
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · 奇幻
46 Chs

Cold Road Bandit's

The carriages moved gently, Huxton had a sad expression on his face and he was dispirited, Elder Wu beside him noticed his dejected look and tried to cheer him up

"Don't be like that young master, you won't live with you parents forever, you still have your own life to live like they are leaving theirs now" elder Wu said with an encouraging smile

"Thank you Elder Wu"Huxton said gently

His mood was still bitter, he was trying to make himself okay

"Pull yourself together lord Huxton, this is really bad, you are still too soft"Huzzahs voice resounded in his mind

"Grandpa, I am really trying"Huxton replied sadly

"hmm... I understand you, but you can't survive in the cultivation world like this, cheer up"Huzzah said calmly

The carriages, moved slowly till it disappeared out of Greenhold city, on a narrow road out side Greenhold city, the carriage was moving in a gentle way, moving towards the western region, Tabbit laid on Huxton's leg with his eyes closed, cultivating, Huxton couldn't cultivate because of elder Wu's presence.

"Elder Wu, how long would it take us to get to the Silver Wing sect?"Huxton asked calmly

"Well, before the sun set, we should be there"Elder Wu replied gently, with his eyes closed cultivating

Huxton felt the nature essence around him moving down to Tabbit who was laying on his leg

"He is actually sleeping at the same time cultivating"Huxton said to himself when he discovered the nature essence moving around him

The sleeping Tabbit all of a sudden opened his eyes in alert and started staring at the surrounding with an alert gave

"What is it Tabbit"Huxton asked in worries, he also started checking around trying to find what Tabbit was looking for

"boss, I think we are been watched by a dangerous gaze"Tabbit said while still looking at the whole premises with alert

"Lord Huxton, you are surrounded by Archer's, it's too late to turn back now but don't worry, their cultivation level is not high enough to deal with Elder Wu"Huzzahs voice resounded in his mind

"Grandpa, who are they?"Huxton asked in a panicked tune

"They are bandits, and their cultivation level is not lacking, but not to the level to beat Elder Wu"Huzzah said gently

The carriage moved and suddenly stopped, Elder Wu who had his eyes closed suddenly open it and asked the carriage driver

"What's the problem"

"Sir there is someone standing on the road, blocking our path"The driver replied lightly, he got out of the carriage to inquire what the figure standing on the road wants, immediately he took two steps away from the carriage, an arrow was released which was directed towards him and it shot the driver in the head before he could even move, killing him on sight, blood splattered everywhere.

Huxton saw this scene and became scared, he exclaimed out of shock to himself

"So cruel, so this was what grandpa was talking about, the cultivation world really is cruel, no pity at all"

Elder Wu became alerted and circulated alot of nature essence to surround the carriage, he left Huxton in it and gently came down from the carriage and approached the figure standing on the road.

The figure saw elder Wu, and became alerted, he couldn't sense his cultivation level at all, elder Wu calmly took steps and approached him gently with his hands behind him, immediately an arrow was shot in the same manner they did with the driver but this time it was different.

Elder Wu saw the incoming arrow, but didn't panic but instead smiled lightly, he covered his left hand with flames and caught the incoming arrow, burning it into ash, the figure opposite him saw this scene and became anxious, he took two step back.

Elder Wu threw away the ash in his hand away and gently took steps, still approaching the figure

"So you think you can kill me with your low cultivation level, humph... you really got guts, it is your mistake for overestimating yourself"Elder Wu said lightly while still taking steps forward

"Fire out!, kill him!!"the figure shouted in anxiety

Immediately so many arrows was shot towards elder Wu,

"Flame Garment"Elder Wu mumbled to himself gently

Immediately he was covered with flames from head to toe, the arrows hit him but couldn't penetrate his flame garment defense, instead they turn to ash when it hits the garment.

The figure saw this and immediately turned around and took to his heels

"I guess it's too late now to run, 'Flame Code' die for me" elder Wu said before opening his two palms wide, a red flame shot out from his ten fingers, they hovered around him before joining together to become one huge fire ball, the fire ball shot out towards the escaping figure.

The figure tried to evade the attack, but the attack was too powerful, the fire ball hit the figure and burned him to ash and also burning the grass and trees there to ash.

The other figures in the bush saw their fellow brother die miserably and also turned around and started running

"Tossin, get them and kill them all"Elder Wu called out and said with bloodlust eyes

A red snake of about forty meter long appeared behind him, with a long fang, it's eyes were gold and it's tale was burning, and there was a thick scale at its back

"sssss..." the snake immediately moved and disappeared from the location they were jumping into the thick bush by the. road side, Elder Wu moved and got on the carriage to drive it since the driver has died

"Young master, it was just a little issue, it has been resolved" elder Wu said gently before moving the carriage from the location, at the same time, they could hear screams coming from inside the bush, the voice becomes loud and all of a sudden dies off it continued like that till no more voice came from within the bush

After some minutes Huxton saw a red shadow appearing from the bush with blood on its fang, it followed the carriage till it got close to elder Wu and disappeared immediately

"Elder Wu, who were they?"Huxton asked lightly

"They are the Cold Road bandit's, they terrorize any road that has no security and no many pedestrians like this one we are on now, they are loosed cultivators with no sect or academy or even family, They are in different locations all over the country,but they are people with less cultivation, the figure I just killed is at the 9th level of element building tier, while the rest should be 8th"elder Wu explain gently

"Ok... are we now getting close to the sect?"Huxton asked gently

"Still a little distance to cover" elder Wu replied

The carriage became quiet and moved gently disappearing out of the location, Huxton started cultivating and Tabbit went back to sleep.