spell but I don't trust the cabin members enough. I would rather sleep in the car again," She said and I could somehow relate. I am sharing a cabin with fewer people but it is still annoying. "Plus the

Oneiroi is cursing my dreams with images of George. I haven't even known him for a few weeks, yet I hate that he had to die. Maybe if I was a better fighter or knew more magic this wouldn't have happened"

Why did she have to bring up that topic? I honestly don't know what to say that doesn't make me sound like an ass. So I decided to just give her a hug, she snuffled on my shirt but I didn't mind too much. I offered a few words of comfort.

"Ezra, do you think I can train with you? There are too many demigods for Chiron to train, so he can't really give personal attention to us." She asked as soon as she stopped crying.

I didn't see a problem with it, this would allow me to become closer to her and keep her from dying. After all, I don't want to keep changing quest partners because they die every time. Plus I had a shit ton of free time, there wasn't any gaming or TV I could spend my time on and the amount of entertaining greek or Latin books are lacking. I couldn't even waste my time having sex since I am so young.

"Of course, can you teach me some magic though? You were really cool out there." I asked. Dick move to ask this right now, but I have already accepted that I am a dick. I could sense the pride coming from her at my compliment.

"Sure, every good sorceress has to have at least one good apprentice." She said. It's not Hecate but she is more than adequate.

"Should I call you mistress from now on?" I asked amused.

She giggled at my words. "Of course not, silly. I will teach you magic while you train me to become a badass fighter. We can both call each other master if you want though."

"Just remember what you're signing up for. I won't let you slack off, you will have to suffer at least two hours of gruesome training a day." I said with a malicious smirk, causing the poor girl to gulp. "First we will do some running, then a bit of sparring without magic. After that, we work to put more muscle on you."

"Is that all?" She asked fearfully.

"Of course not, I will get some non-lethal arrows from the armoury then train your reflexes by shooting you from angles you won't expect. Of course, I will need you to put on a pain enchantment on the arrows, to give you extra motivation." I said and enjoyed the way her face paled.

"On second thoughts, I don't think I need it." She tried to get out of the training. Unfortunately for her, I was older, physically intimidating and stronger, so I could easily bully her.

"Nope," I said as I began her training. I did everything I promised except the pain enchantment on arrows. I just wanted to scare her a bit, I am not a sadist after all. "So how was your first training session?"

"Exhausting. You really do this every day?" She asked.

"Yes, at least 5 hours of my day goes to training, the rest either for recreational activities or studying something interesting," I said,

"That is a lot of time."

"Yeah, but I don't have school or a job so I have the time. I have been meaning to ask you will you still go on quests in the future or will this be the last one."

"I am still going to go on a quest. That is why I want training, I don't want to burden people with my selfish desires. So I want to be versatile so I can go alone." I see she is using the classic move of distancing herself from people so that they won't die. I am sorry little witch, you have too much potential for me to just distance myself.

"Alone? Why? People will go on quests anyway, it will be better to have someone to watch your back. Plus I am planning on going on more quests in the future, so I wouldn't mind going with you."

"Really." She asked with giddiness. Wow, she changed her tune quickly, the perks of childhood I guess.

"As soon as I learn a necromancy or summoning spell, because I don't plan on driving across the country any time soon."

"Will do. Oh, and I have been meaning to ask you, were your father a wizard, usually one only awakens their magic if they have a sorcerer parent or a powerful wizard cast a spell on them.

I saw no point in hiding where I got my magical ability from. Especially if she could easily get the answer from Hecate, I don't know if they kept in contact but it is better to be cautious than not. "Your mother gave me the boon for my amazing skills."

"Really? See I told you she was the best." She said with a bright smile.

"Yes, that was rather nice of her." I honestly expected her not to deliver, but I guess Hecate wasn't that much of an asshole. Plus the boon she gave me was probably trivial to her.

"Now onto your training, my apprentice. I wish I could make it as painful as your training, but I will have to settle for something boring." She said.

'Oh dear, I hate being bored. But it is magic, it can't be that bad.'

A/N: You can read ahead on patre,on/ DickMcJones.