
Panda Gets EXP By Sleeping?!

Blakely Arcas is a socially dense 15-year-old who hates wasting her energy on unnecessary things. "Why make the bed if I will be getting back into it later on?" "Is it really necessary to spend four years with a bunch of loud, obnoxious teens just to get a piece of paper? How about we cut the time in half? Make it two years instead. More time to sleep". When a new VR MMORPG is released, her best friends make her play it. "What do you mean I can be or do whatever I want in the game?! I want.... I want to be a Panda!" *I do not own the cover; please don't sue me. I will take it down, I swear! *

Ignavia_Ursa · 奇幻言情
155 Chs

Morphantasia's System Forums

Thread Title: Ursa Minor Guild - Dominating the Leaderboards!

User: StarryKnight

Posted: 2 hours ago

Hey everyone! Can we take a moment to talk about the Ursa Minor guild? These guys have been killing it in Morphantasia lately. They're at the top of the guild rankings, and it doesn't look like they're slowing down anytime soon. I mean, did you see how they took down Erysichthon, the Primordial Dragon of Chaos? Absolute legends.


User: LuminaLover

Posted: 1 hour ago

Yeah, they're amazing! But don't forget the Crown of Light guild. They're right behind Ursa Minor in the rankings. The Church of Lumina really knows how to raise powerful Morphers. I wouldn't be surprised if they caught up to Ursa Minor soon. Also, have you heard of the new Blackhole guild? They've been causing quite a stir...

User: StarryKnight