

Deep in the forest,the shadows of the dark trees were seen on the path, clumps of bushes, barely visible dark trails snaked through the undergrowth, the moon shone through the lattice of leaves, stars were scattered around in the sky leaving the night to be as bright as day,the leaves rustled as the wind whistled around trunks, branches creaked as squirrels chattered as they ran happily around the trees, the birds sang for them while the insects hummed. The wild animals were not left out as they all tried to be noticed by others in the vast forest. The snakes hissed, the monkeys gibbered, the wild horses neighed while the pride of lions crowned it all with their powerful roar which echoed throughout the jungle to the town.

"We just have to pay homage to our creator". A sage said as he heard the roar made by the lions as he made his way through a narrow path that led the forest.

" leave me alone". Mia said with tears in her eyes as she tried to push Aiden away from her. He made attempt to undress her,she kept on screaming.

" Accept your fate ". Aiden smirked at her.

"Noo". Dave echoed from his sleep and woke up to reality. He checked outside, it was still dark,all he could hear was the chirping sound of birds. He made attempt to sleep but the nightmare kept on reoccurring. He took a glance outside to see if his sister was safe.

"Thank goodness". He said as he heaved a sigh of relief as he saw her still tied to the tree.

He just sat down looking around with tears in his eyes, wondering why their lives got ruined like this. They sleep in their gigantic rooms,eat whatever they wanted, played about and were cared for but not anymore he was a slave bullied by the others,his sister was stripped half naked tied to a tree to face humiliation while Erika is just a maid ,but not the way she was treated back then.

"Young Master". Erika called his name as she knocked the door of the store with some rice ball and wine in her hands.

Dave scrambled towards the door and opened it. His mouth was wide opened to see Erika.

"Quickly let me in". Erika said as she forced away inside and Dave locked the door

"What are you doing here". He asked in a low tone.

" I came to give you food". She said as she brought out the things and started eating and drinking

" How did you get those?". He asked as he stuffed them in his mouth.

"Young Master, I took the left overs from the kitchen" . She answered with a worrisome look. She can't just bear the pain he had gone through.

" What If you are caught Erika?". He asked her because he knew the consequences if she was caught. He doesn't want her to get into trouble because of him.

" Young Master, if I get in trouble because of you, it's not a big deal". She said as she peeped though the window to see who is coming.

"Time out, I need to get going". She said as she packed the plate. While she was preparing to go, Dave turned her around and kissed her.

" Ever since we have met, I had a crush on you but I don't know how to say it too you". He confessed his feeling.

" I also had a crush on you". She said as she left the room blushing.

He looked at her as she walked briskly to the kitchen. Finally, sleep overcame him.

The sage has gotten to the heart of the forest and he muttered a few words under his breath.

"I hope he has not wandered off". He said as he entered a tunnel which led to a mysterious garden unapproachable to human feet. This is the very place where mythical creatures protecting this mountain appear. This place is called starlight garden. In this garden,a divine being that had been protecting a mountain has lived for a thousand years.

" Hayden! where are you?". The sage called out. " It's me, Kung Pao!". He yelled out. When no one answered him, something struck his memory

"Oh no, he didn't possibly ...".He turned back and he knew Hayden had gone to the town. He began his journey back to town to get him.

In the forest, an handsome young man was seen running as fast as lightning. That was Hayden,the mythical being that has lived for a thousand years. He jumped as high that even his shadow was seen on the moon. He landed on a rock close to the brothel.

A woman came out of the brothel to pack Mia's clothes. She glanced at Mia and shook her head in pity.

"What is this all about?".Mia asked in a breaking voice.

"Do you even know what tree you are tied to?". The woman asked her

"No,I don't''. Mia answered her question as she wondered why all this is happening to her.

"It's a humiliation tree, daughters of prominent men that are stubborn are tamed by tying them to this tree". She said.

"Humiliation tree?". Mia said with tears in her eyes

"Just give up all your pretty pride as a noble child and leave it behind on the tree, when morning comes, just plead for mercy from Miss Wolfry, asking for her forgiveness or else you may suffer something worse!". The woman said and she left her alone.

" Listen! Listen!". Mia screamed but she did not answer."How dare you do this to another person like you? Please set me free! Hello". She said as she cried out loud.

Hayden heard her cry and in a jiffy,he landed on a tall tree that faced the tree she was tied to. He kept on looking at her as he wondered why a beautiful lady was stripped half naked and was still tied to a tree.

" Help me". She said as she saw the masculine figure on a tree.Her vision was blurry,she just blacked out.

Hayden heard what she said and he tried to save her but he remembered his promise to kung Pao that he will never have anything to do with human beings. He just sat on the tree as he looked at her. He had fallen in love with her already.