
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · 奇幻
46 Chs


"Move it"Huxton said while hitting the horse

The horse moved gently before started running slowly, immediately a long tiled golden road appeared in front of the horse, the horse stepped on it and immediately zoomed off, it was so fast that Huxton couldn't see clearly, Huxton was surprised by the horse's speed, Tabbit quickly followed behind, staying on the same lame with it.

The horse moved swiftly leaving only afterimages, Tabbit ran fastly too, chasing up to the horse easily, Huxton vision returned to normal after a few seconds of focusing on his view.

They continued to move fastly, after a few minutes of moving Tabbit saw a foot print ahead.

"Boss, I see a huge foot print, let's follow that trail"Tabbit said after the discovery

Okay, the golden road continued to appear ahead for the horse to move on, Tabbit followed behind too on the road.

"Wow... this road is kind of special, it's filled with nature essence, and my speed has increased while running on it"Tabbit said lightly to himself

They moved fastly, taking another route, within minutes, they saw some group of people surrounding a bull to kill it, the bull had injuries all over it's body, struggling really hard to escape, not far from the group Huxton came down from the horse, he sent the horse back into the castle before approaching the group

He breathed out a sigh of relieve when he saw the group was still okay, he immediately ran to the group to inform them about the beast presence

"You all need to get out of this Forest as fast you all can" Huxton said seriously

The group were surprised by the sudden appearance of Huxton.

"Who are you? and why do you want us to leave the forest"A boy of about eleven years old asked suspiciously

"You all here are in a great danger, a beast is in the outskirt of this Forest killing people"Huxton seriously said with a worried expression

They all kept quiet for a while before suddenly bursting out in laughter

Tabbit standing behind Huxton was getting really angry, he wanted to attack this stupid disciples

"Relax Tabbit"Huxton gently said to Tabbit

"why are you all laughing, I am very serious, if you all immediately leave now, you might survive this attack" Huxton seriously said, trying to convince them

The leader of the group,a boy of about sixteen years old angrily said to Huxton

"Hey kid, if you don't stop saying shit, don't blame me for beating you badly and breaking your limbs"

"rarhhh..."Tabbit jumped from the spot he was standing immediately sending his paw directly at the boys neck, Huxton immediately reacted catching him before he made another move, Tabbit's paw was just an inch from the boys neck.

The boy had cold sweat all over his body, he felt the deep Killing intent coming from Tabbit's paw, he knew pretty well that if that paw touched him, that would be the end of him,he has never faced such a life and death situation before.

"Ta-t-take y-your magical beast out of here"The kid said with a Shakey voice, he was really scared of Tabbit

"Why do you guys doubt me, you all need to leave at once or you might never get the chance to leave again"Huxton said seriously in a pleading voice

"Kid, why don't you leave us alone, we are all here to train, we are not yet done with our training so why should we leave, you said a magical beast is coming, let it come, I can't wait to slaughter it and have the core to myself"the leader of the group said with a Stern look

"Hey you, what are you doing here, we have been looking for you for four days now, where have you been? you just left all of a sudden, come here, you are in real trouble"In the mist of Huxtons and the groups argument, a female voice resounded behind Huxton, Huxton turned and was shocked to see his sects disciples there, Zita was pretty angry with Huxton and Aitor had a deep frown on his face which was clearly angry

"What are they doing here, this is not good, it's making my work more difficult, how can I move them away from here before that beast arrives"Huxton said to himself, he was having an headache, he was having difficulties handling one team now they are two

"I went out to look for fire woods for our camp but lost my way back when I was returning"Huxton immediately made up a lie to reduce their anger

"You have a communication jade, why didn't you call for me or Aitor"Zita still said in anger, the feeling of searching for Huxton, going through so much trouble to find him made her really angry

"I lost my jade slip"Huxton still seriously continued with the lie

"You are lucky we had some benefit on our way to find you, I could have really punished your badly"Aitor who was quite since they arrived finally said

"Sorry, but that is not the problem now, we all here are in a great danger, if we don't move out right now we might all die"Huxton seriously said

"Hey, is this kid with you, better take him away from here or we all will beat him to pulp"The leader of the group said to Aitor but was still cautious of Tabbit who was standing beside Huxton with his fangs extend out staring viciously at the boy

"He is with us" Aitor replied the youth, before turning to Huxton"What do you mean by we all are in danger, what level of magical beast out here is strong enough to beat us together"Aitor seriously said, he was suspiciously looking at huxton

Zita and the other people there were also surprised by Huxtons word, they knew pretty well they are at the outskirt of the forest so they won't be meeting any powerful magical beast, they were surprised when Huxton said they are in danger

"Boss, leave this people to die, they don't want to be saved"Tabbit angrily said to Huxton, he was irritated by the people's behavior

"No Tabbit, we can't just let them die"Huxton said to Tabbit

"Why do you all doubt me, I am telling the truth, there is a beast out there coming towards this direction, it's going to kill us all"Huxton seriously said with worries all over his face

"Show us a prove or maybe another witness who saw the beast with you" Aitor said with suspicion

"There won't be need for prove because I saw the beast too"In the middle of them questioning Huxton a sweet gently voice resounded in the spot, every body turned to the direction the voice came from and a beautiful girl on a green robe and on top of a blue panda appeared in their views, the people there were very surprised by the sudden appearance of the girl, and also her beauty, it was the same girl Huxton and his people met before

"Beauty, it's you again, I guess we are destined to be together"Aitor excitedly said

The girl gently threw a knife towards Aitor, and immediately cutting some hair from his head

"The next throw would be your throat"The girl gently threatened

The whole place became quiet, they were all shocked by the girls prowess and ability

"He is saying the truth, I came to warn you all that if you don't leave this place immediately, you all will die without even knowing how, I don't have an issue escaping, I have my Breeze Panda, I move like the wind, but you guys can't"the girl seriously warned

"Beauty, you also saw the beast he is talking about?, that means we are really in a serious danger"Aitor seriously asked, he started getting an uncomfortable feeling after the confirmation from the girl.

"Why am I getting this feeling, we should leave at once"Aitor anxiously said to himself

"We move for the exit of the forest, let's go"Aitor shouted loudly for everyone to here, Zita was also becoming anxious, she didn't hesitate before turning to run towards the direction of the exist

The other team were also turning to move towards the exit too.

"Roarrrhh..."A loud roar resounded deep within the forest

"I guess it's too late"The girl solemnly said