
Chapter 19

~Alison's P.O.V ~

Fire just inhaled everywhere inside of me. I grabbed him by the ear and began practically dragging him inside to Chief Boden's office

"Hey lady let me go!" He complained

I walked inside not looking at anyone as I made my way to his office. I knew everyone was giving me looks but I just walked straight to his office. I knocked before opening the door slightly

"You got a minute Chief?" I asked

"Come on in"

I walked in exposing the kid next to me as I closed the door and let go of his ear

"What's going on here?" Chief asked

"Oh I will tell you what's going on chief" I said as I crossed my arms and looked at him before looking back at the chief "This kid has been the guilty little thing who's been messing with my equipment"

Boden looked at the kid "What?"

"Yea, because of this little twit I got suspended" I said with fire surrounded my eyes

"Is this true?" Chief asked the kid

"What's it to you?" The kid gave attitude

Who the hell is this kid?

Chief stood up from his desk "Leave him here Alison. I will speak to him"

"Good Luck" I opened the door and walked out. Once I got back to the main room everyone was quiet. I sat at the table

"So who was that?" Otis asked

"That.. was the damn kid who had been messing with my equipment. And in result making me get suspended then basically me getting kidnapped and almost killed" I said not looking at them

"Wait that's who's been messing with your stuff?" Kelly asked

I nodded "Yup"

"Wow" Mouch said from the couch

Later that day after shift was over I went home and Jay was already there

"Hey, how was work?" He asked

"Not so great" I said taking off my jacket and approaching him in the kitchen as he cooked dinner

"What happened?"

"Well I caught this kid coming out of the equipment room. Turns out the kid was the one messing with my stuff all along"

Jay sighed "What happened?"

"I don't know. I took him to Chiefs office but I don't know what happened from there"

"Wow. A kid" Was all he said

"Tell me about it"

"Oh hey we got the invitation today" Jay said as he walked back to what he was cooking

"For who?" I asked

"For officer Ray and his fiancé Linda"

"Oh that's right, when is it?" I asked

"Next Saturday"

I nodded "Alright well I'm gonna go shower"

"Okay baby. Dinner will be out by then" He said as he kissed my forehead and I walked to the room

The next day I walked into work and straight into Chiefs office. I knocked on the door before opening it up

He looked up at me and he already knew what I was gonna say

"I turned the kid in. He's gonna have some time in juvenile detention"

I nodded "Good. Thanks"

I turned around and about walked out

"Alison" Boden said

I stopped and turned around

"You gonna be okay?"

Before I could get a word out the intercom came on

"Truck 81, Squad 3, and Ambulance 61. Studio fire Empire street"

"I'm good" I said before walking out and he followed me out

We arrived not soon after the call to the scene. Once we got down we made sure the pedestrians were out of the way. I walked to the man freaking out

"Sir is there anyone inside?" I him

"Yea some people are still inside please get them out" He said

"Alright 81 go inside" Boden said

"You got it" I said as we all geared up and put our mask on

We went inside and looked around

"Chicago Fire Department call out!" I yelled

The flames of the fire fulfilled the studio. I walked through the door to see someone laying on the floor. I walked over to him and checked him pulse. I grabbed him and began to take him outside. After I went outside he began to cough

"Is everyone out?" I asked

Everyone nodded while squad was putting out the fire. Brett approached us and took the guys arm

"Come on" Brett said

The guy turned to me "Thank you"

I nodded as I turned and helped the guys put out the fire. We got back to the house and settled ourselves down

"So you guys going to the wedding of officer Ray?" I asked as I sat around the table

They nodded "Yup"

I turned to notice Hermann simply staring at me "What's up Hermann?"

"I'm so amazed on how you were freaking out back there at the scene"

I looked at him baffled "Why would I freak out?" I asked

"Because did you not notice who it was that you saved back there"

"Uhhhh no?"

"That was Justin Bieber"

I stopped to think "Wow. Wait how big of a fan are you of him?"

"Oh I'm not. I got a niece who loves him" Hermann said

"Wow. Just Bieber" I said "I didn't see that coming"