
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · 奇幻
46 Chs

Metal Element Technique

"Who are you?" the boy asked lightly still in a cross leg position

"My name is Huxton and I am a new disciple here,this place was directed to me by the elder in the uniform room" Huxton explain while sitting on the wooden bed

"Oh, so you are my new roommate, welcome to the sect, my name is Bryan, Bryan Rea,I am also a disciple here, I was admitted last year, and you are?"The boy named Bryan said with a relaxed smile before asking when he found out that Huxton was his roommate

"My name is Huxton Leon, I awaken the Metal element base so I am here to cultivate the metal element"Huxton said with a relaxed expression, he didn't feel any form of discomfort from Bryan

"Oh, so you are part of the people that were unable to cultivate because of the non-existent cultivation technique for it, I guess you are lucky, for the sudden twist of fate for you"Bryan said with a smile

"I guess I am really lucky, well... what element are you?"Huxton asked lightly

"Well, I awaken the Earth element last year, and I have gotten my technique a long time ago, and I am also at the 3rd level of element building tier,"Bryan said with a deep smile and also a proud look

"That's a good one, you have already begun the cultivation journey, I will immediately attend tomorrow lecture to get the newly found technique so I can start cultivating at once"Huxton said with a gentle smile, he was laughing at the boy inside his mind, "hehehe...trying to show of in front of me"

"You should better do, you really have a long way to go, one, you don't even have an elder to instruct you on your cultivation technique, so it would be difficult raising your cultivation level quickly without an instructor"Bryan gently explained indifferently

"So how do they intend on teaching us?"Huxton asked curiously

"Well... I don't really know, but I heard a rumour saying that the sect is looking for a genius who can cultivate the technique to a great hight so they can make him the teacher of it in the sect, but I don't know if it's true"Bryan said with a shrugged

"So that's what they want to do"Huxton mumbled gently

"Like I said before, I don't know if it's true"

They continued talking till it was midnight and finally decided to go to bed because of tomorrow's lecture.

The whole night went smoothly till it was morning, early in the morning Huxton was woken up by Bryan who was already looking ready to leave

"Hey, wake up Huxton, you would be late if you continue sleeping like this"Bryan said as he shook Huxton to wake up

"Oh... it's morning already"Huxton said with a yawn

"No, it's about becoming night, get up and get yourself ready for your first lecture, you only have thirty minutes to do what ever you want to do before the lecture"Bryan said as he opened the door and left gently with his clean blue uniform

Huxton brought out the little Tabbit from the ring in his hand.

"Tabbit, I guess you won't be having too much food again like you do before"Huxton said mentally with a smile on his face as he stared at Tabbit

"Boss, that's really cruel, I thought the place I was before was a hell cell but I do get enough food there, but here is is ten times horrible than there"Tabbit said with a sad face

"I guess it is what it is, even I won't be getting enough food, but I think the money in my hands would last us for a long while, here have this roasted meat for now, you would be staying in the ring till everything settles"Huxton said after passing a roasted meat which he brought out of his blood storage ring.

"Oh no, not in there, in there is too small, not even enough for me to play, I only sleep in there, I can't even move properly"Tabbit said with a sad expression still chewing the roasted meat in his mouth

"Sorry for the inconveniences, but please stay in there for now, it would be better for the both of us"Huxton said gently getting up from the bed to prepare for his lecture

"Ok boss, since you said so, I will stay in there for now till you decide on what to do"Tabbit said, finishing the roasted meat in his mouth

Huxton put Tabbit back inside the ring in his hand, he prepared hurriedly to make it in time for the lecture and also getting a front seat.

He moved without knowing where he was going, and stood in a position with a confused look

"I forgot to ask Bryan the location to the lecture hall, now how do I locate the lecture hall for the newly admitted Metal element cultivators"Huxton said to himself with a bitter smile, he felt frustrated

He stood there for a while without knowing where to go in the big sect, he turned to his left and saw a group of youths, three boys and one girl walking towards his direction, talking and laughing, he stopped them and asked them lightly

"Please can you direct me to the Metal element lecture hall"Huxton said to one of the youth with a gentle tune

"So you are a Metal element cultivator, lucky you, the lecture hall is down the east side, you would see the sign at the hall entrance when you see it

"Ok, thank you, I will be going now" Huxton said and turned to head towards the east direction which was directed to him by the youth

"Hey, where do you think you are going without paying me for the information I gave you"The youth said with irritation

"Payment?"Huxton asked in a confused and surprised manner

"Yes payment, nothing is free you know, you would have to settle me for this information, I can't just let you go without paying me"the youth said with a slight bit of anger in his voice

Huxton refused arguing with him and brought out three copper coin from his blood storage ring and handed it over to the youth, without even waiting for the youth to say anything Huxton ran off immediately, trying to avoid the trouble of that youth

He was a little bit angry but could not do anything because of the rule of the sect and also keeping a low profile

He moved just as the youth directed and appeared at the location the youth stated, he looked around in search of the Metal element cultivation lecture hall, he looked for a while before seeing the sign at a door which was not far from him

He walked to the hall lightly, getting to the hall, he saw that the hall was filled up with people, about two hundred people were there waiting for the elder to come

Huxton had a bitter smile, he was trying to come early so he can get a seat in the front roll, but alas, he was too late.

He gently moved to the back seat and sat down in an empty seat also waiting for the elder in charge to come.

After a few minutes, a middle age man of about forty years old walked inside the hall, he was tall and his figure was slim, he had white robe on and his aura was suffocating.

"Greetings to the elder!"The children all stood up and shouted simultaneously

"Sit down" the elder said gently but it was loud enough for everyone there to hear

They all sat down and waited for the lecture to begin, the elder said in a gentle tune

"My name is Chaz Edvard, I am a wind element cultivator, I was posted here to pass the metal element technique to you all so you can start cultivating it at once, I guess this will be the only set of disciples that won't be getting lecture till one of you is able to comprehend this technique and get a better knowledge of it and become the elder to lecture it, so I am encouraging you all to cultivate earnestly. I will pass the cultivation technique to you all and leave you to begin cultivating" Chaz said with a gentle smile while bringing out a scroll from his robe

"I will write down the technique on the board, you all have ten minutes to memorize everything"Chaz said, turning toward the board behind him, he took a brush and a ink and started writing down on the board.

After a few minutes, he gently waved his sleeve sending out wind which cleaned the whole board in a sweep and said gently to them

"I believe you all have memorized it, I will be leaving now, cultivate hard" Chaz turned and walked out of the hall

After leaving, the whole class became noisy and the disciples started leaving one after the other till the whole hall became empty, leaving only Huxton in there with some other disciples who chose to remain