
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · 奇幻
46 Chs

Elder Wu Returns

Huxton appeared in the lightning God castle carrying the little Tabbit in his hand

"Grandpa huzzah, Where are you"Huxton shouted while looking around the whole premises

"Here I am lord Huxton"Huzzah suddenly appeared in front of him

"Grandpa, look at Tabbit, he can now speak mentally to me, and he said he broke through to the 3rd level of element building tier"huxton said while showing Tabbit in his hands to huzzah

"This is strange" huzzah said solemnly

"What is strange grandpa?"Huxton asked confusedly

"hmm... This little lion is strange, he is different from the 'Thunder Flame Lion' I know, I can't even sense his cultivation level, and it baffles me greatly"huzzah said with a profound gaze at Tabbit

"uh... you can't sense his cultivation level, thats really unbelievable grandpa"Huxton said with a surprised expression

"I am as surprised as you, it really baffles me, so he is now at the same level as you"huzzah said calmly

"yes grandpa, I am so happy, so grandpa, I will start training those technique you gave me when I am free and I am not disturbed by my parents"Huxton said while rubbing the head of the little Tabbit on his hand

"Ok lord Huxton, you should be leaving fast, your mother is heading towards your room"huzzah said with a calm smile

"oh, I got to go"Huxton said before disappearing from the castle

He appeared inside his room, immediately a knock sounded in his room, he opened the door and saw his mother at the door with a smile

"Son, how are you? we have been waiting for you at the dinning room for a while now, come let's eat"Katrina said gently

"Yes!, food, I can't wait let's move it boss"Tabbit said gladly to Huxton

"hahaha... yeah I know you can't wait"Huxton said with a laugh

they moved to the dinning room to have breakfast, after a quick breakfast, Huxton moved out with Tabbit to go visit his friends before the time comes to go the Sliver Wing sect.

Huxton moved gently till he got to Katelyn's father's restaurant which was still locked because of huds injury, he saw the injured hud on the bed and Katelyn beside him, Huxton approached gently to Katelyn and asked gently

"Katelyn, how is your father doing?"

"Big brother, you are here, well, my father is getting better, his injury has healed quite alot, we will reopen our restaurant tomorrow"Katelyn said with a gentle smile

"Ok, thats great, so how are you progressing in your cultivation?"huxton asked lightly

"well, I have been able to cultivate, I will have a breakthrough soon to the 2nd level of element building tier"Katelyn replied with her heads high

Huxton could sense her cultivation level because of his higher cultivation level, he didn't want to tell her about being able to cultivate and also surpassing her level

"Big brother, when I went to get medicine for my father, I saw a poster, posted every where in the street, it's about the Sliver Wing sect finding a Metal element cultivation technique, I think you should join the sect so you can start cultivating as well and also become a cultivator, that's a golden opportunity"Katelyn said with concern

Huxton was touched by her care, she wish good for him and he really appreciates it

"Yes you are right, that is the reason I am here,I came to inform you that at the beginning of next year, I will be leaving for Silver wing sect"Huxton said with a sad smile

Katelyn smile lightly, although she doesn't want him to leave, she still wants his progress and she is happy to see him wish to progress

"I am really happy for you big brother, we all Shall grow in strength and protect each other and also our family. I would also love to join the Silver Wing sect, when I came back and saw the poster I knew you would decide to join so I told my father, but he refused and said that the Silver Wing sect is too small, he want me to join a big sect or academy with a profound root and knowledge about cultivation to teach me, so me and Richard decided to take the exam to join the Purple Ocean sect, which cultivate all element"Katrina said with a smile

"Ok, that's a good one,Why didn't you join one of the biggest wind sect?, the Blue Wind sect"Huxton asked, he dropped the little Tabbit in his hand and sat beside Katelyn, Tabbit turned and ran out of the restaurant.

"Tabbit stop, big brother chase after him he is running away"Katelyn said with a worried face

"Don't worry about him, he will be back"Huxton replied with a smile

"Ok, since you said so. I wanted to join the blue wind sect but Richard won't be able to join, since I can't be with you at least let me be with him so we are joining the Purple Ocean sect, it is also a powerful sect on the same footing with the Blue Wind sect, so its okay. I think somebody is coming"Katelyn said with an alarm look

"Hey, big brother, you are here too, it's been a while, how are you doing?"Richard's voice resounded in the room before his appearance

"Oh,Richard it's you, well I have been good, and you?"Huxton asked with a smile

"I am fine as you can see, no need of me asking I know Katelyn has told you everything"Richard said nonchalantly

"Hehehe, well she has told me, you guys plan on taking the Purple Ocean sect examination next year"huxton replied with a chuckle

"Yes big brother,we would love it if you join us, but you can't,so I guess we will have to part ways from here"Richard said sadly

"yeah you are right, but I will be joining the Silver Wing sect next year, so we all leave for our different destination next year"Huxton replied with sadness too

"so our friendship will cut from here?"Katelyn asked lightly

"no, it won't cut, we will still be friends, when next we see, I hope we all has become powerful enough to stand tall in our city, so many cultivators, powerful, so we have to work really hard"Huxton said with a gentle smile

"Yes"they both replied with a loud shout

"I will be going now"Huxton said gently while standing up

"But big brother you just came, Katelyn said with a bitter smile

"Yeah, I was allowed by my father to step out for now, I can't stay out too long, I will be going, hope we meet again someday"Huxton said with sad expression

"We will meet again big brother, then we would have become powerful with our own powerful magical beast too" Katrina said with a bitter smile

"Hahaha... yes, bye for now. Tabbit let's go home"Huxton said lightly

Tabbit appeared in front of him like a ghost

"wow, that was fast big brother"Richard exclaimed in shock

Huxton was also surprised by Tabbit's fastness, he didn't know he had such speed. Huxton walked out of the restaurant with Tabbit following him, they got home shortly, when they got home he saw his mother and father discussing with an happy expression. Katrina saw him at the door and smiled bright before saying

"Son, you are back so soon, have you bid your friends good bye?"Katrina asked with a smile

"Yes mom, they will also be leaving next year to join a different sect too"Huxton replied with a sad expression

"Don't be sad son, that is life for you, you will get to see them again one day"Katrina said with a comforting smile

"Which sect are they joining?"Millar asked suddenly and calmly

"They will be taking the examination for the Purple Ocean sect" Huxton replied

"Oh, that's a good one, one of the most powerful sect, that's a good choice, i had always wanted you to go there even before I gave birth to you, but alas, I guess fate is cruel "Millar said with a sad expression

In the middle of their discussion, a guard came in and bowed.

"Greetings to the clan lord"

"What is the problem?"Millar asked calmly

"Elder Wu is back, and he is here to see you"the guard said with his head still low

"Oh... thats great, tell him to come in immediately"Millar said with excitement

"yes clan lord" the guard said before leaving to invite elder Wu in

"Yes, elder Wu is finally back,I can't wait to hear what he would say"Katrina said with joy

Huxton also became excited and he sat down to also hear what elder Wu wanted to say

Elder Wu came inside the house with a bright smile, in his hand was a paper, his face had showed happiness, he bowed to Millar and Katrina and greeted

"Greetings to the clan lord and the mistress"

"you are welcome back elder Wu, so what did the sect say?was he given an admission?"Millar asked with a curious gaze

"Yes clan lord, the your master was admitted to the Silver Wing sect but as an outer disciple"Elder Wu said with a bitter smile

the whole place turned quite, Millar and Katrina was surprised, they weren't expecting it to be so, Millar finally broke the silence

"Why would they do that, they just found the technique and it hasn't been long so there are no much disciple for outer disciple for metal element cultivators"Millar said bitterly still in shock

"Well clan lord, it's not what you think, immediately the poster was sent and distributed to the whole country, the Silver Wing sect became flooded with people of power family, it was shocking, the whole inner court disciple has been distributed to the powerful background, so this was the spot that reached us"Elder Wu explain with cold sweat on his forehead

"oh that is it, well I am no longer surprised anymore, at least I am happy we got a spot there, my son is still not hopeless, thank you elder Wu, so when is he leaving" Millar said calmly before asking

"Well he would be leaving next week"elder Wu said

"wow... earlier that I expected, I thought it might take up to three weeks, for the year to come to an end well that is also good, so you heard him Huxton, prepare yourself, you will be leaving next week" Millar said calmly to Huxton

"Ok dad" Huxton replied before standing up and leaving the living room to his room, Katrina followed him to help him prepare