
Chapter Fifty four

"Bones, Susan," Professor McGonagall said loud and clear and a flushed brown haired girl came to the front and rushed towards the stool. She sat down with a loud poof as she fumbled with her hands. The sorting hat looked like it was thinking for a second before screaming out: HUFFLEPUFF

Susan seemed relieved as her shoulders relaxed and she smiled brightly while walking towards the Hufflepuff table where cheers erupted. "Boot, Terry," professor McGonagall yelled.

I tried to pay attention to the rest few sorting but it all seemed to blur, I felt my eyes move from person to person and it all slowed down. It was harder and harder to breathe, maybe the nervousness finally did hit me hard, or I ate something wrong.

I took deep breaths to try and calm myself but it was becoming harder and harder. I felt like I was about to pass-

"Parkinson, Pansy,"

I snapped my eyes to the sorting hair and the weird squeaky chair. I straightened my posture and walked ahead, all the feelings from before seemed to fade as I slid on the chair and felt the sorting hat cover my eyes.

"Nervous ay," The sorting hat said within my mind. I had to swallow loudly to not gasps. I felt a little thrown off guard by everything, I was prepared yet it was all so much more different than I had imagined. It was all so familiar and new, and I had to readapt.

"Most kids are you know, nothing to be nervous about, I already know where you belong," the sorting hat said as if to comfort me. "Quite odd I must say if you had come in a few years earlier I would have definitely placed you in Ravenclaw, but the new sly demeanour that you have taken on at your grandparent's estate seemed to have changed you,"

"Don't look that deep," I said in my head. I tried not to show my anger and fear. "Sorry, but I am obligated to do so, quite a rough childhood but better than most," it said. "I should not compare my childhood with most, even if theirs is worse mine still brought along trauma," I snarked back in my head, I felt terrified and my snarky comment was my defence mechanism.

"I know, most kids have. Your the type that is perfect on the outside but will slowly burn out within, if you want to live happily mentally I suggest finding a different hobby other than studying, something to do with your hands. So when it gets rough you can work your body physically rather than mentally to cool down," The sorting hat said.

"I am eleven why would I understand such things," I said back,

"Because you and I both know you are mature, too mature," the sorting said finally before screaming out "SLYTHERIN,"

I was hushed towards the Slytherin table which was clapping loudly with lots of cheers. I heard lost of boos from the other tables one person on the Ravenclaw table even screams. "Of course, the one in a thousand genius is sent to Slytherin,"

I felt people pulling on my sleeves and on a girl just pulled me down next to her, I was about to send her an annoyed glare when I noticed it was Milicent. "Sorry," she smiled

here ya go

and if you don't like the story I am so sorry and I hope you find something that fits your tastes

Timiscreators' thoughts