
Chapter 229 Mei Is Shy

" how you saw it, the kitchen and dining room area are well equipped, I usually prepare breakfast early so if you want to eat with me you should get up early, the bathroom always has running water, but if you want to take a shower you should heat water with firewood, come; I'll take you to your room. "With an enthusiasm hard to hide, Mei continued to show Desmond around her house.

Desmond didn´t think the girl's mood was strange, from what he had seen Mei's life wasn´t easy, Desmond knew that the path to strength was full of difficulties and Mei certainly had to go through many of them to reach their strength and even with this being the case, Mei's life didn't seem to be going very well.

At least from what Desmond observed so far, it seemed that despite her position as a central disciple, Mei was being alienated by the sect, Desmond could only guess that this was related to the reason why they even sent assassins after her, but he didn't have any proof.