
Percy Jackson: and the child of chaos STOPPED

please give me feedback also I don't own any character except Xavier because I created him. the person that does own the characters is Rick Riordan.

aweirdo · 作品衍生
3 Chs

3. where are we going?

"what was that voice." Xavier asks in his head, and then he heard an even stranger voice from the last. "congratulations it is a healthy boy, but are you sure you can raise him." "no I don't think I can raise him, so I think I might have to leave him at Sally's place." "what are you going to abandon him?" "yes, I am afraid I might have to." the two different people said. as Xavier heard this he got a little scared. as he somewhat recalled the events before he came in to this life, but the last thing he remembers is him dying. "but who is the father?" the woman said that did hold the child. as the mother was to tired to hold him. "I can't tell you Elizabeth." Elizabeth being the woman that was holding the kid. "but why, why can't you keep him, kitty."


14 years later-->


I am now twelve and I have not seen my brother for 2 years. I am going to my favorite beach for vacation on Rhode island. until the door got slammed open by my best friend grover. "PERCY... WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME AT THAT BUS STATION." "Percy what did you not tell me?" said my mom, slightly worried. "nothing much, I just went here after I got off the bus." I said. "and did grover ask you to wait for him." my mom Sally said. "yeah but wh..." I wanted to say, but my mom immediately put her hand in front of my mouth. "Grover let's go." one minute later we were in the car.


hope you guys like the chapter, as you can see I don't have a upload schedule.

I am really tired right now

also let me now if you guys want him to have a harem or not.

vote here if you do

and vote here if you don't.

btw thank you so much for helping me hit 1 thousand views

as I am re-uploading this I am at.

views: 3.54k

collections: 14

power stones: 1 (1 given by myself)

we already hit 1k views witch I find absolutely amazing. thank you so much

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