
Peachy Princess

Arilliana was loved by her family, but misfortune came down. She was betray by her fiancé and being frame by her half-sister. She lost everything and died miserable. She was given a second choice and return 12 years back. Arilliana will change her fate but the person who she hate is different from her past. "I always love ever since we were little, Lia". That was the word from my fiancé who killed me in my past life. What kind mistake that I make. In order to make things right, I must deal with the mother and daughter pair first and let them suffer for their sins that they committed. What kind of fate that Arilliana will encounter to change her future.

LinaPie · 奇幻言情
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Reborn

Peachy Princess

Author: LinaPie

I was begging at him, why is he torturing me. I asked him but he does not answer my question. Did I betray him, I did not even though of betraying him. We were childhood sweetheart; we were very closed. But why did he betray me. I really want to ask him this question so much. "Why are you torturing me, did I do something wrong to you," I asked him but he stay silent.

After a few moments he answer, "It was your fault, what right do you have to question me?". I was shocked with his answer, I kept thinking, what did I make him hurt me so much. Suddenly someone appear. It was my half-sister. "Hello sis, how does it feel to be betrayed by your fiancé". My half-sister was with my fiancé, I never thought that he was with my sister. "Brother Alex, I know my sister did something bad to you but she still my elder sister". The way she talked like she plans everything. "Silica even she's your sister, she doesn't deserve your kindness." He talked something like that make my heart stop, in my head, the same question keeps repeating, what did I do wrong at him why he hate me so much.

"Arilliana de Ascart, you will be punished to death by beheaded, the crime you done will pay." I was lost in thought, why do I deserve this, I lose my brother, he was killed by an assassin that was sent by our half-sister, my father was also punished from embolize. Everything, I lose everything, my family, everyone that I love and care. My half-sister was smiling while laughing, she was enjoying it. If I have a chance to live I will never and ever believe in you no matter how much you do, Alex Sirius Ogelia, the second born of the royal family and the crown prince of the country Zesteria.

"Arilliana de Ascart, do you want to take revenge to does whose misbehave you," The voice that I heard in my dream. "Who are you? why do I feel I know you from somewhere" I asked her if we meet before. "My name is Fauna, I'm the god of life, you weren't supposed to die but you choose a wrong choice that led misfortune to your life." I was shocked, so I choose the wrong choice the lead my life to misfortune. I wonder, which step that I choose wrong.

You have two choices is that is accept your fate or you chose to return to the past and make the right choice. If I choose to reborn, I can have my revenge on my half-sister and her mother. "I choose to reborn in order to save the people that I care and get revenge on my half-sister and my fiancé." That was the answer that I just say, in order to get revenge, I need a planned to take down those two people. "If that's your answer and I will fulfill it, please choose the right choice, Arilliana de Ascart, your future lied on your choice." That was the answer she told me and I was sent back.

"My lady! My lady! please wake up…". This soft voice that I heard somewhere, I opened my eyes and saw my maid Annie, she was my maid that my mother saved her from her family. In order to pay my mother kindness, she offers herself to work for my mother, that is how she became my personal maid. "My lady, thank goodness that you awake, I was very worried, Lady Silica shouldn't do that to you." I was reborn on the day that I was pushed into down to the lake. It was like I travel back 12 years ago.

"Lia! Thank goodness that you awake, do not make me worried." My heart felt like it breaks anytime. I jump out my bed and hug my brother. My brother and I are from the same mother, Lucius de Ascart, my elder brother he was killed by an assassin that was sent by our half-sister. "Hey? What is wrong with you, did you hit your head or something?".

I cannot stop crying cause my brother is here. In this life, I will protect him from meeting his fate. Suddenly, the door burst open and she came in like she was worried about me but she just like a white lotus, "Sis! Are you alright, I was very worried when I heard you fell in the lake." That face, I will never believe it once, the face that ended my life. [Why is she a live, should not she be dead]. That voice just now was Silica. How can I hear her inner thoughts. "This is the specialty that she gave me, I can hear people thoughts whenever I go." So, I have a new ability. So that is mean I can hear people thought and my ice power.

In our country, we have a special ability where nobility and royalty possessed Fire and ice. But in common people they possess water, Earth, Light, wind & Nature. With this ability, that our kingdom can be strongest in our defenses. Along with this new ability, I can hear other people thoughts. Let me try what Annie is thinking. [Lady Silica is too much; how can she push her sister even though she did it.]. Wow! I was surprised, I can hear other people thoughts. Now I can get revenge on my half-sister and my fiancé.

In this life, I will protect all this innocent life by meeting their fate. I will never let my half-sister do all her bad things and stop from meeting their calamity. I, Arilliana de Ascart will never be a weak person like in my past life and I will become a strongest person and stop all those evil people.