
Path of the Extra

After a tragic accident that claimed the lives of his parents and little sister, Leo, just 17 years old, found himself shouldering all responsibilities alone. By some miracle, he survived the past four months on his own—attending high school, juggling multiple part-time jobs, and enduring sympathetic gazes that pained him. The only respite he found was in books, which offered him an escape and some semblance of joy. One day, while engrossed in the book 'Path of Heroes: Battle Against the End,' his life took an unexpected turn. Halfway through the story, he inexplicably found himself transmigrated into the world of Path of Heroes, inhabiting the body of Azriel Crimson—a character never mentioned in the story's first half. An extra. Someone seemingly irrelevant to the plot. Unfortunately—or perhaps fortunately—fate had other plans, and Leo soon discovered that being a mere extra was not his destiny after all. -------------------------------------- Character illustrations will be available on Discord. Discord: https://discord.gg/9zZ69PVNFJ Also: Powerstone = PS 200 PS = 1 Extra Chapter 400 PS = 2 Extra Chapters 600 PS = 3 Extra Chapters

Crypthh · 奇幻
96 Chs

Prelude to Genesis [1]

Men and women in pristine white lab coats moved methodically through the sterile, fluorescent-lit lab.

The room was filled with typical laboratory equipment: microscopes, vials of chemicals, and computers humming with data analysis.

The soft beeping of machines echoed faintly.

At one of the large windows, the view was nothing but an endless expanse of snow, a white desert stretching as far as the eye could see.

Snowflakes drifted lazily from the sky, which, despite being a crisp blue, gave no warmth to the scene.

It was 4 a.m., but the brightness outside made it feel like the day had refused to end.

Among the scientists stood three men dressed in black military uniforms.

One of them, with jet-black hair and eyes to match, stood out as the target of muffled snickers.

The others—both soldiers and scientists—tried their best to suppress their laughter, their smiles betraying their efforts.