
Pay to Win Uchiha in Konoha (Completed)

Uchiha Yoru will do anything to get money! Selling Konoha's intelligence to enemy villages? Scamming the clan? Scamming little girls out of their pocket money *cough*...? He will do it all! After all, his system is Pay to Win! = Support me in Patreon: — Patreon.com/Bleam

Bleam · 漫画同人
356 Chs

Chapter 293: Fifth Kazekage Pakura

Sarutobi Clan.

"Grandpa~ Uncle Asuma..."

Sarutobi Konohamaru trembled in fear as he looked at the devastated clan area, where bodies were scattered everywhere. He ran frantically through the streets.

Konohamaru's screams of fear seemed to give him courage, as he madly fled home.

At that moment, all he wanted was to return home.

On a telephone pole, a figure appeared, slowly revealing a pair of eerie, Mangekyo eyes.

Instinctively as a ninja, Konohamaru quickly turned his head, but there was nothing on the telephone pole. Panicking, he ran towards his home.


The figure appeared again on the pole. It was Uchiha Itachi, his Mangekyo eyes coldly staring at the Sarutobi Clan.

"If it weren't for Teacher Yoru, would the Uchiha Clan end up like this?"

Itachi, in silence, muttered to himself. He thought of a terrifying possibility: What would happen if Sasuke also hurried home in panic, only to find that everyone was dead?

Itachi shuddered at the thought, his Sharingan eyes filled with determination.

"I, Uchiha Itachi, will never allow anyone to destroy Teacher Yoru's ideals!"

Itachi's figure disappeared, and amidst the wreckage, Sarutobi Konohamaru finally reached his home.

But at that moment, Konohamaru's eyes were filled with fear. He saw the open door of his house and traces of fresh blood.

His trembling legs slowly walked into the house, and instantly, he saw a flash of cold light.


Asuma Sarutobi, his face covered in blood, coldly walked out of the darkness. The cold light was from his chakra weapon, the Flying Swallow, which was now covered in blood.

"Uncle! All the clan members are dead!"

Konohamaru couldn't believe what he saw in his uncle, but instinctively, he wanted to get closer, seeking a sense of safety.


Just as Konohamaru tried to embrace his source of safety, a flash of cold light passed by. His pupils dilated, his body uncontrollably trembling, disbelievingly staring at his uncle Asuma.

A sharp pain appeared on his cheek, blood flowed down. The Flying Swallow had slashed across his face, embedding into the wooden door behind.


Sarutobi Konohamaru sat paralyzed on the ground, fearfully looking at his uncle, who exuded a cold aura.

"I'm Konohamaru, Uncle."

Asuma then revealed a sarcastic smile, "Such a rotten clan."

A warm yellow liquid flowed out, and Asuma looked even more disgusted. At this moment, Konohamaru was completely terrified.

"Uncle~ Asuma, you…"

Konohamaru, trembling with fear, was so weak that he couldn't even muster the basic instinct to run away. Asuma, however, just coldly smiled at him.

"Indeed, the blood of this filthy family stinks..."

"Why... Why..."

Konohamaru looked in terror at the approaching figure. Asuma's response was a cruel, mocking smile. "To prove my worth, indeed, this filthy family no longer interests me."

Sarutobi Asuma walked past Konohamaru, looking at him as if he were a piece of despised, disgusting trash, and then headed to the door. He pulled his Flying Swallow blade out of the wooden door.

"Why! Why did you massacre your own clan!"

Finally mustering some courage, Konohamaru turned and screamed frantically, only to be met with Asuma's cold, close-up gaze and a sharp pain in his abdomen.

A punch landed hard on his stomach. Asuma held Konohamaru up with one hand, showing a cruel smile.

"You're not even worth killing now!"

With a cold laugh, Sarutobi Asuma threw Konohamaru aside like trash. He disdainfully wiped his hands and slowly walked outside, his cruel voice echoing in the house.

"My foolish nephew Konohamaru! If you want to kill me, then hate! Resent! And then live on miserably, keep running, just survive. And when you reach my level, come find me! Only then will your life have value!"

"No!" Konohamaru in the house was near collapse, his face covered in tears and snot, terrified as he saw all the household servants lying on the floor.

As Asuma walked outside, tears streamed down his cruel face. He saw Jiraiya and Uchiha Itachi.


Jiraiya opened his mouth, complicated and unsure how to console.

Uchiha Itachi, on the other hand, looked indifferently at everything. He knew better; such a clan annihilation plan was prepared for his Uchiha clan from the moment the village had decided, but now it was used on the Sarutobi clan.

"How are the Sand ninjas?"

Sarutobi Asuma asked hoarsely. Jiraiya replied quietly, "The barrier trapped the Sand ninjas. With the Akimichi, Nara, and Yamanaka families, most have been eliminated. Those outside the barrier have also been dealt with."

The Sand ninjas, having just attacked Konoha, encountered Jiraiya's ninja and were trapped by the barrier.

The Akimichi, Nara, and Yamanaka clans, who had hoped to avoid the war, had to fight back, and the Sarutobi clan also received special attention from the Sand ninjas.

The Sand ninjas thought they had been betrayed by the Sarutobi clan.

But it was all over now.

Though Asuma didn't kill everyone, nearly half of the clan's upper-class families were his victims.

The rest were Sand ninjas or died in battle.

The three fell silent, and then Uchiha Itachi said gravely, "I'll go help Lord Yoru now."

Watching Itachi leave, Sarutobi Asuma hoarsely said, "Lord Jiraiya has placed a barrier in my mind. I won't reveal any information about Konoha. But please spare Konohamaru."

Uchiha Itachi paused in his footsteps, turned his eyes coldly towards Asuma, and said something that silenced them all.

"If this plan is implemented on the Uchiha clan, can you spare the children of the Uchiha clan!"

Although Uchiha Itachi was protective of his younger brother, under the teachings of Uchiha Yoru, he still had strong feelings for his clan.

As Uchiha Itachi turned his head to leave, he unexpectedly said something that made Asuma, who was covered in blood, show a grateful smile.

"However! As ordered by Teacher Yoru, although the Sarutobi clan committed treason and colluded with the enemy, they should not be exterminated!"

After these words, Uchiha Itachi's figure disappeared, but Sarutobi Asuma showed a grateful expression and nodded excitedly.

"Asuma, take this chance to leave now. The village will issue a warrant for you later." Jiraiya sighed in melancholy, not expecting this to be the outcome, too ironic.

Sarutobi Asuma took out his Flying Swallow, scratched the mark of a renegade ninja on his forehead protector, and without a word, took a cigarette in his mouth and walked towards the village exit. From then on, he no longer had a home, and whether he could leave Konoha alive depended on the mercy of Uchiha Yoru.

So much happened that day: the Sarutobi clan colluded with the Sand ninja to attack Konoha, the Fourth Kazekage was impersonated by the Third Hokage, who then used the forbidden jutsu, Edo Tensei.

Then, the legendary God of Ninja, the First Hokage Senju Hashirama, along with the Second Hokage and Uchiha Madara, fought a great battle against the new god of the ninja world.

Finally, after defeating them! Night God, Uchiha Yoru declared the end of the era of Daimyos ruling.

Konoha seemed as if it had not experienced any turmoil.

But on the rooftops, ninjas were leaping everywhere. The police department was fully mobilized for patrols, and outside the village, there were teams of patrolling ninjas.

In the Hokage's office building.

In the office, hundreds of ninjas were continuously reporting their status, while Uchiha Yoru calmly issued orders one after another.

"All Sand ninjas must be strictly guarded. At the same time, announce to the ninja world that the Land of Wind has waged an undeclared war against the Land of Fire. Anyone who tries to mediate or intervene in this war will be seen as declaring war!"

"Urgently dispatch an 8,000-ninja corps to the Land of Wind. Take advantage of the chaos and significant losses in the Sand Village to execute a blitzkrieg. Attack the Sand Village!"

"Also, deploy another 5,000 ninjas as backup. This time, the main commander of the war will be Hatake Kakashi, and the deputy commander will be Uchiha Shisui. The other Jonin like Might Guy, Genma Shiranui, Raido Namiashi, Iwashi Tatami, Hinata Hizashi, Kurenai Yuhi, Uzuki Yugao, Mitarashi Anko… will follow orders."

Uchiha Yoru looked at everyone indifferently and slowly took out a scroll, "With the undeclared war by the Land of Wind, the hero of the Sand Village, Pakura, dissatisfied with bringing war to her country and village, has declared independence and is willing to join us for peace. Therefore, this time it is a joint operation."

"The joint operation of Konoha, Mist, and Sand ninjas to quell the rebellion!"


The ninjas were even more shocked. Deploying a 13,000-ninja corps almost signified a great ninja war. But the next moment, a rebellion in the Sand Village? Pakura has declared independence?

At this moment, they were ecstatic. To become Jonin, one is no fool. Perhaps it was a trap from the beginning.

This way, they could naturally incorporate the Land of Wind into their territory.

"Lord Yoru, regarding the Genin team from the Sand Village who came to participate in the Chunin Exams, Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara, who are the children of the Fourth Kazekage, what should we do?"

Someone raised this question, but Uchiha Yoru just snorted, "Do I need to teach you that?"

"Gaara, as the One-Tail Jinchuriki of the Sand Village, engaging in combat with Jinchuriki should make it clear that the Sand Village has been seen as declaring war from the beginning. It's not just a provocation."

"Put the Jinchuriki under surveillance, closely guarded by the Uchiha clan's Sharingan Jonin, and have the Wood Release ninja Yamato monitor them. As for Kankuro and Temari, detain them!"


The reaction speed of the ninjas was swift. In just a moment, under the joint operation of the Konoha and Mist, this massive war machine began to move.

Countless Konoha ninjas appeared on the border, seemingly well-prepared, along with numerous war supplies.

Before Kakashi and others even set off for the front lines, the Konoha's army had already invaded the Land of Wind.

But later, with Kakashi leading the elite, they executed a blitzkrieg. The ninja army directly marched to the outskirts of the Sand Village.

The Sand Village, known as the strongest fortress, was in turmoil under the call of the Sand Hero Pakura that day, leading to internal chaos.

The Sand Village, touted as the strongest fortress, fell within a day, leaving only a group of fleeing Sand ninjas exiled in the ninja world.

Everything happened so quickly, shocking the entire ninja world.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, intended to stage a coup, summoning the First Hokage Senju Hashirama, Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, and the ninja world's Ashura, Uchiha Madara, using the forbidden jutsu 'Edo Tensei.'

These three legendary figures battled against Uchiha Yoru, who fought them single-handedly, showcasing terrifying combat abilities witnessed by thousands.

This battle swept through the ninja world like a hurricane.

Meanwhile, the Sand Village's attack on Konoha marked the beginning of the war, silencing the ninja world. Konoha retaliated, striking at the heart of the enemy, especially with the betrayal of Sand Ninja Pakura, which was the final straw for the Sand Village.

In just a few days, the elite forces of Konoha and the Mist Village executed a blitzkrieg in the ninja world!

The Sand Village fell, and the Land of Wind was annexed into Uchiha Yoru's territory.

This battle became known in the ninja world as the "Lightning Strike on the Sand Village."

After the fall of the Sand Village, the body of the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, was discovered, revealing that the entire event was a conspiracy by the Third Hokage, Hiruzen.

From the beginning, Hiruzen had contacted the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, intending to stage a coup, but then ambushed him on his way to the meeting.

Hiruzen also plotted against the Sand Village.

Uchiha Yoru deliberately spread this information, using Hiruzen to attract the Sand Village's hatred, as he intended to take over the Land of Wind.

Another shocking event occurred in the ninja world.

Uchiha Yoru, revered as a godlike figure in the ninja world, abolished the positions of Daimyos.

This sent shockwaves through the ninja world, with many countries Daimyo angered and wanting to unite for war to eliminate Uchiha Yoru.

However, the intelligence reports sent back to the major ninja villages silenced all their leaders, including the Daimyo of the Lands of Earth and Lightning.

But the Lands of Earth and Lightning began frantically reallocating their finances to expand their military might.

The ninja world was in turmoil, with numerous countries forming secret alliances.

As for the war in the Land of Wind, Uchiha Yoru held the moral high ground, claiming it was a counterattack.

No one dared to support the Land of Wind, and within just 28 days, its entire territory fell.

Only a few resistant Sand ninjas remained, exiled in the ninja world.

Meanwhile, the title "Night God" once again resonated throughout the ninja world, and no one questioned his title as the God of the Ninja World.

In Konoha.

On this day, the Hokage Building was surrounded by countless people, especially numerous ninjas, filled with excitement and enthusiasm from Konoha and the Mist Village.

"From today onward, I, Pakura, will be the Fifth Kazekage of the Sand Village in the Land of Wind!"

Pakura held the Kazekage hat high, loudly proclaiming to all, perfectly aligned with the new portrait carved behind the Hokage Rock.

Under the excited cheers of the crowd, most Sand Village ninjas looked uneasy, but in such an atmosphere, they could only awkwardly nod.

Uchiha Yoru, on the stage, was full of smiles, watching proudly over Pakura. As for the opinions of the Sand Village?

All families of the Sand Village's elite Jounin were relocated to Konoha, enjoying better resources. Aren't you satisfied? If not for yourself, think of your family and future generations.

He disregarded those below Jounin, believing in the law of the survival of the fittest.

The Fifth Hokage Tsunade, the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei, and the Fifth Kazekage Pakura stood beside Uchiha Yoru, who felt a strange sense of accomplishment, as if he had a collection obsession, nearly gathering all five Kages.



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