
Panda Gets EXP By Sleeping?!

Blakely Arcas is a socially dense 15-year-old who hates wasting her energy on unnecessary things. "Why make the bed if I will be getting back into it later on?" "Is it really necessary to spend four years with a bunch of loud, obnoxious teens just to get a piece of paper? How about we cut the time in half? Make it two years instead. More time to sleep". When a new VR MMORPG is released, her best friends make her play it. "What do you mean I can be or do whatever I want in the game?! I want.... I want to be a Panda!" *I do not own the cover; please don't sue me. I will take it down, I swear! *

Ignavia_Ursa · 奇幻言情
155 Chs

Panda Gets Forced to Work in the Mines

Blakely found herself in a breathtaking meadow, a vibrant expanse that seemed to stretch infinitely in all directions. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and a gentle breeze rustled the tall, emerald-green grass. The sky above was a perfect canvas of soft blues and pinks, with wisps of cotton candy clouds lazily drifting by. The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden light that bathed the entire meadow in a serene glow.

Scattered throughout the meadow were clusters of wildflowers in every imaginable color. Patches of red poppies, bluebells, and daisies created a kaleidoscope of hues that contrasted beautifully with the lush greenery. Butterflies flitted from flower to flower, their delicate wings catching the sunlight as they danced through the air. In the distance, a crystal-clear stream meandered through the meadow, its gentle babbling adding a soothing soundtrack to the idyllic scene.