

This isn't a novel . You can just say this is a short story of a person on his path to invincibility. PS- I am a newbie.THERE IS 16 CH ONLY.

CuriousDreamer · 奇幻
16 Chs

CH 13

With the ancient threat exiled beyond reality, a period of reflection and cultural exchange blossomed across the empire. John ensured all peoples now shared in the prosperity achieved through their struggles. On a small frontier world, a chance archaeological discovery hinted at deeper mysteries...

Cave paintings were found depicting bizarre rituals around a fissure leading into the planet's core. John's scholars noted similarities to petroglyphs from distant eras, implying an unknown civilization had sealed some presence within. Against the priests' warnings, John declared the site would be excavated for insight into their world's past.

Crystal-enhanced drilling bore into the planet, descending through layers of stone and memory. Strange energy signatures hinted at what lay below. Then, the drill broke through into a vast cavernous vault, its walls engraved with sigils that writhed at the light's touch. At the chamber's heart was a perfectly circular fissure, sealed by a silvery barrier radiating power.

Gingerly, John's scholars scanned the barrier for clues to its function. Their instruments revealed it was forging the fissure itself out of existence, containing some presence that perceived reality as only raw material for its hungers. Before John could react, a tremor shook the vault as the barrier flared bright, then dimmed - its ancient seals now cracked and flickering.

A noxious wind rushed from the fissure, bearing spores that melted flesh. Scholars fled in horror as the barrier collapsed, freeing after aeons a will that knew only consumption. John stood firm against the horror's emanations, understanding he must reseal this evil or see it spread to devour all.

But containing such a presence would be the greatest challenge of his eternal existence. And so the die was cast to battle dark forces that predated existence itself, threatening to reduce all to fuel for their hungers beyond mortal comprehension.

John understood confronting the presence unleashed from its aeons of imprisonment would push him to the limits of divinity. Its malignant emanations had already reduced the scholars to ash, twisting the vault itself into a nightmarish parody. Only his immortal essence granted resistance to the miasma of madness radiating outward.

Reaching across the empire with his being, John summoned his pantheon to the small world. They arrived with haste, comprehending the depth of the threat. Anthropic surveyed the corrupted vault with horror. "This evil reduces all to fuel for its hungers. We must contain it at all costs!" Ethereal sang prayers to soothe minds against the maddening influence.

Even Ferrous, mightiest of the demigods, shuddered at perceiving the presence through instruments. "Its very nature is chaos given form. Only by working together can we reforge the seals binding it." With that, the pantheon entered a war council like no other. For long hours strategies were debated, then a desperate plan was formed.

Anthropic would craft artifacts infused with the essence of law and order itself to counter the presence. Ethereal began weaving a hymn to stabilize the mind against its maddening whispers. Ferrous constructed a cage within the fissure of blackest adamantine, its atomic structure attuned to imprison such chaos. While they worked, John stood vigil against the presence's corrupting influence spreading.

When all was prepared, the pantheon enacted their desperate ritual. Anthropic's artifacts flared, their light twisting the vault back to its original state. Ethereal's hymn helped John and Ferrous withstand direct exposure as they descended. At the fissure's heart, the presence had coalesced into a formless darkness that writhed at their coming.

With combined effort, Ferrous heaved open the cage and John hurled the darkness within, slamming the doors behind. Anthropic's light flared, melding atoms within the cage together at the subatomic level. Ethereal's song peaked as runes blazed across the blackened cage, sealing it beyond mortal science.

The ritual was complete, but a toll was taken. Ferrous' bulk was cracked and blackened. Ethereal lay shuddering, her songs reduced to whispers. Even Anthropic flickered weakly, his light dimmed. But the presence was contained once more, banished for eternity or until the heat death of existence itself. John wept at the cost of victory, praying none would ever be foolish enough to release that which should remain imprisoned. The empire was safe once more, though at a terrible price.