
Peaky Blinders: The Mafia System[HIATUS]

[HIATUS]It was 2022 outside. A young guy serving in the Russian Guard, on one of his missions, was hit by grenade fragments that severely grazed his internal organs. Filled with despair and resigned to his fate, he could only slowly wait for his death. After the sparkle of life disappeared in his eyes, a quiet ringing with an indistinct voice sounded in his head. - "The Mafia system has been successfully integrated into the host's body. If you accept the terms, click on the [Accept] button.” If you want to support Me: Patreon.com/JasmeRy

Jasmer · 电视同人
46 Chs


This is not a chapter. This is my opinion about why I'm taking a break.

To put it mildly, I got bored writing this. To the point that just looking at this book just makes me sick of it.

I wrote the last few chapters with such reluctance that after 5 minutes of writing, I went to smoke or left to do other things. Just not to write a new chapter.

And after I spend a day to write and reread the chapter, I want to take and delete everything, because I was disgusted to read my text about the fact that everything seemed so terrible to me.

Writer's burnout? Perhaps.

I do not know when I will continue to write this, but the thought of it makes my heart tremble from running away somewhere. If only I didn't see all this.

I was disappointed in myself as a writer. I don't like those who throw everything halfway, but now I've done the same thing myself.

I will also add my own thought about this fan fiction.

It turned out to be a failure. If I rated my book on a scale of 1 to 5. Then it will be somewhere 1.5 maybe 2)

There are a lot of plot holes, a system that disappears here and there, that in the last chapters it does not exist at all.

A love line that was too hasty and many other things that I don't like.

And there are also a lot of problems in the plot.

Thank you for supporting my work.

The book has even gained more than 1 million views and more than 4,000 bookmarks.

Thank you for being with me on this stupid journey.
