
Chapter 40: Mai Nhien's punishment

Quan Mac Tinh opened the door to the room, she saw Quan Nhu Ca sitting playing the piano, feeling a little reassured, she knew Quan Nhu Ca had a burden in his mood, Quan Nhu Ca always had to try to improve himself to achieve the expectations of his parents . The incident happened today, Quan Khai Minh has told her, she will pay more attention to Quan Nhu Ca.

Quan Mac Tinh stood with her back to the wall, the sound from the guitar was clear and emotional, Quan Nhu Ca has a talent in the field of art, she makes others impossible to criticize. Quan Mac Tinh must also recognize Quan Nhu Ca's talent.

The music ended, Quan Nhu Ca looked at Quan Mac Tinh standing at the door of the room.

"My milk tea." Quan Mac Tinh put down a cup of milk tea on the Quan Nhu Ca table, she still remembers that Quan Nhu Ca likes chestnut milk tea.