
On the Road Again

I got knowing looks from the girls when I arrived at the table in the morning. Not that it surprised me. Emily and I made enough noise the night before to wake Endymion. It was totally worth it. At breakfast, she proudly waved a wad of train tickets for us to see.

Six of them, to be exact.

"All that we'll need," she announced happily.

The rest of us stared at her. "You're coming along?" Annabeth asked incredulously.

Emily nodded.


"Because it sounds like quite a lot of fun," she said simply. "Besides, I haven't seen Maui in two years. That's far too long. I'm not missing out on a chance to go again now."

"But what about the curse!" Annabeth said. "What'll you do if you end up afflicted?"

Emily smiled brightly. "Oh, that's easy! Percy'll shove his cock in me and fill me with all the cum I need!"

The conversation ended there. Nobody knew how to argue with something like that. For the first time I wondered if maybe, just maybe, we'd managed to pick up someone even crazier than Valentina.

After breakfast all of us loaded into Emily's Lincoln Aviator SUV. The car was so big that we could've fit three more people. At the rate we were picking up new faces, I wondered if we would need that much room by this time next week.

We made it to Penn Station without a massive cow or any other type of monster storming into the way. Nothing jumped out at us as we navigated the station, either. We made it all the way to our platform and even boarded the train without a hitch.

I really wasn't used to things going this smoothly. I admit, I thought we deserved this much after everything else, but I couldn't deny that it also left me a little uneasy. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The train Emily got tickets for was a nice Amtrak one. We had neighboring cabins for the five of us, with fold out beds and luxurious cushioned bench-seats in each. The windows provided a great view out at the city, even letting us catch a glimpse of Madison Square Garden next door. As we sat, chatting and waiting, Emily began passing out brown bags to each of us.

"What're these?" I asked as I accepted mine.

"I made something in case you all got hungry," she said. "Feel free to hold onto them."

"You… packed us lunches?" Lou asked.

Emily nodded proudly. 

I pulled mine open. Inside was a sandwich in a ziplock bag, an apple, and pre-packaged string cheese. A small smiley face had been drawn on the side of the bag, along with a bubble-letter P to mark it as mine. I ate the cheese right then and there.

Before the train pulled out of the station an employee in a goofy red outfit and hat came around to check our tickets. There wasn't anything wrong with them, but the guy still took his time with it. I'm pretty sure he thought Valentina was flirting with him when she said he looked like a tomato. 

She might've been.

Just as it seemed like everything was squared away and the employee was getting ready to leave, something shrieked.

It was followed quickly by a couple of loud bangs. I was on my feet in a flash, ready for our luck to run out, but the mortal wasn't panicking. He leaned back to get a view down the hall before turning to us. 

"Terribly sorry about that folks." His voice was nasally, and a little scratchy. "It looks like the cabin next to yours has a pretty large family this trip. They're really squeezing in at the moment."

There were a few more bangs, and even more shrieking. I wondered what happened to that baby. From the sounds it was making, you'd guess all their favorite toys got tossed in a trash compactor while they were forced to watch.

"I'll try to settle them down," the employee told us. "If they're too loud on the trip, you just let the staff know, and we'll talk to them."

"Oh it'll be fine!" Emily said. "We don't mind."

"Besides, we plan to get a few noise complaints ourselves," Valentina added innocently.

The poor employee gulped under the heat of her stare. "You do that— or, try not to do that… I mean—"

He turned and fled down the hall.

"What a nice boy," Emily said.

"He was looked at me like a slab of meat," Valentina said.

"Aren't you one?" Clarisse asked.

Valentina sniffed. "Yes, but a prime cut. I don't come cheap enough for someone like that."

"A slut with standards," Clarisse said.

"Exactly!" Valentina beamed. "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."


Over the first few hours we all took turns exploring the train. It had two separate dining cars, a couple of lounges, and a huge space for luggage at the back. That last part would've been a great perk if we had anything packed. Not for the first time, I cursed the oversized cow that destroyed our stuff, wishing I could slash it into hamburgers a second time.

Traveling by train was certainly more comfortable than the car had been. Not only did we have room to roam and stretch our legs, the cabins themselves were incomparable to the twenty-year-old seating in the camp's complimentary van.

Hours into the trip I found myself enjoying that luxury as I sat alone in one of our cabins, rubbing my hands over the upholstery beside me. I probably would've been napping, but every few minutes while the family behind us would do something that banged the wall and jolted me back awake. It was irritating, but not enough for me to want to get up. 

The others were in the neighboring cabin or still out exploring the train, so I wasn't all that surprised when the door slid open. Clarisse marched inside. 

What did surprise me was the way she hauled off her shirt before the door had fully shut, yanking down her bra a second later. Her huge tits swung loose.

"Break time!" she announced.


"That's it! That spot right fucking there!"

I grunted. My hips smashed into Clarisse's ass with enough force that I almost worried we'd knock the train off the tracks. She was bent over the cushioned bench, head and tits shoved against the conjoining wall. 

"Is that all you've got!" she screamed at me.

I spanked her ass. She reached up backwards and managed to give my nipple a twist.

Just as I sensed our climaxes coming (pun not intended), a bang louder than any of the others struck the wall from the other side. The baby started shrieking again, even more intense than earlier.

"Sorry!" I said, stopping. 

That was a mistake. The moment I lost momentum, Clarisse twisted with my cock still inside her. Now that was a lovely sensation I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to recreate.

She jumped on me, and with all her weight and my guard down we tumbled to the floor. She landed on top, hips already bouncing.

"Got you!" she growled.

I groaned as her hands wrapped around my throat, wondering the best way to get back on top. Thoughts of our neighbors slipped completely from my mind.


The springs on my fold-out bed squawked and screamed. In fairness, they weren't designed to be stood on, but that was exactly what I was doing.

The noise may've also had something to do with the way I was relentlessly shoving Lou down face-first.

"Harder!" demanded the smaller girl. "You were way rougher than this with Clarisse!"

"Lou," I said, continuing to fuck her tight snatch, "Clarisse is like double your size. She can take it. I'm going to hurt you if I get that rough."

"Don't be a spoilsport, Percy," said Valentina, who was watching everything from the opposite bench. "If an honest girl is begging you for something, you ought to give it to her."

"Yeah!" Lou agreed, although it was very muffled by her face-down position under me.

"Here." Valentina rose from her seat. "I'll help ."

She walked across the cabin, grabbed the back of Lou's head, and promptly helped shove her face even deeper into the bed, so deep I wasn't entirely sure the mousy girl could breathe anymore.

None of us paid any attention to the bangs coming from next door.


"Ohhhh you're so good at this," Annabeth moaned.

We were breathing hard. Sweat dripped from our skin, leaving us slick as we grasped and rubbed against each other's bodies. I was sitting on the bench with my back to the wall. Annabeth was facing the same direction as me, one foot up on the seat beside us and the other on the floor as she bounced and bobbed along the length of my cock.

One of my hands wrapped around her to grasp her perky chest. She had a tight hold of a clump of my hair. We'd been going for over an hour, dragging it out for as long as possible. Only the two of us could've pulled it off. That was how well we knew each other's bodies.

Thump! Something hit the wall behind us, followed by a high-pitched whine.

"Shut up," Annabeth moaned, thankfully not loud enough to pass through the wall. "We're busy here!"


"Are you sure you don't care about being paid back?" I asked for what felt like the millionth time. "This train is crazy nice. Getting six tickets had to be expensive."

Emily glanced up at me. Very slowly she leaned back, letting my cock slide free from her throat.

"I said you don't need to worry about it," she said, voice chipper despite the leftover saliva dribbling slowly down her chin. "If there's one thing I don't have to worry about these days, it's money."

"But… how?" I asked.

I wasn't complaining that she wasn't interested in extorting us for hundreds to thousands, but at the very least it seemed like something she should have to think twice about.

Emily smiled at me. She absently jerked me off with her hand while talking, just to make sure her progress wouldn't be lost.

"I got half in the divorce," she explained. "Mr. Dare might be a barren man, but he can certainly run a business. I came away with enough money that I doubt I'd ever have to work again. Though, it doesn't truly feel like mine. So I decided this: I'll spend it on whatever frivolous things I want, and when it finally runs out, my life will have truly started over."

I, too, would've liked to have so much money I actively had to try to throw it away. I didn't hold it against her though. I actually thought her willingness to follow through on something like that was impressive.

Emily giggled. "You know, in a way, he's funding this trip for you now, paying for the boy he didn't approve of to travel to Maui and meet his daughter, all while his ex-wife sucks that boy's cock in the meantime. Isn't it funny?"

I couldn't deny it was, in an almost morbid way. It was also hot. I shuddered as her lips came back down around my cock.

Banging started behind my head. It had been a permanent feature of our trip — except during the nights, thankfully — and I was so used to it I hardly gave it a second thought. But this time it only got louder and louder. Just as it reached the point where not even Emily's blowjob could keep my attention off of it, I heard a much more unusual crack!

More quickly followed it.




I shot up, pulling Emily off of me and hauling her up too. The baby's wailing droned to life like a bomb siren. When I turned back to the wall, a half dozen small metal spikes had rammed directly through the wall. Hissing filled the room. Green mist slowly oozed out of the spikes, filling the cabin at an alarming rate. 

I didn't get what was happening. I couldn't tell you what that mist was. But I knew damn well I didn't want to be around to find out the answers to either.

"Come on!"

I pulled Emily to the door and yanked it open, only to come face to face with what almost passed for a lion, if not for the mouth stretching all the way around its face filled with serrated fangs.

"Waaaaaaa," the beast wailed, the voice of a crying baby echoing from deep in its throat. "Waaaaaaaaaaaa!"

I looked back, ready to slash open the window if I had to. 

Something was already there.

She looked mostly like a woman, but with the lower body of a snake. She hung effortlessly from the outside of the train car, gripping the roof with one hand. Bright green eyes that featured snake-like slit pupils eyed me eagerly. If I smashed through the window to let the gas escape, I knew instantly that she would drag me out to my doom.

Gas was still coming into the room. Both directions were blocked. Our friends might be here soon, but it wouldn't be fast enough.

So I did the only thing I could. I tackled the crying lion.

"Goo goo ga ga!" it cried in shock as my weight knocked it deeper into the hallway.

"Run!" I yelled at Emily.

Thankfully she listened. As she rushed down the hallway, the monsters didn't follow. I held back the lion-like thing with all my strength, but after a bit of wrestling it got a hoof-like leg on my chest and shoved me.

I flew back into the cabin, hitting the wally with a thud and sliding to the floor. Riptide was in the pocket of my pants, out of reach on the floor. Green mist collected around my nose and invaded my throat. It tasted like decade-old parmesan left out in the rain, and somehow smelled even worse. My world got dark.

The last thing I saw was the lion monster prowling into the room as glass shattered above me, the snake woman dragging herself inside. And then I lost consciousness entirely.

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